The predictions below are from a former CIA insider. They are intended for American citizens only.
See the Trump/Musk-endorsed New Tech that can save them. Plus: Getting in on it NOW could potentially turn $4K into $106,000 in 6-12 months. [Information below]
Hello. My name is Jim Rickards.
You’re about to see my evidence how…
Five years from today,
The 7 biggest companies in human history…
Worth a combined $17 TRILLION…
Will be DEAD in the water.
Unless, that is…
They’re SAVED by a brand-new technology just now coming to market.
Then consider this…
The handful of companies behind this new tech…
Are still almost completely unknown.
Soon, they’ll be the new Nvidias, Teslas, and Apples.
That means, getting in on them early could become…
The best wealth-building opportunity of our lifetimes.
With the potential to turn a modest $4,000 investment…
Into a life-changing $106,000…
In as little as 6 months.
If that’s a lot to take in…
I should probably tell you…
The CIA, the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and the White House trusted my insights and predictions…
So if you give me a few minutes of your time…
I’ll show you everything you need to know.
You’re about to be one of the few Americans…
Who has witnessed the truth about this coming crisis…
And the potentially life-changing opportunity…
That is opening up right now.
You see, two of the biggest tech industries on earth…
Artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies…
Both depend on one specific resource…
And it’s drying up.
Within 5 years – maybe much sooner…
There won’t be enough.
If that happens…
It will devastate Big Tech.
The collapse will crash the stock market…
And could very well take our entire economy down with it.
They are rescued by this new technology…
Which is not only supported by Elon Musk…
But that is also fully endorsed by President Trump.
And, as you’ll see today…
It will become a cornerstone of his legacy.
In fact, the widespread roll out of this tech will be…
I’ll show you what I mean in a moment.
Friend, you’re about to see what I believe will one day be remembered as…
The most important new technology since the light bulb.
I predict the companies building it now…
Will become the mega-corporations of tomorrow.
When you view my evidence here, I know you’ll agree.
But the most exciting part for you is this:
These future stock market behemoths…
The small companies behind this revolutionary new tech…
Are, as of now…
Sailing under the public’s radar.
That means, if you know exactly what to do…
Getting in early on this world-changing technology…
Could present the best wealth-building opportunity you’ll ever have.
Based on the intelligence available to me, I believe…
A small investment into one of the companies building this new tech…
Could return astonishing 2,550% gains...
In just 6-12 months.
That kind of return would turn $900…
Into almost $24,000.
Or a larger stake of $4,000…
Would become a $106,000 windfall…
Over just a few months.
Or think even bigger…
Because $38,000 into the companies behind this AI and crypto-saving tech…
And that’s what I’m going to show you here today…
So let’s get started now.
My name, again, is Jim Rickards.
As I mentioned…
I’m a former advisor to the White House, Congress, the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Department of Defense.
I’m also an attorney, investment banker…
And author of seven books on global finance and economic policy.
I hold Master’s Degrees in both International Economics and Taxation.
Places like Fox, CNBC, and Bloomberg call me when they want to know what’s about to shake up the world economy.
The Nixon administration brought me in to help craft the Petrodollar Accord with Saudi Arabia.
Then, I helped end the Iranian Hostage Crisis for the Reagan administration.
My work has taken me inside the private West Wing of the White House.
I’ve attended strategic sessions in the “Vaults”…
The secure meeting rooms deep inside the Pentagon.
Here’s a photo of me there. (This is all I’m allowed to show you of the inside.)
I even hosted the first ever financial war games for the Pentagon.
I’ve been inside the CIA Directors’ secure conference room on the seventh floor of Langley headquarters.
I’m also a regular on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast…
And count many of Trump’s advisors and allies as my close friends…
Thanks to my background…
When it comes to politics and our economy…
I have unique access to the players, and…
I know the game better than almost anyone.
That’s why…
Despite 99% of polls saying the exact opposite…
I stood outside Trump Tower a few days before the 2016 election…
And predicted Donald Trump would be our next president.
I was right then.
I was right again about the 2024 elections…
Publicly announcing Biden would be forced to drop out 6 months before it happened…
I also called Trump’s win again…
And even predicted the exact final electoral college tally…
But, make no mistake…
I’m no politician…
And I don’t work for the media.
I don’t need anyone’s money…
So I can’t be bought and sold like all the talking heads out there.
I work for one of the largest and last…
Fully independent American publishing firms.
That means I am free to say what others won’t.
And if it means I take some personal risk, so be it.
Because, just like you…
I’m a Proud American Patriot.
And the valuable predictions you’ll see here today…
Are based on my independent research…
Insights from the intelligence community...
And my personal contacts inside Trump’s inner circle.
But, just in case you think I’m full of hot air...
If you’re skeptical that I have a direct line to President Trump…
Check this out…
People who follow me know…
I've been calling Biden and AOC’s idiotic “Green New Deal”...
The “Green New SCAM” since they introduced it back in 2019…
I’ve used the more accurate “Green New SCAM” phrase…
Both publicly and behind closed doors hundreds of times.
Now watch this clip…
From my mouth to his ears?
Well, I can’t know for sure, but I do know this:
I count President Trump’s inner circle among my friends, colleagues and like-minded patriots…
Which is why I believe…
I have an inside track on what Trump's planning next.
And it’s going to be BIG.
If I’m right again…
You’re about to see a one-time opportunity for good Americans…
Who know exactly what to do…
To take a $4,000 stake…
And potentially turn it into as much as $106,000…
In as little as 6-12 months.
I’m dead serious.
That’s what I’m going to show you right now.
These days, you can’t open the news without hearing about the Big Tech twins:
Thanks to the AI craze…
The so-called Magnificent 7 tech companies…
That’s Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, Amazon, Google’s parent company Alphabet, Facebook’s parent Meta, and Elon Musk’s Tesla…
Have risen to heights the world has never before seen.
The market cap of the Magnificent 7 is about $17 trillion.
That means just these 7 companies exceed the GDP…
Of every country on earth except the US and China.
If you add the approximately $4 trillion market cap of crypto to the mix…
These Big Tech twins are bigger than China as well.
Ok, now imagine this scenario…
Five years from now…
These two MONSTER industries…
Which make up a third of the entire S&P 500’s market cap…
Are dead in the water.
What would that do to the stock market?
Would it take down the entire US economy?
Well, as you’re about to see…
This scenario is already starting to play out.
Because both AI and crypto are completely dependent on one resource.
A resource more valuable than oil, gas, or gold...
And there isn’t enough of it.
Soon, their ability to innovate and grow…
Or even just operate their businesses…
Will grind to a halt.
The vital resource they need is, of course, electricity.
Sure, we take it for granted…
But that’s about to change.
In just the next few years…
For the most valuable companies in human history (and all of us too)…
You see, not many people are talking about this…
But AI data centers…
These are the huge facilities that house the servers and infrastructure for AI, online data storage, and the internet…
Are in danger of crashing the US electric grids.
That’s because…
One AI data center campus can use more electricity…
Than a city the size of Philadelphia or Phoenix.
Or even entire US states.
I’m serious.
And, over the next 5 years, it’s estimated…
HUNDREDS more data centers will be popping up across the country.
These centers already use up about 4% of our total electricity.
But that’s nothing compared to 5 years from now…
When it’s estimated AI data centers could account for as much as…
25% of all the electricity used in the entire United States.
That’s mind-boggling.
In fact, they need so much electricity…
Major cities like Amsterdam, Dublin, and Singapore have outlawed new centers…
Because their power grids simply can’t handle the massive demand.
And reports say new home construction in parts of London has been banned until 2035.
Because even in a city of 9 million people…
London’s data centers are using so much power…
There’s not enough electricity left for new residential development.
But here’s the thing few people know:
We’re in the same boat.
Our power grids are already dangerously overloaded.
And hundreds of new data centers are planned, approved, or already under construction.
In fact, the International Energy Agency said…
Power demand for the AI industry is expected to grow at least 10 TIMES…
By next year.
It’s a fact.
Our grids cannot make enough electricity to support this massive new demand.
It’s a catastrophe that’s coming to a head now.
More on that in a moment…
Because it’s not just AI that could overload our grids.
There’s also…
I’m sure you’ve heard of “mining” for crypto?
That’s when new bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are created.
To do it…
Hundreds of supercomputers perform trillions of calculations per second…
Often running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
So it won’t surprise you to know…
They suck up an enormous amount of power.
Globally, crypto mining already uses as much electricity as the Netherlands…
A country of 17 million people.
And more crypto mining is done in the US than any other country.
In fact, a study in Texas estimated crypto mining could require 25% of the entire state’s peak electricity supply.
Now think about hundreds of new AI data centers also about to come online…
The bottom line is:
A catastrophe is about to happen.
Jason Shaw is chairman of the Georgia Public Service Commission, which regulates electricity.
“When you look at the numbers, it is staggering,” he said. “It makes you scratch your head and wonder how we ended up in this situation.”
“How were the projections that far off? This has created a challenge like we have never seen before.”
“We are seeing demand growth like we haven’t seen in decades,” said John Moura, director with the North American Energy Reliability Corporation.
“Our infrastructure is not being built fast enough to keep up with the rising demand.”
Power grid infrastructure is extremely expensive and complex.
Adding more capacity can take 15 years to plan and build…
We don’t have 15 years…
Heck, we don’t have 5 years.
The problem is, for the past couple decades…
Our country’s electricity usage has been essentially flat…
With an increase in demand of about half a percent a year.
Now, because of the meteoric rise of power-hungry data centers and crypto mining…
Our nation is suddenly facing an unprecedented spike in electricity needs.
In fact, compared to industry estimates made in 2023, just two years ago…
New US electricity demand over the next 5 years is expected to be 5 TIMES higher.
The last time our country saw a sharp rise in demand like this…
Was World War II.
And even if the American public isn’t being told much about it…
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted, “I actually think before we hit [computing constraints], we’ll run into energy constraints.”
Mark Ganzi, CEO of DigitalBridge, predicts the current data center growth rate could cause energy depletion “in the next 18 to 24 months.”
And Andy Cvengros, managing director of data center markets at Jones Lang LaSalle, said...
“Across the board, we are seeing power companies say, ‘We don’t know if we can handle this; we have to audit our system; we’ve never dealt with this kind of influx before”…
“Everyone is now chasing power. They are willing to look everywhere for it.”
But where will they find it?
It sure won’t come from “green” energy.
While the Left is jabbering on about electric cars…
Wind and solar farms can go rust.
You see, this coming crisis wasn’t caused by a lack of resources…
But by the Left’s extreme “green” policies.
In the name of fighting climate change…
Their “woke” energy policies have been forced down our throats.
Of course, like every American…
I have nothing against so-called “green” energy sources like solar and wind in theory…
IF they could power the grid...
But they can’t.
That’s just a fact.
And unlike the Dems…
I actually know what I’m talking about.
You see…
I own the largest private solar farm in New England.
Solar works fine on a sunny day.
The problem is…
Some days aren’t sunny.
And, of course, solar panels make no power at night.
Same thing with wind turbines.
They’re useless when it’s not windy.
As former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Neil Chatterjee told Fox News…
“We have prioritized [‘green’ energy] over reliability and, sadly, it is going to take catastrophic events to recalibrate things.”
The result of the Left’s incompetence?
Higher prices for me and you…
Less competitive American businesses…
And a less energy-secure nation.
Well, the bill is coming due for their braindead policies…
Grid failures in Texas that cost American lives as people froze in their homes…
California running out of electricity…
So the greeniacs were ordered to stop charging their electric cars…
(You can’t make this stuff up)
In fact, about half of the United States is now at risk for power outages…
And even could soon face electricity rationing.
This is the price of Dem incompetence.
But, as you just saw here…
It’s about to get much worse.
Because our nation’s electricity demands are skyrocketing to levels never seen before.
So, the way I see it…
If you want to move away from fossil fuel power plants…
There’s only one option.
Thanks to the Trump-supported new energy technology you’re about to see…
I’m talking about enough power…
For all the data centers, crypto mining, our military, growing American industry, you and me…
And ALL our nation’s energy needs…
Today and tomorrow.
This revolutionary energy innovation is better than ANY current technology.
It uses a tiny amount of a common fuel…
To pump out megawatt after megawatt of reliable electricity…
For up to 30 YEARS before it needs refueling.
Oh, and it produces almost ZERO pollution…
So even the greeniacs can’t complain about it.
In fact, if my prediction plays out like I am sure it will…
Trump backing this new, smarter energy technology…
Will become his revenge against the Dem’s failed “green energy” policies.
But here’s the most exciting part for you.
I believe the companies behind this new technology…
Will soon be the new Wall Street giants.
After all, in our tech-obsessed world…
The demand for electricity is only going to increase.
Because you’re watching this today…
You’re going to know all about this new energy tech BEFORE the general public catches wind.
For now, the companies behind this tech breakthrough are still mostly unknown.
That’s an incredibly exciting position to be in.
Because, I predict…
Getting in early could create the most lucrative investment opportunity you’ll ever see.
I’m now predicting 2,550% gains…
In just 6-12 months…
Again, that would turn a $4,000 stake…
Into a huge $106,000 gain…
In just a few months.
In a moment, you’ll see…
The new energy technology being built now…
That will provide our grids with an endless supply of electricity…
With almost no waste or pollution.
It runs on a fuel that is abundant in America…
And may not need refueling for 30 YEARS.
Based on my research, I now believe…
This breakthrough will make the US energy independent…
And solve our energy crisis today…
And for the future.
No matter how much more electricity our country needs.
What is this new energy tech I’m talking about?
Get ready to welcome back…
Nuclear power.
But – and this is important…
I’m not talking about the old nuclear power plants we have now.
I’m talking about Nuclear 2.0.
Nuclear 2.0 is a new kind of advanced nuclear technology.
It’s being finalized right now.
When it comes to market…
Nuclear 2.0 will change EVERYTHING
New, advanced Nuclear 2.0 reactors…
Will be the safest, most reliable form of energy in human history.
With new reactor designs…
That shut down AUTOMATICALLY in the event of an accident.
That may only need to be refueled every 30 years…
And make so little waste you could store it in a shoebox.
That’s something the greeniacs never seem to mention is it?
Did you know…
Even “old school” nuclear power produces just a tiny amount of environmental waste?
As President Reagan once said…
In fact…
ALL the commercial nuclear waste EVER produced by the US…
Going back 75 years to 1950…
Is equivalent to the amount of coal used by US power plants…
Not to mention…
Nuclear power plants run on small amounts of uranium.
Which is an abundant natural resource….
500 times more common than gold.
And nuclear power produces ZERO environmental pollution.
Of course, the greeniacs just keep on crying…
“Nuclear is dangerous! Good heavens, the radiation!”
Well, let’s look at that too…
Did you know…
Just one dental x-ray is 1,000X MORE radiation
Than the average American would get from a nuclear power plant over an entire YEAR?
“Ok sure,” the greeniacs will whine…
“But what about the accidents?”
“What about nuclear meltdowns?”
Remember Three Mile Island?
It was the site of the most famous nuclear incident in America…
When it suffered a meltdown on March 28, 1979.
But here’s the thing…
Guess how many people died in the Three Mile Island “nuclear disaster”?
No one even got sick.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has now admitted the event…
“Had no detectable health effects on plant workers or the public.”
And, of course, there was the 2011 “reactor meltdown”…
Caused by a tsunami in Fukushima, Japan.
Guess what?
Again, there were….
ZERO reported deaths or cases of radiation sickness
In the immediate aftermath of Fukushima.
Even so, the nuclear industry has used what it learned from past incidents…
To engineer even safer reactors...
That are 1,600 times LESS likely to experience a severe accident.
In fact, the newest generation of nuclear reactors are so strong…
They can withstand a direct hit from a fully fueled Boeing 767.
Truth is…
Natural gas power plants have a 100X higher mortality rate than nuclear power.
And coal plants?
2,500X more deadly.
Heck, solar energy causes 11 TIMES more loss of life than nuclear…
And even wind power is multiple times more deadly than nuclear…
Let me repeat that…
Nuclear power is the SAFEST form of energy.
Including the Left’s “green” solar and wind farms…
Are you surprised?
Elon Musk isn’t.
He’s a huge believer in nuclear.
Here are some of his thoughts on nuclear…
So what’s going on?
If you suspect the liberal press has been lying about nuclear safety…
You’re absolutely right.
Everything I just showed you is a matter of public record.
All this information is easily available to every politician or so-called “environmentalist”...
Truth is…
The Left’s “anti-nuclear campaign” has been a masterpiece of spin…
It’s a con job.
Because of their lies…
Zero new nuclear plant permits were issued between 1979 and 2012…
And since 1996, almost 30 years ago…
Despite the vast increase in electricity demand…
Only two new nuclear reactors have come online…
That’s about to change.
Big time.
Nuclear 2.0 is almost here.
It will make nuclear energy even safer…
And much cheaper.
It’s the right power source…
To keep our nation strong and secure forever.
And, most importantly, I believe…
Nuclear 2.0 has the full backing of the most powerful human on earth:
President Donald J. Trump.
The fact is…
This man sees the future better than almost anyone I know…
And President Trump was all-in on nuclear in his first administration.
He signed two groundbreaking new laws…
The Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act…
And the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act…
The purpose of these new laws?
To bring back nuclear power to America.
These laws were designed to…
Drain the regulatory swamp surrounding nuclear, and…
Speed up the development of new, advanced reactors.
As Trump’s Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry said at the time…
“Bringing our nuclear energy industry back… that’s on the front burner.”
And Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming chimed in,
“I applaud President Trump for signing this significant nuclear energy legislation into law.”
“It will make sure the United States remains a leader of nuclear energy innovation.”
I’ll say it again…
President Trump LOVES nuclear power
And my research and political insight tells me…
Nuclear power will be a cornerstone of President Trump’s second term."
During his campaign…
Trump talked often about expanding nuclear energy across America.
Speaking with Shawn Ryan, a former Navy SEAL and CIA contractor, Trump said…
At a rally in Pennsylvania, President Trump doubled down…
“We have to stay at the top. We want to be right at the forefront, otherwise China and other countries will take it over. That’s both of them: AI and crypto,” Trump said.
To do this… “We will make a historic commitment to bring [Nuclear 2.0] reactors online,” he said.
There you have it.
In fact, I believe…
Within his first 100 days in office…
President Trump will proclaim a “New Day for Nuclear”…
Announcing smart new policies to support private sector nuclear innovation…
Slash the current regulatory hurdles…
Open up the markets…
Create lower consumer energy costs through competition, and…
Ensure safe, reliable Nuclear 2.0 plants are installed across our nation.
Ok, it’s time to show you Nuclear 2.0.
And how anyone can cash in…
Before it hits the mainstream…
Potentially, over the next 6-12 months…
Turning a modest $4,000 stake…
Into as much as $106,000.
Nuclear 2.0 is a game-changing technological breakthrough in nuclear plant design and operation.
As we speak…
There are more than 70 new reactor designs in development…
To create the first commercial Small Modular Reactors.
Small Modular Reactors, or SMRs…
Are a REVOLUTION for nuclear power.
Forget the massive, costly reactors we’re used to seeing…
They’re dinosaurs now.
And President Trump has given them a full-throated endorsement...
Saying at a 2024 rally…
“We will make a historic commitment to bring advanced, Small Modular Nuclear Reactors online,” he said.
He also called SMRs “ultra safe… ultra clean, and they’re very low cost.”
He knows what he’s talking about.
And while very few other people know much about them…
Over the next few years…
They’re going to change how much of the world – including the US – gets its energy.
Because old-style nuclear power plants, like any major utility…
Are vast, complex engineering and construction projects…
Often taking decades to build…
And at astronomical cost.
Small Modular Reactors are different.
“Modular” means that…
Instead of being built on-site…
They can be assembled in a factory.
That means…
Production can easily be scaled as necessary…
And costs will fall as production increases.
In fact, down the road…
SMRs could be produced at the same scale as airplanes.
And when they’re built…
An SMR reactor is small enough…
To be brought to the site on the back of a truck.
They’ll be dropping SMRs next to solar and wind farms…
To supply the reliable electricity the “renewables” can’t…
Another big opportunity is putting them on brownfield sites…
To replace coal-fired power plants…
And some SMRs are being designed…
To operate for 30 YEARS without refueling.
SMRs are also even SAFER than “old style” nuclear reactors.
In an accident…
These things are designed to shut down AUTOMATICALLY.
The chance of any radiation being released is basically non-existent.
And SMRs give off hardly ANY carbon or greenhouse gases…
So even the greeniacs can’t complain...
And while the public has been kept in the dark…
Five of the six top nuclear-producing countries in the world are currently licensing or constructing SMRs.
And a company founded by Bill Gates…
Is installing its first Small Modular Reactor in a Wyoming coal town.
In just a couple years…
That single SMR will provide enough electricity to power 345 small towns.
That’s just the start…
Several US utilities and power consortiums…
Including PacifiCorp, part of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway...
Are now partnering with manufacturers to build SMRs.
And data center operator Equinix is betting its future on Small Modular Reactors.
The company has signed a letter of intent to purchase power from a nuclear startup backed by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.
They said their SMRs would generate up to 15 megawatts of power…
And operate for over a decade without refueling.
Oracle also plans to build a data center campus with three SMRs.
There’s still more…
Google recently announced…
It will consider signing a power-purchase agreement with an SMR developer.
And some cryptocurrency miners are asking…
To be among the first customers to use SMRs to power their data centers.
Not only that…
Small Modular Reactor development is now backed by the US Department of Energy…
Which is investing $3.2 BILLION to support these projects.
Revolutionary Small Modular Reactors are being finalized now.
Soon, they could solve America’s electricity needs for today…
And for our great nation’s future.
And there’s nothing the Dems or greeniacs can do about it.
That’s good news.
But that’s not why we’re here.
Because I believe…
Certain companies now building SMRs…
Will explode with growth…
When the Nuclear 2.0 boom hits.
When that happens…
I want the right kind of Americans to benefit.
Because not many people know about SMRs yet, I predict…
If you invest in the right companies building SMRs now…
BEFORE they come to market, and…
BEFORE the Trump administration goes all in on Nuclear 2.0…
The financial opportunity for you and your family could help change your lives.
In fact…
Getting in on SMRs now…
Picture this…
If you’d put $10,000 into Apple stock when it first went public in 1980…
You’d now be sitting on a $13.7 million fortune.
Or if you’d put $10,000 on Amazon 30 years ago?
You’d now be worth a staggering $15.8 million.
But here’s the big difference…
To see those kinds of returns took decades…
I predict…
Seeing massive returns from the best Nuclear 2.0 investments won’t take decades...
Or even years…
Investors could see…
Up to 2550% returns in just 6-12 months.
Because people like me…
Who’ve spent their careers in the world’s financial markets…
Know energy stocks have a history…
Of rocketing up in value…
Very, very quickly.
And getting Trump’s backing could be like…
Dumping a 50-gallon drum of gasoline on a campfire…
Let me show you exactly what I mean…
And what you should do next.
Because if I’m right…
Getting in on the right Nuclear 2.0 investments now…
How am I getting that 2,550% figure?
Is it just pie in the sky?
Absolutely not.
Energy stocks can increase in value quickly.
VERY quickly…
Especially when driven by a change in the market or a new technology…
For example, from June 2020 to February 2021…
Daqo New Energy stock rocketed up 1002%.
And, between March 2020 and Jan 2021…
Residential energy corporation Sunpower’s stock…
Soared to a 1,734% gain...
Think even bigger…
Fuel cell company Plug Power’s stock…
Went on an incredible run in that same time period…
Doubling again and again and again…
Until it peaked at a staggering 2,551% GAIN.
Imagine someone who had put $10,000 into Plug Power at the start of its run…
And stayed in to its peak just 9 months later…
They’d have been sitting on $265,000.
A gain of more than a quarter million dollars in only a few months…
Think about it…
Less than one year to bank a possibly life-changing amount of new wealth...
Enough wealth for a person to do almost anything they had only dreamed of before…
Friend, if I’m right about this…
Investing in the right SMR companies now…
Could bank the kind of gains you saw above…
Where a $10,000 investment…
Could have grown into an astonishing $265,000…
Over just 9 short months.
It gets better.
Think even bigger…
Much bigger.
Here’s a question…
What happens when a country’s leader gets behind a new energy policy?
In November 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced India was planning to increase its use of clean energy.
What happened?
Those stocks shot up faster than a schoolkid sitting on a thumbtack.
From November 2021 to February 2024…
SG Mart Ltd., a solar and wind energy producer…
Saw its stock soar over 5,800%.
It wasn’t alone…
Over the same time period…
Gensol Engineering Ltd.’s stock…
Rallied more than 3,200%...
Zodiac Energy Ltd. went up 1,000%.
And Waaree Renewable Technologies Ltd. raced to 1,800% gains.
Imagine the possibilities Nuclear 2.0 holds…
Which could soon power the entire world…
Safely, reliably, without pollution…
And will never run out of fuel…
And has the endorsement of the world’s most powerful human…
President Donald Trump?
Can you imagine the global demand…
For this new breakthrough in cheap, reliable, safe energy?
If this plays out like I expect…
The right SMR investments…
Could match…
Or even EXCEED the gains I just showed you.
1,734% gains…
2,551% gains…
5,800% gains…
Or maybe better.
Of course, these are rare examples of gains that could have been made using perfect timing.
And while there are no guarantees in the markets…
All investments carry risk, and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose…
But it’s also true:
A similar 2,550% gain to what I showed you just now…
Which I believe the right SMR investments could equal…
Of course, you don’t need to invest $4,000.
You can get in for much less…
Using the same 2,550% gains I showed you…
Even a small investment of just $300…
Would balloon to almost $8,000 of new wealth.
On the other hand…
With a much larger starting stake of $38,000…
That same gain could become…
A truly life-changing $1,000,000 windfall.
And, of course, you don’t have to believe me, or even do any of this…
But let me ask you one thing…
Have you missed out in the past?
Did you get in on Tesla stock before it blasted off like a SpaceX rocket?
Did you buy Bitcoin in its early days?
Or did you watch from the sidelines…
While others celebrated their new wealth?
Friend, if you’ve missed out before…
You don’t have to this time.
Because, don’t forget, I predict…
New Nuclear 2.0 will have one advantage none of the stocks I mentioned did…
The backing of Elon Musk…
And President Donald Trump
As I showed you a few minutes ago…
Trump loves nuclear.
And if I’m right…
And the Trump Administration gets fully behind Small Modular Reactors…
The opportunity for you could increase exponentially.
We’ve all seen what happened when Trump’s Truth Social went public…
For comparison…
When Facebook Inc. went public in 2012…
It was valued at about 12.5 times its annual revenue.
Trump’s Truth Social?
At its initial public offering, it was likely valued at…
More than 2,000 TIMES annual revenue.
That, my friend, is the awesome power of Trump.
There’s more…
In 2019, Trump tweeted about a possible acquisition involving the automaker Workhorse.
His three little sentences…
Created stock market pandemonium.
Immediately after Trump’s tweet…
Workhorse’s trading volume EXPLODED BY 15,000%...
Going from an average of 345,000 shares…
To 46,000,000 shares that day.
In fact, Trump’s tweet created so much activity…
It crashed the company’s website for hours.
Time and time again…
A single sentence from President Trump sent the entire stock market SOARING…
On February 9, 2017, Trump tweeted about a coming tax announcement…
The markets surged to new record highs.
On August 26, 2019, Trump announced new negotiations with China…
The stock market went up 300 points…
On December 12 of that same year…
A simple 16-word tweet about China…
Sent the market soaring 365 points…
On October 5, 2020…
When President Trump announced he was leaving the hospital after having Covid…
The Dow Jones gained 450 points.
Fact is…
Anything he says; the market listens…
Ok, you’ve now seen Nuclear 2.0…
The Small Modular Reactors that are going to be a game changer…
Permanently solving our nation’s energy crisis.
And I’ve shown you the potential of energy stocks for huge, fast gains…
And how President Trump’s backing could be like pouring rocket fuel over a campfire…
Now it’s YOUR turn
For too long good people like you have been victims of the Dems’ anti-American policies.
Are you ready to WIN instead?
Do you want to potentially pad your savings…
Seeing a small stake increase by 1,000%, 1,800%...
Or even 2,550% or MORE?
You see…
There’s a very good reason I sent you this today.
I’ve made it my mission to share with every good American…
The financial opportunities usually reserved only for the 1%ers.
I’m tired of the Wall Street and Silicon Valley fat cats raking it in…
While real Americans worry about their retirement accounts.
That ends today.
As I mentioned earlier…
I come from very humble roots…
But because of what I’ve learned…
And a unique financial secret I’ll show you in a moment…
I’ve made myself into a wealthy man.
If you look at my track record on closed stock positions…
And it’s not just me saying it…
These are published, on-the-record results.
scroll to see my 90% win rate
Be honest with yourself…
Are you winning on 90% on your stock picks?
Or to think of it another way…
If 9 out of every 10 stocks you invested in ended up winners…
How flush would your retirement account be right now?
Friend, I’m sharing my 88% track record for only one reason…
You see…
I spent my career becoming an expert on one thing above all others…
I worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and global finance for 40 years...
On the front lines of the world’s most volatile markets.
I held senior positions at Citibank, Caxton Associates, and the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management.
Because of this background…
The CIA, the Department of Defense, and the White House turned to me for my economic expertise…
I’ve been inside the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury, Wall Street, the Pentagon, and everywhere major financial decisions are made.
My experience and connections give me a unique insight into what’s about to happen…
And when it comes to showing you how to build new wealth…
You want someone with my credentials.
Don’t trust anyone with less.
That’s why I am so confident…
Nuclear 2.0…
The best Small Modular Reactor stocks…
Will become…
Right there with AI.
My background tells me…
The opportunity for new wealth here is HUGE.
And YOU can still get in early.
It should be clear by now…
There’s not much time to waste.
Even if the public doesn’t yet know much about Nuclear 2.0…
Global demand for SMRs is already sky high.
And if I’m right…
If President Trump throws his unprecedented influence behind Nuclear 2.0…
And if the opportunity plays out like I predict…
Hundreds or even thousands of Americans…
Could become new millionaires.
The good news is, as of today…
There is still time for YOU to get in…
But you can’t delay.
You must act now.
Anyone getting in on Nuclear 2.0 now…
BEFORE the public knows much about it…
could potentially…
Grow their $4,000 investment…
Into as much as $106,000 or more in the next 6 to 12 months…
And never have to sit on the sidelines…
Wishing they had acted when they had the chance.
But you won’t miss out this time…
Because, right now…
Sadly, many good people have suffered under the Left’s failed policies.
That can’t be helped now.
But I love our country.
I want real Americans like you to have a shot at true financial freedom.
This time…
Instead of the “tech bros” and Wall Street elites…
I want YOU to win today.
That’s why I’ve put together something just for you.
What you’re about to see isn’t available anywhere else on earth…
I’m talking about…
A true step-by-step gameplan for getting in early on Nuclear 2.0…
For investing in the SMR companies I’ve identified as poised for explosive growth…
For potentially earning massive gains from this new technology…
Outsmarting the greeniacs…
And emerging stronger, safer, and WEALTHIER than before.
I’ve now put down everything you need to know…
To get in on the best SMR stocks…
In a valuable new report I want to send you today, called…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
Inside “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan”, you’ll find…
The 5 SMR stocks…
I believe could explode with value over the next 6-12 months…
I even included my recommended price guidelines…
That way, you’ll know when to get in, and…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” report is a true step-by-step guide…
For getting in early on the best Small Modular Reactor stocks…
So you can potentially enjoy enormous gains…
And never feel like you missed out on your own chance for new wealth.
In your personal Nuclear 2.0 report…
I’ve done all the work for you.
You’ll find everything you need to know…
Written in plain English.
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll get:
I showed you today how…
Revolutionary Small Modular Reactors, or SMRs…
Are the future of energy in America.
They’ll put an end to the Dems’ failed “green” solutions…
And they’ll replace the huge, complex, expensive utilities we normally think of…
With smaller, safer, simplified reactors.
These new SMRs will be assembled inside a factory…
Shipped to wherever they’re needed…
And then put together module by module.
SMRs provide reliable, scalable power…
Day in, day out.
And, of course, they give off almost ZERO pollution…
But there’s something else different about them.
While old school nuclear plants are generally government led and funded…
Most SMRs are being developed through good, old-fashioned private investment.
That means you can get in on many of them…
BEFORE they rocket up in value…
But you have to know exactly where to put your money.
You see…
About 70 different companies are currently working on their own SMR design.
Most won’t come to anything.
But a handful are poised to win big from SMR technology…
And if you get in on these companies…
It could feel like getting in on the ground floor on Apple or Tesla.
Because it’s not just our country that will be clamoring for the winning SMRs…
They’ll be huge in China, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia…
And even all over the developing world…
But, as of today…
Few people know much about them.
With the new report I wrote for you…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
On the 5 companies I predict will win the SMR race.
And, with what you’ll find inside your new report…
You could soon be holding smart SMR investment positions…
BEFORE the Nuclear 2.0 investing frenzy starts…
And that’s still just the start of what you’ll find in your new “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” report …
You’ll also get…
The 5 best PRIVATE companies developing Nuclear 2.0…
Before they go public or are acquired… So you’re ready to pounce.
You’ll be in the best position to quickly cash in if they go public…
Way ahead of anyone else.
And that’s still not all…
Because your new report includes a BONUS section…
On Nuclear 3.0.
Nuclear 3.0?!
I’m talking about FUSION reactors.
Fusion reactors make power the same way the sun does…
Generating endless, massive amounts of electricity…
With almost ZERO radioactive waste…
And ZERO danger.
Fusion has long been the holy grail of energy production.
So far…
No one has developed a commercial fusion reactor…
But a few firms are getting closer…
When they succeed…
Fusion reactors will change the entire world.
There are 3 companies I believe are now close…
To bringing a commercial fusion reactor to market…
Including one firm in which…
Sam Altman, the man behind Open AI…
Has invested $375 MILLION…
I know I’ve held you here for a while…
So I’m not going to go into nuclear fusion reactors...
And how they could become an all-time goldmine for smart investors…
Instead, you can read all about Nuclear 3.0…
As a bonus section inside your new report…
Including the 3 companies I’ve now identified…
As on the bleeding edge of nuclear fusion technology …
These 3 companies are leading the race to bring a fusion reactor to market…
And in your new “Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” report…
You get all 3.
And for every investment opportunity I reveal in your new report…
You also get my step-by-step guidance…
Leading you through everything you need to know.
I even show you all my research…
In easy-to-follow language…
So you always know exactly what to do…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” report is your private roadmap…
To creating wealth from the coming nuclear energy revolution…
Through this presentation ONLY…
I’m going to show you how to get your own copy today.
That’s not a misprint.
Just minutes from now…
You could be holding your own personal copy of…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
Including my 5 best SMR investment opportunities…
And the 5 private Nuclear 2.0 companies positioned for huge gains if they go public…
Plus, bonus coverage of…
The 3 companies I believe will win the race for a commercial fusion reactor…
You’re about to have EVERYTHING you need to know…
Before your neighbors…
Before the public…
And before even many “expert” investors catch wind of this opportunity…
I’ll show you how to claim your own copy in just a moment.
But if you’re wondering HOW I identified these potential winners…
Here’s why my new “Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” report is so valuable…
And so important for you...
You see, I built my personal wealth…
Using a special system I developed…
It’s a revolutionary way of looking at the financial system and stock markets.
My system has allowed me to win 9 out of 10 times in the market.
It’s built around something called Complexity Theory.
This is unlike anything you’ve heard of before.
I estimate less than 10 people in the world know how to apply it.
Complexity Theory gives me insight on exactly how the coming Nuclear 2.0 revolution could play out, including…
What stocks could rocket up in price.
Of course, all investing does carry risk. And nothing is ever guaranteed in the markets…
So I never recommend you invest more than you can afford to lose.
However my use of…
Complexity Theory was designed to find PROFIT even during times of global turmoil…
Does it work?
If you look at my track record on closed positions…
I’ve picked winners almost a 90% rate.
And that’s not just me saying it…
These are published, verified results.
Think about your own investment track record…
Are your stock picks winning almost 90% of the time?
Or to think of it another way…
If 9 out of every 10 stocks you invested in ended up winners…
And that’s why I’ve taken the best insights using my Complexity Theory system…
Which only a few people on earth know how to use…
As well as my experience in investment banking…
The global markets…
And my contacts in Trump’s Inner Circle…
And used them to write your new report:
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” is designed to show you exactly…
How smart Americans can get in on Nuclear 2.0 NOW…
BEFORE the public catches wind of this new energy technology…
How to invest in those 5 companies poised to generate huge gains…
From the launch of Small Modular Reactors.
So you might feel like you invested in Amazon or Apple in their earliest days…
And enjoy the potential for life-changing gains…
Where, if I’m right…
A $4,000 initial stake…
Could possibly be worth $106,000 or more…
In just 6-12 months.
Now, of course, you don’t have to do any of this.
You can sit back and watch others get in if you like...
But by watching this full presentation…
I know you’re a lot smarter than most…
And your eyes are wide open.
You see that President Trump loves nuclear power.
You see America will soon be transformed by Nuclear 2.0 technology.
And you see there’s not much time to get in before the coming frenzy.
That’s why, today…
I’m going to share the full “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” report with you.
I feel it’s my responsibility to good American citizens…
Who are ready to WIN
Friend, I believe “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan”…
Is your roadmap to seeing your personal wealth GROW…
Even while much of America faces difficult financial times.
If that makes you slightly uncomfortable, I understand.
But the fact is…
Most people wait on the sidelines while others prosper…
Or they sit back and trust our government to bail them out…
You know as well as I do…
That won’t happen.
By sticking with me this far…
I know you’re a person of action…
With your private copy of “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” in hand…
You could WIN.
And win BIG.
When you get your personal copy just minutes from now…
You’ll get the full benefit of my 40 years inside the CIA, Pentagon, Department of Defense, and the White House…
Helping lead a major investment bank…
And using my Complexity Theory system…
To identify the Nuclear 2.0 stocks and other assets…
On the verge of major growth.
You’ll have a chance to get in on all of them...
See your own personal wealth grow
In a moment…
You’ll claim your own copy of…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
Inside, you’ll get step-by-step details on the 5 little-known Nuclear 2.0 energy opportunities…
I’ve identified using Complexity Theory…
And that few “experts” currently see coming.
Just say “Yes” to this opportunity today, and you’ll see…
How SMRs will revolutionize energy production across the US and the world…
Which of the 70 different SMR technologies under development win out – and why…
And the 5 companies tied to SMRs…
I believe are both undervalued…
And poised for major gains.
If you’re interested in getting in…
As soon as you open your easy-to-read report…
You’ll see exactly how to invest in these 5 companies.
Including when to buy in…
And how you could potentially walk away with big profits.
Plus, you’ll also get 5 private Nuclear 2.0 companies to watch…
So that you’ll be ready to win big the instant they go public…
You’ll also find a bonus…
The 3 companies I predict…
Will win the race to build a commercial fusion reactor.
Claim your personal copy of “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan” report today…
Follow the step-by-step gameplan I’ve outlined for you…
Then sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride…
Because you’ll be informed, protected, and possibly…
Look, America is still a free country.
All of this is your choice.
You can get the report and decide to do nothing at all…
Or invest just a little to potentially pad your savings…
Or you can invest more...
Recognizing the unique opportunity Nuclear 2.0 holds…
Learning about the companies I believe…
Are best positioned to exploit the coming nuclear energy revolution…
Following the plays I outline for you…
And potentially winning BIG.
It might infuriate AOC and the greeniacs…
But there’s nothing they can do about you profiting from their failures.
And you’ll be the only one on your block who knows these secrets.
Of course, feel free to share them with your most trusted friends and loved ones.
They’ll be so grateful.
And you can relish helping them win from Nuclear 2.0.
All you need to do is say “YES, Jim” today…
And I’ll rush you your own personal copy of my new report…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
That’s correct.
I’ve already set aside one copy for you.
And you could have it just minutes from now…
But, first…
I predict..
Getting in on Nuclear 2.0…
Will dramatically improve your personal financial circumstances…
But it can’t undo every clueless Democrat policy.
No matter what the future holds…
I want your new wealth protected from every possible angle.
And anyone who has followed my career knows…
I trust the strength of one form of wealth more than any other…
Gold is the most stable long-term form of money the world has ever known.
Throughout human history, there have been thousands of fiat currencies (“paper money”).
And as far as I can tell…
100% of fiat currencies have eventually lost ALL value.
But gold?
Gold has been accepted as currency across the globe for more than 5,000 years.
And when upcoming digital currencies radically alter the world banking system…
I’d rather put my faith in 5,000 years of human history.
Gold has always increased in value over time
And, of course, it can’t be tracked.
That’s why, in addition to your personal copy of “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan”…
There’s another report I want to send you today…
With my most sincere compliments…
It’s called, “The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio: Everything You Need to Know About Buying the Right Kind of Physical Gold.”
It’s only 35 pages long…
But it answers everything you need to know to help protect your new wealth, including…
Is gold safe to invest in?
How much should I invest in precious metals?
What kind of precious metals should I buy and in what quantities?
Which kinds of metals should I avoid?
Where are the best places to buy gold (and other precious metals)?
And what are the best — and safest — ways to store them to avoid theft or government confiscation?
In your copy of…
“The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio: Everything You Need to Know About Buying the Right Kind of Physical Gold.”
You’ll have all the information you need to invest in precious metals the RIGHT way.
But that’s still not all I have for you.
I just finished writing you one more report…
You see, I’ve learned of another little-appreciated asset that’s a liquid form of wealth…
Like gold…
It can’t be tracked or traced…
It’s completely legal and easy to find (if you know where to look)…
Over time, its value has steadily grown.
But very few people know anything about its investment potential…
I believe you must include this “secret” asset in any off-the-grid portfolio…
I tell you exactly what it is and how to get it in…
“America’s Secret Currency: Get in on the Ultimate Private Asset.”
If you want to keep your new wealth hidden away from the government’s prying eyes…
You’ll want to read this report right away.
And here’s the best part…
I’ve made it possible for you to have ALL 3 reports today…
Your Report #1: “Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
Your Report #2: “The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio: Everything You Need to Know About Buying the Right Kind of Physical Gold”
And your Report #3: “America’s Secret Currency: Get in on the Ultimate Private Asset”
Let me show you how…
When you claim your 3 reports a moment from now…
You’ll be prepared to:
Ride the Nuclear 2.0 wave with new technologies that could gain big during the coming American energy revolution…
Including how to get in on the 5 best companies building small modular nuclear reactors…
You’ll learn exactly how and why investing in these companies…
Could potentially secure you significant new wealth…
While creating a portfolio…
That will have you looking like a genius…
Increasing your retirement savings…
And possibly enjoying true financial freedom for all your future days.
Then, I’ll also show you how to make sure…
By holding the perfect amount of the right kind of gold…
And investing in America’s little-appreciated, untraceable, liquid asset…
With the 3 reports I’m going to send you today, you’ll…
Potentially increase your personal wealth with specific asset holdings…
Protect your family during a time when many Americans will struggle…
And be in a position of power compared to others who don’t have your knowledge…
Here’s the best part…
All 3 reports are yours today… FREE.
I’m 100% serious.
Here’s how to claim your reports now…
You’re about to join an elite group of people…
Who know the truth about the coming Nuclear 2.0 revolution…
And how to make it work to their own personal advantage.
What you’ve learned today isn’t widely known.
The media has largely ignored Nuclear 2.0…
On this and so many important issues…
The American public is being led to the slaughter.
But there are some who are prepared.
And who are ready to profit despite any coming turmoil…
You see, everything you’ve seen today…
Was first shared with a small circle of patriots…
Every month I take what I’ve learned from my research, contacts, and connections…
And I include only the most valuable intelligence…
In a newsletter I call Strategic Intelligence.
In each issue of Strategic Intelligence…
I warn my readers of the coming threats to our economy and our freedoms…
In 2008, I predicted the US housing collapse.
No one believed me at the time.
Three weeks later, Lehman Brothers went belly up and markets crashed…
Devastating the retirement savings of millions of Americans.
Then, in 2016, the “experts” were shocked when I predicted Brexit…
The media said it could never happen…
Until I was proven right.
Then, despite 99% of polls showing the opposite…
I stood outside Trump Tower the night before the 2016 election…
And declared Donald Trump would be our next President.
I did it again in 2024…
Predicting Biden would be forced out of the race…
And then predicting the exact electoral college tally.
I don’t limit the intelligence I share to domestic events…
Several months before the first shots were fired in Ukraine…
I alerted my readers this war was an almost certainty.
It gets bigger.
I’m watching a global situation unfold right now that could make all these events seem minor…
There’s a coming crisis that would bring devastating bank defaults across the world…
Including here in America.
Not only that…
I’m also hearing early whispers of another military conflict brewing…
And this time it’s much closer to home.
Because of my contacts and experience…
I have access to certain information even our own government doesn’t know…
And I share every detail with my Strategic Intelligence readers.
But even better than that…
By taking advantage of Complexity Theory…
My revolutionary way of looking at the financial system and stock markets.
Complexity Theory is unlike anything else out there.
Again, I estimate less than 10 people in the world know how to apply it.
Complexity Theory gives me unique insight on exactly how American and global events will play out…
What stocks might crash…
And what assets could shoot up in value…
Letting my readers take full advantage of my 90% win rate…
And don’t worry…
If Complexity Theory sounds, well, complex…
It is.
But you don’t have to do any math.
I tell my readers EXACTLY what they need to do…
Whether someone is brand new to investing…
Or has been day trading for decades…
I make all my recommendations as clear and simple as if I was just chatting over a beer.
Not only that…
Complexity Theory allows me to warn my Strategic Intelligence readers well in advance of any coming collapse.
And about threats to their wealth and security that are still on the horizon…
I use my expertise to help show my readers how to build smart investment positions…
In stocks, bonds, cash, art, land, precious metals, and other hard assets.
Of course, many of these opportunities are slower moving.
What I now predict for Nuclear 2.0 will be faster and bigger than anything I’ve recommended.
I’d like you to join my “inner circle” of Strategic Intelligence readers.
If you say “Yes, Jim”…
You’ll be privy to the similar secrets, predictions, and advice…
I usually reserve only for the US intelligence community…
My goal with Strategic Intelligence is to help you PROFIT while others flounder.
Every month, I’ll write to you…
Keeping you informed and armed on how the Nuclear 2.0 revolution is unfolding.
Telling you about only the best new wealth-building opportunities as they arise…
Advising you when to get in…
And when to get out…
But I go much bigger than that…
Because I’ll also warn you about any potential triggers that may set off an economic or social crisis.
And I’ll use Complexity Theory to give you specific investment recommendations…
And wealth protection strategies intended to…
Help you increase YOUR wealth, even during major American and global events.
My Strategic Intelligence issues are unlike any other resource on the planet.
Only YOU will be prepared to thrive no matter what storms shake our nation...
Only YOU will benefit from insights and advice from 40 years’ operating at the highest levels of government and financial institutions.
Each monthly Strategic Intelligence dossier is easy to read and follow…
But you should know…
I don’t pull any punches.
Strategic Intelligence is for Americans who appreciate the uncensored truth…
And who want to WIN while weaker thinkers struggle.
I believe you’re poised to profit from the Nuclear 2.0 revolution….
I believe you’ll never sit back…
And let someone else take what you rightly deserve.
So, let’s do this now.
Say YES to my invitation.
Join my circle of monthly Strategic Intelligence readers…
I request a small fee to join.
It helps cover my time and the expense of mailing each monthly dossier.
It’s normally $299 a year…
Which is a bargain for the level of insight you’ll gain…
And the potential profits you’ll enjoy.
After all, my speaking fee at events is typically $25,000.
And my clients don’t blink an eye.
They know their returns will far outpace that investment.
$299 is NOT what I’m going to ask you to pay today.
The situation is urgent…
There’s still time to get in early on the coming Nuclear 2.0 revolution…
But the clock is ticking..
And I don’t want there to be any reason…
YOU won’t have the potential to turn $4,000…
Into $106,000 or more over the next 6-12 months.
To make it as easy as possible for you to get on board right away,
I’m discounting the regular price by over 80%.
Today, I’d like to offer you a six months (6 issues) subscription of my Strategic Intelligence newsletter for just $49.
That’s more than an 80% discount.
And it means for the equivalent of just a few bucks a month…
You’ll get…
Private insight into threats to your financial security and personal freedoms…
And wealth-building opportunities most people will never hear about.
Plus, I guarantee today’s special discounted price will never increase as long as you’re a subscriber.
Even if I’m forced to raise the price in future…
Your 80% discount is locked in forever.
But it gets better…
Because, when you subscribe today…
I’ll immediately send your 3 FREE bonus gifts…
FREE Report #1…
“Your Nuclear 2.0 Gameplan: How to Create $106,000 in New Wealth”
To help ensure YOU get in on the Nuclear 2.0 stock boom…
BEFORE the public catches wind.
You’ll see how new technology and private investment…
Could send 5 nuclear energy companies soaring…
And how YOU can get in on them NOW before it’s too late…
Building your own “Nuclear 2.0” portfolio now…
Could give anyone the chance to turn $4,000…
Into as much as $106,000 or more.
And I showed you how a $38,000 stake…
Could mean you’ll be writing me in a year to say…
Before it’s too late…
Get in now for the opportunity…
To see your retirement savings swell with new wealth.
You’ll find everything you need in your free report.
Then, you’ll also get your…
FREE Report #2:
“The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio: Everything You Need to Know About Buying the Right Kind of Physical Gold”
5,000 years of history proves that gold outlasts every other currency.
But I believe the price of gold could skyrocket due to coming digital currencies.
In your second free report…
You’ll find everything you need to know…
About investing in gold before the price goes through the ceiling…
Finally, you’ll also get…
FREE Report #3:
“America’s Secret Currency: Get in on the Ultimate Private Asset”
Your new report exposes a little-appreciated asset that can’t be tracked or traced…
And has increased in value over time.
This “secret” asset should be a part of any off-the-grid portfolio…
And, in “America’s Secret Currency” I show you everything you need to know.
All 3 reports are my gifts to you…
Simply for giving my Strategic Intelligence investment research service a try.
And, make no mistake…
Your 3 reports are truly a gift.
They’re always yours to keep…
Even if you end up canceling for a full refund.
Let me explain.
In a moment…
You’ll have the opportunity to join my inner circle of Strategic Intelligence readers…
When you do…
That way, you will have them within minutes of subscribing today.
Then, I’ll also start sending off your exclusive monthly Strategic Intelligence dossiers as soon as I write them…
When they arrive in your mailbox…
I encourage you to read them right away…
Because some of the best investment opportunities I bring you are time sensitive.
But please: make sure the value to you FAR exceeds the subscription fee…
Make sure you’re seeing the chance at real profits…
On the little-known investment opportunities I recommend to my subscribers…
Make sure the threats and market shakeups I warn you about in advance every month happen nearly just as I predicted…
And make sure you feel smarter, more secure, and more powerful than you did before you subscribed.
Take your time.
In fact, take up to a full 3 months of reading your Strategic Intelligence dossiers…
And, anytime during those 3 months, in the very unlikely event that…
You feel Strategic Intelligence isn’t worth at least 10X what you paid…
I want you to cancel for a full and complete refund.
And you keep your 3 free reports no matter what.
Let me repeat that…
When you subscribe today, you’ll immediately receive all 3 of your free gifts:
And you’ll also get my newsletter Strategic Intelligence…
Where you’ll find…
My ongoing insights using Complexity Theory…
On exactly how Nuclear 2.0 could play out…
What stocks might fall…
And what assets could shoot up in price.
As well as how to build investment positions in stocks, bonds, cash, art, land, precious metals, and other hard assets…
And so much more…
Let me be totally clear: if at any time during those first 6 months…
You feel Strategic Intelligence is not worth many times what you paid…
Just request a full, 100% refund…
And I’ll be happy to oblige.
Plus, I want you to keep all your issues and all your free gifts…
Even if you ask for a refund.
No silly questions asked, no fine print.
The way things used to be done in our country.
It doesn’t get any fairer than that, does it?
I’m taking the risk for you…
Because it’s that important you prepare now…
To WIN during the coming Nuclear 2.0 energy revolution.
And speaking of risk…
That brings me to one more free gift I have for you today...
This one is a little to the side from what we’ve talked about so far today…
But I have a feeling you’ll recognize the value right away.
I don’t need to tell you…
Weak-on-crime Democrats have made our streets the most dangerous of our lifetimes…
And with today’s emboldened criminals…
Good Americans aren’t even safe in our own homes anymore…
That’s why I’ve decided to throw in a BONUS gift just for you…
This one, I didn’t personally write.
Instead, I reached out to my colleague and trusted friend, Jason Hanson.
Jason is a former CIA operative.
He won the CIA Exceptional Performance Award not once, but TWICE.
That’s about all I’m allowed to say about his past experience, if you catch my meaning.
These days, Jason teaches no-holds-barred defense techniques to celebrities, top business executives, and other high-profile targets.
He’s a mild-mannered guy. An all-American family man.
You’d like him.
But when the stuff hits the fan…
Jason is absolutely lethal
If you’re ever in a crisis…
You want someone like him on your side.
That’s why I asked Jason if he would develop a personal survival guide for our country today…
And what he delivered exceeded all my expectations.
He called it “How To Make Your Home Your Personal Fortress.”
His new report is your bonus free gift today.
In this uncensored guide…
You’ll discover pro defense techniques, like…
How to implement the CIA’s 4 Concentric Rings of Defense…
To make your home Hell on earth for any intruder…
The simple tool that turns your front door into an impenetrable barrier…
Then, do you have THIS very common door lock?
If so, change it immediately.
You’ll see why in your new report. (It’s important.)
Jason also included…
The 6 steps necessary to survive a “societal level event” that lasts weeks… or months.
One of my personal favorite chapters is where…
Jason reveals covert “spy secrets” for moving undetected at night.
Finally, Jason shares the most important information of all:
How to defend your family and property against multiple attackers.
This section gets intense…
But there’s nothing pretty about facing a group of thugs who want to do your loved ones harm.
As Jason sees it, once someone enters your home…
They’ve abandoned any expectation of mercy.
I completely agree.
And with the firefighting strategies you’ll get in your bonus report…
They’ll regret ever crossing your property line.
With Jason’s “intelligence operative” techniques…
You’ll confidently walk inner city streets or anywhere else.
And that’s all still just a few of the spy-level secrets you’ll get in…
“How to Make Your Home Your Personal Fortress.”
Under Jason’s expert guidance…
You and your loved ones will never be victims.
And that’s why I’m including “How to Make Your Home Your Personal Fortress”…
As a 4th FREE report when you subscribe today.
Again, when you agree to try Strategic Intelligence you’ll get:
Just minutes from now…
All of your 4 free reports will be waiting in your inbox.
You can ask for a full, no-questions-asked refund at any time during the first three months…
And, even if you refund…
You keep all your Strategic Intelligence dossiers…
And all 4 of your reports.
No matter what.
But, there’s one final thing…
You must act now.
The Nuclear 2.0 investing opportunity I shared today is time sensitive…
Once the public gets in on it…
The chance for huge gains could be lost.
Plus, this special 80% OFF offer can’t last.
So, please…
Accept my personal invitation now.
Are you ready?
Ready to WIN from Nuclear 2.0 – the return of safe, reliable nuclear power?
Ready to potentially GROW your personal wealth as much as $106,000 or more…
Ready to increase your power and prestige…
Holding valuable knowledge others don’t have?
Ready to protect your home, family, and new wealth…
No matter what events unfold in America?
That’s what you’ll get today…
In your Strategic Intelligence dossiers and 4 free reports…
Ok, it’s time.
Time for you to decide how the coming Nuclear 2.0 opportunity plays out for you.
Will you sit on the sidelines?
Will you choose to WIN…
By potentially increasing your personal wealth, security, and power?
Right now, there’s a button under this presentation.
It says “Next Step”
Go ahead and press that button now.
NEXT STEPWhen you do, you’ll be taken to a secure, encrypted reservation page.
There you can tell me exactly where to send your 4 free gifts…
Remember, you take no risk.
You can cancel for a full 100% refund any time in the first three months…
And you keep all your Strategic Intelligence issues…
And all 4 reports – no matter what.
Press the button below now…
NEXT STEPAnd I’ll meet you on the other side.
Thank you for spending this time with me today.
For Strategic Intelligence, I’m Jim Rickards.
Press the button below to claim your 4 FREE reports.
NEXT STEPFrom the desk of Jim Rickards
February 2025