Former advisor to the CIA, White House and Pentagon…
He predicted Trump would dominate the electoral college EXACTLY 312 — 226…
His next prophecy for April 11th isn’t about immigration, inflation, or healthcare…
But it will define Trump’s presidency… and your personal finances for the next decade.
Weeks before the election, mainstream media outlets predicted Trump would lose…
Former CIA advisor, Jim Rickards, disagreed.
He not only predicted Trump’s win…
He perfectly nailed the exact electoral college landslide of 312 - 226.
The media still refuses to report on Jim Rickards’ predictions…
Just like when he predicted the Great Recession of 2008…
Trump’s 2016 Election…
The Covid Crisis…
And even Biden’s drop out.
So it’s no surprise the media still won’t show you his newest prediction…
A story so huge, Jim Rickards says it will define Trump’s presidency…
Bigger than immigration… bigger than inflation… bigger than healthcare…
Jim Rickards believes an event coming as early as April 11th could be America’s last fork in the road…
For your neighbors it could mean the difference between a lifestyle of wealth…
Or the unstoppable collapse of income, investments… and even savings accounts.
In the past few years we’ve seen tyrannical Covid lockdowns, the coup to remove Biden from office, and at least TWO attempts to assassinate President Trump…
Events that were once unimaginable — are now dangerously real.
The man who predicted all of this and more will now explain his newest prediction, set to come true as early as April 11th…
And how to profit from Trump’s new policies to make America Great Again.
Here is Jim Rickards.
When JFK was assassinated, I remember sitting in my 7th grade classroom while the principal played the news over the PA system…
On 9/11 I remember sitting in my office at the Caton Associates hedge fund watching the planes hit live on TV…
And on April 11th, 2025… my family and I will be waiting out the storm here, inside my million-dollar bunker hidden in the hills of New England.
Because what could come as soon as April 11th isn’t a natural disaster like a hurricane…
It’s not human-caused destruction like the George Floyd riots…
I believe April 11th will be a day Americans remember like we remember December 7th, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor…
A day like when my Governor, Chris Sununu, locked us in our homes to fight covid…
It will be a day you start off with your routine newspaper and coffee…
And by mid-afternoon you’re 40 miles from home desperately searching for any gas station to power your home generator.
The first AI market crash -- and I want to be clear on this point…
This will be nothing like the dot-com crash or the housing crash or the covid crash.
Because this crash is caused by AI so we’ve never seen anything like it…
And that’s a disaster…
Because through my research and sources in the intelligence community…
I’ve discovered undeniable proof linking AI systems in the stock market to a completely new kind of market crash…
And it could hit as early as April 11th — that’s when JP Morgan is expected to launch a radically advanced trading AI named “Moneyball.”
According to the evidence I’ll show you right here in this video, this new kind of AI could cause the stock market to crash by at least 20% in 2 hours…
Followed immediately by ANOTHER 20% drop as market circuit breakers fail.
Of course, the economic disaster Trump is inheriting from the Biden/Harris regime will not help these sudden crashes.
It’s just like the disaster Reagan inherited from Carter in 1981…
Trump has to fix the rampant inflation, unchecked immigration, and the completely unnecessary war in Ukraine…
And like how it took time for Reagan’s policies to make America great…
It will take time for Trump’s policies to make us great again.
But first I expect we’ll have to suffer a crash that’s far from ordinary…
Checking accounts… saving accounts… even your kid’s college fund is in serious jeopardy.
This isn’t speculation…
Experimenting with the Danger of AI is my life’s work.
As former advisor to the CIA’s AI Prediction team, code named Project Prophecy…
I leveraged an AI system using Bayes Theorem to scan stock markets for unusual trades that might indicate a terrorist attack.
Inside a secure facility at CIA headquarters called a “vault,” I consulted on AI with Vint Cerf, one of the Founders of the Internet itself.
And currently I use an AI computer built by the co-founder of Nvidia to explore kinetic, and financial war scenarios in real time.
All the details are in Chapter 2 of my new book where I show exactly how a new AI development will lead to an unavoidable disaster:
ChatGPT itself comes to the same conclusion…
In its own words predicting how:
“Stock prices will plummet…”
“Investor panic will spread…”
And “Losses will be widespread…”
Americans are not prepared for what’s coming as soon as April 11th.
That’s why I’m rushing this book into your hands today.
You’ll see the hard evidence from over 181 peer reviewed studies and articles from the Harvard University Press, The Federal Reserve, and OpenAI — the creator of ChatGPT itself.
And there’s much more…
The first chapter alone includes a full financial war game — just like the one I ran for the Pentagon.
Like when one of Wall Street’s largest firms is hijacked…
A Chinese spy fans the flames…
And the Fed is actually complicit in crashing the market by 20% in 2 hours.
My name, again, is Jim Rickards…
As the author of 8 books, including two New York Times best sellers, I’m often asked to appear on financial channels like CNBNC, Fox, and Bloomberg…
You’ll see me regularly Youtube channels like ReasonTV, Triggernometry, The Peter Schiff Show and Steve Bannon’s War Room.
I’m also an Op-Ed contributor to the New York Times, The Financial Times and the Washington Post.
The media is always hungry for my predictions because of my first hand experience as the former financial advisor to the CIA, the White House, the Pentagon, and other government agencies I can’t name here.
In my hands I’ve held classified documents with secrets that could topple 4 of the largest countries in the middle east…
Including a plan for the military invasion of Saudi Arabia…
Which I wrote myself during an all-nighter in the White House alongside Henry Kissinger’s staff.
Henry brought me in because of my specialty in Financial Warfare…
And my expertise in Islamic banking law, which I used to help craft the petro-dollar agreement that’s kept the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency for over 50 years.
If you have a brokerage account… 401(k)…
Even a checking or savings account in a major bank…
This new type of crash could put ALL of your money at risk.
That’s why I wrote this book called MoneyGPT…
And in chapter 2, on page 51, there is a deadly warning for every American — especially if you consider yourself part of the middle class.
I’ll warn you now, do not move a single dollar to or from your bank account…
Do not buy or sell any stock, option, or financial asset…
Before I show you the secrets in chapter 2, let me be clear about what my new book is NOT…
My book is not another fantasy obituary for the US economy…
There’s no talk of the unsustainable $35 trillion of government debt…
No focus on the Fed’s central bank digital currency set to spy on your purchases of gold, ammunition or political donation…
And I don’t talk about the looming crisis as Saudi Arabia recently began abandoning America’s financial lynchpin — the 50 year petro-dollar agreement I helped craft to empower the dollar as the world reserve currency…
Bottom line — my book is not about THE FUTURE.
My book is about what’s already happening today.
I’ve only uncovered the truth thanks to my high-level security access, and my contacts within the intelligence community.
It’s the first market crash that could erase 20% of the stock market’s value in just 2 hours — immediately followed by another 20% drop.
401(k)s, stock brokerage accounts, retirement plans, pensions are all at risk…
And for the first time, even your checking and savings accounts could suddenly be wiped out.
You might think your deposits are safe — insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC — that’s the law…
But if you were paying attention last year when the Silicon Valley Bank failed to the tune of $209 Trillion…
Even though the bank accounts were legally protected by the standard $250,000 FDIC insurance…
The feds reversed their own protection rules for private bank accounts…
And there was nothing any of the account holders could do about it.
That was just one bank failure.
I expect it to start as soon as April 11thth with JPMorgan…
Then spread to Bank of America…
Wells Fargo…
Our money institutions are lining themselves up to fall like dominoes in the first bank collapse since the 2008 housing crisis.
But instead of taking weeks to collapse…
The AI Doom Loop has the power to kill these banks in minutes.
People who act immediately will panic…
Grab all their cash…
And shove it into a hole for safe keeping…
Strangely enough, I’ll show you why that’s one of the worst things you can do before April 11th.
I’ll go further into that date, April 11th, in just a moment…
But first, let’s address the elephant in the room…
To understand how much damage the AI Doom Loop will cause, first we need to look at the economy Trump inherited from Biden.
This new kind of crash would be bad enough if our economy was strong, our country united, and our future full of hope…
Unfortunately, America is on death’s door…
Almost every day I sit through the propaganda pushed by babbling idiots sitting across from me on CNN…
They deny how 6.2 MILLION new illegal immigrants are driving crime through the roof…
The Democrats demand we personally sacrifice to stop climate change…
Even after Biden bombed the Nordstream pipeline — releasing 500,000 tons of methane into the atmosphere in the world’s largest act of eco-terrorism…
And they repeat blatant propaganda about how the inflation problem “isn’t really that bad”…
Lies by morons, for morons — at least that’s the intention…
They think you’re stupid.
Too stupid to believe your own eyes as the price of groceries is STILL rising at an unprecedented rate.
I listened to one college student the other week who accidentally discovered how his grocery store app saved his purchase history…
2 years ago, his grocery order of 45 items cost $126.
Just the other day, he simply pressed the “re-order” button on the app.
The same food, same brands, same quantities…
The government claims food inflation is “only” up 26%.
But in 2 years, the price of this young man’s groceries had tripled from $126… to $414.
We’ve seen the same for gas… electricity… insurance… housing…
The government’s finances are in even worse shape…
Interest payments on the debt just rocketed past defense spending AND social security as the largest government expense…
The Fed needed more emergency loans in the 2023 “economic recovery” than it did during the 2008 global financial crisis…
And the BRICS countries are buying record amounts of gold in preparation to ditch the US dollar… ending our run as the world’s reserve currency.
Establishment Politicians got us into this mess…
And while I believe the policies of Trump and Elon Musk will lead us to long term safety…
Right now, in the short term — Biden’s reckless executive orders on AI are gasoline on the fire of our burning economy.
As we speak, major investment firms like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup are implementing AI because they believe it will help them make more money.
And on the surface, they’re right.
Over 71 peer-reviewed studies show AI system can outperform human traders.
These are advanced AI programs using layered neural networks, deep learning, and millions of pages of training materials.
That’s a lot of tech-talk to say AI makes decisions and executes trades almost instantly.
Now of course Wall Street already runs algorithms that trade faster than humans…
Strings of computer codes programmed to execute trades based on a narrow set of rules…
But AI is completely different.
Because instead of following strict guidelines set by programmers…
For example, JP Morgan created a completely unsupervised AI platform called COiN to analyze legal documents.
Before COiN, reviewing contracts took 360,000 hours of manual review by lawyers every year — and 80% of mistakes were due to human error.
With the COiN AI, the work is 100% accurate and it’s done in seconds.
Apply those same benefits to AI Traders…
Replacing human traders who can get paid up to $30 million INDIVIDUALLY a year…
With super-intelligent robots that don’t ask for a penny in salary or benefits…
Robots that work 24 hours a day, seven days a week without any breaks…
With breathtaking results:
This chart shows an AI trader code-named “Candlelight” in a LIVE test against the S&P 500…
This AI trader acts with absolutely ZERO human supervision…
And even beat the king of investors, Warren Buffett.
These are intelligent machines with lower costs and higher profits…
That’s why so many big firms on Wall Street are launching their own AI traders.
On paper, it’s a no-brainer…
But there’s extreme danger hiding just below the surface…
Because the more AI traders that join the fray…
The closer we get to the economic law called the Curse of Scale…
That’s when processes efficient on a small-scale become dysfunctional and even destructive when more parties join in.
Like if a kid at a Yankees game stands up on his seat for a better view…
Good for him, now he can see the game.
But if all the fans stand up, everyone is worse off.
Apply the curse of scale to AI traders and the dysfunction quickly leads to the destruction of markets.
That’s because AI traders, just like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini — they’re mostly trained on the same source material.
My research shows financial AIs devour thousands of hours of theory from business schools, economics departments and Wall Street training programs.
Edge weights are roughly the same based on regression analysis…
The stop loss limits are the same, dictated by risk managers using standard tools…
And the training sets are all scraped from the same internet pages.
When the first Wall Street firm turns on their AI trader, they’ll enjoy a huge advantage in the market…
But I predict as more and more AI traders come online…
All the AIs, trained on mostly the same materials, all start crowding into the same trades, thinning the profits…
That makes the cheap leg of a spread trade more expensive…
And the expensive leg gets cheaper…
Until the spread disappears entirely.
At this point, other players have been outbid, meaning the AI traders are the entire market.
And the danger of a market collapse from a sudden rush for the exits by all holders of the trade becomes reality.
Once a sell off is detected, the first AI starts dumping its holdings…
And that makes sense, it’s what any human trader would do — it’s what I would do.
But because all of the AIs are trained on mostly the same datasets…
They all follow mostly the same course of action…
And so the Curse of Scale sets in…
And because there are no offsetting buy orders from active managers, specialists or speculators — stock prices drop like Little Boy over Hiroshima.
And it gets worse.
Even though individual AIs may have different trigger points to sell…
Because of the ludicrous speed at which AIs trade, those trigger points may be breached in a matter of milliseconds.
The more AI systems that sell, the more AI’s are also triggered to sell.
It’s an exponential feedback loop as the AIs race to ZERO.
Maybe the target asset is a single stock.
Maybe it’s an ETF or a more sophisticated product like the Credit Default Swaps we saw during the housing crash.
It’s all the same in the end.
Because whatever the robots sell will drop so fast, it will send a shockwave through the entire market.
Causing other stocks to fall…
Triggering more AI traders to respond in the exact same manner…
This is the “AI Doom Loop”, and it instantly spreads across the entire market — like a set of falling dominoes.
The size and speed of this crash were never possible before until now with AI…
Human traders are individuals who favor different theories, experiences, intelligence levels, and of course different preferences.
Often there are traders who employ counter intuitive strategies - slowing or even stopping the damage.
But among AI systems all trained on mostly the same data, there are no contrarians…
That’s why I wrote MoneyGPT.
To expose the secrets behind the “AI Doom Loop”…
And make sure you have the resources to help protect yourself before it’s too late.
Yes, this book may scare you.
Certain parts may offend you.
But I know one thing for certain — this book is a bitter pill to help protect you and your assets from the first AI amplified market crash that could send stocks tumbling 20% in just 2 hours…
Immediately followed by ANOTHER 20% drop as the market circuit breakers fail.
And how regular bank accounts could have their holdings erased without warning…
But if you read MoneyGPT BEFORE April 11th…
You’ll have the power to keep your money safe along with me, and a tiny circle of Americans who are already prepared to flip the script on Wall Street…
And today, I will show you how you can grab one of the first copies of my book.
As a public servant for the past 40 years, writing this priceless book as my personal sacrifice to help real Americans.
My father was a marine who fought in Peleliu, Okinawa and occupied China in World War II…
Like him, I also answered the call of duty when the US government asked me to prepare our country against financial attack.
I have three children…
Six grandchildren…
I wrote MoneyGPT for them, because what you’ll find inside are the same warnings and preparations I want for my own family.
It’s my responsibility as a patriot and a Christian to protect my neighbors.
That’s why I’ve coordinated with my publishers to send any US residents (with a valid US mailing address) to claim a hard copy of my brand-new book.
But before I show you how to claim your copy, let me show you a little more about the revelations in this book:
A few weeks ago my team prepared copies of MoneyGPT for JP Morgan’s AI executives…
Their head of AI research…
AI research director…
And AI research executive.
My team also readied copies for the Directors of AI for BlackRock, Mastercard, Deutsche Bank…
Along with the Vice Presidents of Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Fidelity…
And partners from MIT, Facebook, Silicon Valley Bank, Forbes and Nvidia.
Some executives might read the warning in MoneyGPT before it’s too late…
Most will not.
At the end of the day, you can’t rely on the elites to have your best interest in mind.
As Americans, we must protect ourselves.
Right now, you’ll get access to my new book — Including 4 hidden chapters Wall Street executives will *never see*…
I have no faith Wall Street will choose to protect Americans over the millions of dollars they can make with AI in the short term.
JPMorgan Chase already launched its first AI called IndexGPT to select investments…
Citigroup is aggressively hiring 2,500 AI experts to work in their trading department…
Morgan Stanley recently partnered with OpenAI to create its own internal AI for trading research…
Deutsche Bank is partnering with NVIDIA to deploy an AI to “help traders manage risk…”
And Goldman Sachs is developing a full DOZEN AI systems.
The money is spent, the commitment is made.
That means the only hope to avoid economic destruction moves from public policy… to personal protection.
That’s why I wrote MoneyGPT —
I’m not talking about some kind of security or government “insurance” like the now worthless $250,000 FDIC limit — a promise they’ve already broke during the 2023 SVB collapse…
In my time as a financial warfare advisor to the US Government, I’ve seen real security.
I’ve worked in secure meeting rooms, called “vaults” inside the Pentagon.
I’ve been in the CIA Director’s secure conference room on the seventh floor at Langley Headquarters.
I’ve helped plan the military invasion of Saudi Arabia inside the West Wing of the White House…
I’ve been inside the U.S. Treasury…
I’ve been inside the board room at the Fed…
I’m an American lawyer… an economist… and best-selling author.
I’m extremely careful so that every word that comes out of my mouth is backed by scientific evidence and God’s truth.
MoneyGPT is confirmed by 181 footnotes… and over 83 selected sources…
These sources alone are almost worth more than the book.
All of the evidence points to an inevitable AI Doom Loop — the first market crash caused by AI traders in the coming months or weeks.
That’s why it’s imperative you read MoneyGPT, understand it and act on it.
Like I said, I believe this AI crash is the next great American disaster…
As soon as April 11th, when ATMs fail, people can’t withdraw cash from their accounts…
When credit cards stop working…
How do you think fathers across the country are going to respond when they can’t buy food for their hungry children?
Widespread looting and violence - that’s how they’ll react.
The elites are already preparing.
Take a look at this headline…
And this one…
And this one…
Even Barack Obama recently produced a Netflix movie called “Leave the World Behind” where AI runs amok and the rich flee to their isolated retreats.
The AI Doom Loop is coming at a time when our economic system, our monetary system, even our federal government is teetering on the edge of collapse…
That’s why the elite have snatched up so many safe houses…
They’ll do anything to hold onto their power, even if it means America suffers.
The elites are ready…
My family and I are ready…
And with MoneyGPT, you’ll be prepared too.
There are two ways to prepare for the crash:
You can build a million-dollar bunker like me…
Or you can prepare financially, and live your normal life…
Maybe even a better life…
With total peace of mind because you took the simple steps I’ve written out in this book.
Of course I don’t just write about these predictions, I act on them.
In all of my books, I provide research, resources and action steps on how to build your own financial fort, even with limited means.
It’s worked out well for me…
I own the largest privately held solar farm in New England…
I cover college tuition for all 6 of my grandkids…
And I sleep well at night because I’ve built a million-dollar bunker - stocked to support my entire family…
And of course readers from across my research services have benefitted alongside me…
Made 250% in just two weeks — collecting $3,350
Jack R. from Texas
Shared my research with all his investment minded friends after he made a 324% gain in 17 days… collecting $8,600…
Mike L. from Georgia
Turned $620 into an outstanding $2,300 in just one week
Sam P. from New York
These are some of my most successful readers.
There are also thousands of others who have kindly shared their 5-Star Reviews on Amazon.
You could benefit as well by reading my new book, MoneyGPT.
But because of our short runway before the AI Doom Loop, I’m sending out copies of this urgent book today…
And when you claim your hardback copy, through this special offer, you can also choose to accept hidden chapters that will NOT be released in the book that launches on Amazon this November…
I want to send you a hardcover copy of MoneyGPT …
This book alone is good enough to help you prepare for the unavoidable AI flash crash…
But “good enough” isn’t how I live my life.
I want to give you the same tools I give my children, the same advice I use to protect my family.
That’s why I want to provide you, specific information and analysis to help you understand the dangers brewing in the economy and financial markets…
Information to help you make strong decisions to do a father’s job: to protect and provide.
That’s why I’ve decided to grant you access to a hidden chapter of MoneyGPT — “Thriving in Chaos”.
It reveals the exact plan I’m following to navigate a crash like we’ve never seen before.
This hidden chapter includes many things… but I want you to focus on the #1 investment to own ahead of any crash.
And even though you can activate this investment in any basic brokerage account…
It’s not a stock, bond or option…
You’ll find out exactly how to acquire this investment in the hidden chapter of MoneyGPT.
Again, this hidden chapter will NOT be included in the full release of MoneyGPT in November…
You’ll never find ANY of this material on Amazon — it’s not for sale to the public.
You’ll only get this hidden chapter when I hear from you today.
And remember…
Because you’re getting a first edition version of my book, this is a very limited run.
So they’ll go out on a first-come, first served basis.
Judging by the sales of my previous 8 books…
As well as how quickly my speaking tours sell out…
These books won’t last long.
Especially since I’ve already reserved copies for a few of my friends who have said kind words about my previous books like
“Rickards makes a compelling case those looking for a way to protect themselves and their families from economic chaos.”
Ron Paul
“The most important book on gold yet”
Nomi Prins
“Essential reading.”
David Stockman
I’m sending them a first edition copy of MoneyGPT…
And when you claim your copy today
I’ve also directed my team of analysts to include something special we’ve been working on…
For your own safety, I recommend every American family put 10% of their investable assets into gold and silver…
But exactly how you build that portfolio is critical.
There are ways to buy gold that seem practical on the surface, but make it entirely useless, even dangerous in a scenario where you’d need to actually sell or barter it.
Silver can be even more problematic, if purchased from the wrong vendor, or in the wrong format or quantities.
The truth is buying precious metals is complicated, and it’s easy to waste tens of thousands of dollars.
Fortunately, the strategies I use to buy gold and silver are relatively simple… and competitively priced.
That’s why I’ve put together a complete guide to answer all of these questions in the second hidden chapter of my book called The Perfect Gold Portfolio.
This chapter shows you exactly how I buy gold for myself, along with a road map for buying physical gold no matter if you decide to invest $10,000 or $1 million.
There’s a curious investment asset — not a stock, bond or an option…
It’s not precious metal, real estate, crypto or even artwork…
It’s unlikely you’ve ever considered buying this asset before…
But you’ll likely invest heavily into this asset after reading Hidden Chapter 3.
That’s because this little-known investment offers the opportunity for massive gains in the coming AI crisis.
In the 2008 crash, this investment doubled investor’s money in a short time frame.
Few investors even recognize this investment exists, even though you can buy it through a normal brokerage account.
During my 20 years at the world’s largest investment banks, I experienced a financial phenomenon first hand…
I call it DV01…
And while all investment carries risk…
And I never recommend betting more than you can afford to lose…
I truly believe this asset is unbeatable.
I’ve written everything you need to know about this asset in MoneyGPT’s 3rd hidden chapter: The Curious “DV01 Strategy” — Double Digit in Dark Times
You’ll get this hidden chapter as soon as you decide to claim a copy of MoneyGPT for yourself — assuming there are copies still available.
And there’s another step you need to take if you want to be truly ready for what’s ahead…
My brother reached out to me during the 2008 housing crash…
He handed me access to a government program only known by people inside the Washington DC beltway…
My brother used this program not just to help protect his money during those uncertain times…
But he says he walked away with a huge return on his investment when this “insurance policy” triggered over the long term.
I’ve tried it myself to some success.
Since then, I’ve called this program the "SIFI Investor’s Insurance Program" and in Hidden Chapter 4 I’ve detailed…
All the details await you in Hidden Chapter 4: Washington’s Secret “SIFI Investor’s Insurance Program.”
All together, you’re set to receive 4 hidden chapters…
That’s almost a second book…
At no extra cost.
And if you’re eager to start reading MoneyGPT and all its hidden chapters, I’m certain you’ll find what I have for you next to be just as valuable…
The AI Doom Loop is already developing…
Wall Street firms like JPMorgan, Chase, and Goldman Sachs have already activated their private AI systems…
The more AIs trading on the market, the sooner the crash will occur — it’s critical you’re kept up to speed…
That’s why I’m committing to speaking with you on a daily basis.
As the Chief Global Macro Strategist at Paradigm Press - I produce America’s fastest growing financial newsletter.
And today, I’m offering you 12 FULL MONTHS of actionable investment information from the highest levels of government, wall street and global capitals — directly to your inbox.
My work has taken me from the “vaults” at CIA headquarters in Langley…
To exploring gold mines in Kazakhstan…
And everywhere in between.
While researching this book, I was invited to give a speech at a classified AI laboratory in the middle of the Arizona desert.
The discussion involved the use of artificial intelligence to simulate nuclear explosions without actually detonating a nuclear device.
Prior to that talk, I discussed the future of AI with Gilman Louie at a small conclave in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Gilman was the first CEO of In-Q-Tel — the CIA’s own secretive venture capital firm.
It allows the CIA, DIA and NGA to gain early access to the latest technological breakthroughs…
And the people behind them.
Most of In-Q-Tel’s investments are Top Secret, but you’ll recognize their fingerprints on companies like Google, Facebook and Palantir.
Gilman confirmed my analysis of AI, and his input was critical to writing the book you’ll receive today.
I also leverage my contacts to provide the highest quality investment research with 150,000 paid subscribers who enjoy a 88% win-rate.
My research comes from my 40 years of experience in finance and government to dissect the news… and highlight money-making opportunities traditional investors miss.
We publish our monthly newsletter in over eight countries and four different languages.
Collectively, we spend $11 million annually to publish the boldest forecasts and information on topics like international currency wars, the failures of the Federal Reserve, and the C-Suites on Wall Street.
Currently, we’re laser focused on the coming AI crash, as our research shows it’s unavoidable.
My only goal, and the goal of my hand-picked team, is to deliver you actionable investment research and opportunities to help protect and grow your money.
As a result, 88% of our trades are profitable.
Here’s what members get:
I predicted the covid crisis…
And I wrote about how Biden would be forced out of office, a full 9 months before he dropped out.
Every time you open this newsletter you will learn something new… and actionable towards the goal to make money.
Simply start a risk-free trial subscription to Strategic Intelligence, and I’ll immediately send you a copy of the MoneyGPT…
FREE with the purchase of Strategic Intelligence.
I’ll also give you access to…
I’d like to invite you to the crown jewel of Strategic Intelligence: An exclusive intelligence briefing on the “AI Doom Loop.”
No matter who sits in the oval office…
No matter who sits in the CEO chair of Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan…
No matter who heads the Federal Reserve…
It is simply too late to stop the “AI Doom Loop.”
That’s why it’s imperative we sit down together to review our strategy — not just to help protect our fortunes in these dangerous times…
But potentially grow them.
I’ll reveal everything at our live event…
The latest AI updates and estimates…
Potential market responses… government responses, and our best courses of actions to each scenario.
We’ll focus on AI’s latest developments and exactly how you should prepare.
I normally charge $25,000 or more to speak at events in Dubai, Boca Raton and Sun Valley.
But by joining me today, you won’t pay anything like that.
And because this is an online event, you can join me from the comfort of your living room.
No need to spend a penny on air travel or a hotel room.
Just turn on your computer, enter your password to join my secure platform, and we’ll talk as neighbors.
Again, this is a special offer.
You could, right now, go to, find the button to buy a year of Strategic Intelligence for $299.
That’s my normal fee.
No copy of MoneyGPT.
No Hidden Chapters.
No access to my Intelligence Briefings.
But because of the looming danger of AI…
Because it will inevitably cause a crash unlike anything we’ve ever experienced…
And because it’s completely unstoppable…
That’s why I’m putting everything on the line to offer you all these bonuses…
They’re easily valued at over $30,000…
But I’m giving them away for pennies to incentivize you to act NOW — before it’s too late.
And remember…
I don’t want your money unless you’re 100% satisfied with everything you’re getting today.
So, when you sign up for my Strategic Intelligence…
I’ll give you six months to try out the service at no risk to you.
If you’re not happy for any reason — any reason at all…
Simply call or email our customer service team and we will instantly send you a full refund no questions asked.
We’ll part as friends, and you can even keep everything you received as a subscriber — AT NO CHARGE.
I’ve done everything I can to make this a “no-brainer” decision for you.
Now it’s your turn to decide.
Are you going to risk your life savings…
Your retirement portfolio…
Are you going to expose your family’s future to a mistake by the billionaires in Silicon Valley?
Or are you going to take action, right now, to help protect and provide for the people who need you?
I can’t decide for you, but if you choose to take action, I can help with what I’m offering you today:
Truth be told, I’m losing hundreds of dollars with every book that gets snatched up…
But that’s the whole point — to sacrifice for my countrymen like my father sacrificed himself as a US Marine.
When you respond today, MoneyGPT and all its hidden chapters are yours for life — free of charge.
You get the Intelligence Assets too.
Here’s the catch — we just started selling this book…
So we haven’t had time to print a large stock…our stock is dangerously low.
And I have a few dozen already reserved for my friends like Ron Paul, Nomi Prins and David Stockman…
So if you want your book — if you want everything you’ve seen today…
You need to click the button below right now.
JOIN NOWI guarantee there are hundreds of other Americans who are in your same position…
They’re all aware of AI… they know the Doom Loop is an entirely new kind of crash that can even wipe out your checking and savings accounts…
And they’ve got their finger over the button right now…
The only difference between you and them is that you won’t hesitate to take what’s yours.
So I need you to click that button right now.
After this limited offer is over, you can always go to and pay $299.
You’ll miss out on your copy of MoneyGPT…
You’ll miss out on the 4 hidden chapters and the 2 Extra Intelligence Assets.
Or you can get everything right now for $49.
That’s an 83% discount off the retail price.
I’m confident you’ll become one of my 150,000 avid Strategic Intelligence readers…
But if not — you’ll get no hard feelings from me.
Simply cancel your subscription at any time in the first 6 months.
We’re both Americans… we need to go back to a time when that meant something.
So even if you cancel your subscription within the first 6 months, you’ll keep your copy of MoneyGPT along with ALL of the hidden chapters and Bonus Intelligence Assets…
It’s my way of saying “thank you” for giving us a try.
If Strategic Intelligence works for you, as I believe it will, you won’t have to lift a finger.
My team will make sure your subscription continues for the full year without interruption.
I only ask that you make your decision now…
This is the first edition of the book, so stock is limited.
The AI Doom Loop is set to destroy the markets as we know it, and I want YOU to be prepared.
Click the link below to join me now.
I’m Jim Rickards, signing off for Paradigm Press.
I hope to see you on the inside.
Jim Rickards
Editor, Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence
November 2024