The Man Who Predicted the Great Recession of 2008, Trump’s 2016 Election, the Covid Crisis, and Biden Leaving the 2024 Race Issues New Warning for Americans:

THE 2024


“I predict the coming election chaos will trigger a 50% market crash… the final collapse of the US dollar… and violent riots on the streets. Take these 5 steps to prepare now or you could lose everything.”

- Jim Rickards

According to former advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House Jim Rickards…

What’s about to happen in the 2024 Presidential Election will shake the markets and American society to its core.

Jim Rickards correctly predicted the Great Recession of 2008…

Trump’s 2016 Election…

The Covid Crisis of 2020…

And now, President Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race.

On September 28th, 2023, Jim published an article stating…

“… the Democrats can’t wait to get rid of Biden. They’re preparing to tell him he has to step down or at least announce he’s not running… DNC rules may have to be heavily revised since it is likely that Biden will control a large share of the delegates if this substitution process occurs late in the primary season…”

Jim Rickards has now extended his amazing record of predictions by calling months ahead of time exactly what happened…

… On the afternoon of Sunday, July 21st when Biden released a statement on X saying he was bowing out of the presidential race.

Now, as chaos consumes the mainstream media over the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump…

and the backroom deals democrats pulled to prop up Kamala Harris’ candidacy…

Today, Jim’s warning all Americans to prepare for an election meltdown that could trigger a 50% stock market crash…

The final collapse of the US dollar…

Violent riots on the streets…

And even potential martial law…

With the temporary suspension of some of our most fundamental rights.

Jim Rickards

Jim Rickards is a lawyer and economist who’s worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance across five decades.

In the 1970s, he helped the US government craft the Petrodollar Accord, which solidified the US dollar as the global reserve currency…

In the early 1980s, he helped end the Iran hostage crisis for the Reagan administration…

In the 1990s, he worked with members of the Federal Reserve to solve the Long-Term Capital Management banking crisis.

In the 2000s, he worked with senior military leaders at the Pentagon and the highest ranks of the CIA to help prevent the next 9/11.

Today, for the first time ever…

He’s going public with the five steps you need to take…

To protect you and your family…

From what could be the most dangerous crisis in our nation’s history.

Here’s Jim Rickards with all the details.

Jim Rickards

Hi, I’m Jim Rickards.

I’m here in Washington DC, right in front of the White House to report on a shocking election development.

And in the next two minutes…

I’m going to put my career on the line…

And expose the Democrats’ secret plan to keep Trump out of the White House…

Donald Trump

Even if he wins the election…

Which I believe will happen.

You heard that right.

I believe Trump will win the election…

But one very real possibility that we need to consider is that he will NOT be allowed to take power.

And it’s all because of the information inside this book I’m holding in my hand.

Jim Rickards holding book

99.99% of Americans don’t even know this book exists.

It’s published by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs…

And it contains intel that I believe will play a critical role in the coming election meltdown.

I’ll tell you exactly what’s inside this book in just a moment…

Because I predict once Democrats execute their plan…

It will trigger an election meltdown of historic proportions…

With a 50% stock market crash…

And the final collapse of the US dollar.

collapse of US dollar

Millions of Americans could be wiped out and might never be able to recover.

That’s why I’m going to share with you the five steps you need to take now to protect…

And even grow your wealth in this coming election meltdown.

Unfortunately, most Americans will ignore all the warning signs and will just hope for the best.

By the time they wake up to reality, it will be too late for them.

I tell you this from personal experience…

Because when I predicted the 2008 housing collapse, few people believed me.

In the summer of 2008, I wrote a letter to top advisors in the presidential campaign and I predicted:

left quote

We can expect another panic spike in October 2008. This financial crisis is not over.

Jim Rickards

right quote

Of course, nobody in Washington believed that another crash could happen...

But three weeks later, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt…

Panic took over…

chart: jim predicted the 2008 collapse

Markets crashed across the world, ruining the retirement of millions.

An estimated $2 trillion was wiped out from Americans’ 401(k)s and IRAs during that crisis.

2008 market crash

8.7 million people lost their jobs, and nearly 10 million lost their homes in the US alone.

Once Congress realized I was right…

They invited me to testify in the Senate about the state of the economy. By the time I spoke on the Senate floor, it was too late for most Americans.

The damage was done.

And those who ignored my 2008 warning paid a hefty price.

Research shows that even now, 16 years later…

It’s estimated that 115 million Americans still haven’t recovered from that housing meltdown.

Predicting the 2008 crisis was not the only controversial prediction I made.

In 2016, surveys were giving Hillary Clinton more than 99% chance of winning right up until election night.

But before the election…

I went on multiple TV news programs and made a prediction that most people thought was unthinkable.

We actually have a short clip of that. Let’s watch…


I not only correctly predicted that Trump would win…

But I also gave my readers a chance to make 40%, 47% and 58% gains... all in a matter of months during Trump’s first term.

More recently, I made another controversial prediction.

In January 2020, when most people were not worried about a pandemic…

I sent this note called CONTAGION to a small group of readers…

contagion note

And I warned them that soon the pandemic could trigger panic in the markets.

Sure enough…

Three weeks later, everyone began to panic…

And the stock market plunged 30% in what was the fastest crash in history.

chart: pandemic triggers 30% market crash

In each of those predictions, most people didn’t believe me.

They thought I was just some kind of “doom and gloom” conspiracy theorist.

By the time people realized I was right…

It was already too late to prepare.

I’m telling you all this because I don’t want you to make that mistake today.

Yes, the idea that the establishment won’t allow President Trump back into the White House…

Sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory.

But once you learn what’s inside this book…

And once you understand its implications…

You’ll understand why I believe…

We’re headed to an election meltdown of biblical proportions.

And the stakes for your financial future couldn’t be any higher.

If you don’t prepare…

I predict you’ll end up holding a bunch of worthless US dollars…

torn US dollar

And you’ll watch your retirement account evaporate.

Forget about retirement.

You might never be able to catch up.

But the good news is…

You don’t have to be one of the victims of this coming meltdown.

So let me show you all the facts I've uncovered…

Then you can decide for yourself if I’m just blowing smoke. As for me…

I already started taking steps to protect my family and my wealth.

And in the next two minutes…

I’ll share the critical steps I recommend you take right now. For example, I’ll discuss…

I’ll also tell you where I already invested $1 million of my own money.

But this isn’t just about money and the financial markets.

We could see a complete breakdown of our society

With violent riots on the streets…and even a potential civil war.

Martial law is not out of the question.

That’s why, as part of my plan, I’ll also recommend a few “CIA tactics” you can use today…

To prepare for a potential societal breakdown and even civil war.

Now, before I get into all the details…

Let me fully introduce myself…

Again, I’m Jim Rickards.

If my name sounds familiar to you…

Maybe you’ve seen me on TV…

Where I’m often invited to share my views on the economy and the markets…

Or maybe you’ve read one of my best-selling books, like Currency Wars or Death of Money.

Currency Wars and Death of Money

I’ve worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance for almost 50 years.

I helped end the Iranian crisis for the Reagan administration.

I helped the Nixon administration craft the Petrodollar Accord, which helped establish the US dollar as the world reserve currency.

In the late 1990s, I worked side by side with members of the Federal Reserve to save America from a $1.3 trillion banking crisis involving the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management.

After 9/11, I started working with senior military leaders at the Pentagon and the highest ranks of the CIA…

And I helped them create a computer system to predict the next 9/11 by analyzing unusual trading activity in airline stocks.

Jim Rickards with Ben Bernanke, Rick Perry, and others

I’ve given advice to members of President Trump’s cabinet…

I’ve been inside the West Wing of the White House…

The U.S. Treasury and the boardroom at our central bank, the Federal Reserve.

I’m telling you all this because I want you to understand that…

Having these types of inside connections help me see big events before anyone else.

In fact, I learned about this book I showed you earlier…

And its implications for the upcoming election…

During a recent dinner in Washington hosted by President Trump’s former campaign manager.

I’m here to warn you because I doubt you’ll hear about this from the mainstream media.

If I’m right , and I believe I am…

Our nation is about to go through the biggest constitutional crisis in our history.

And if you don't prepare…

You could end up losing a big chunk of your savings.

So in the next few minutes…

I’ll tell you exactly what’s inside this book…

And I’ll reveal the Democrats’ plan to prevent Trump from taking office…

Even if he wins the election.

But first, you might be wondering…

Can Trump really win?


I predict he will win the election.

And here’s why…

After Biden’s disastrous debate, where he showed signs of dementia…

The Democrats replaced him with an even more radical candidate.

In 2019, Kamala Harris was even labeled the most liberal senator by GovTrack.

She not only supported the “defund the police” movement... but helped raise funds to put rioters, murderers, rapists back on the streets.

As a daughter of a marxist...

She’s a full-blown communist who wants to see equal outcomes, not just equal opportunities.

She supports gun confiscation and giving free healthcare to illegals, paid by your taxpayer money.

Now, the corrupt media is doing their best to “erase” her radical record…

And position her as a moderate democrat who will unite the country.

That’s exactly what they did with Biden.

In 2020, he was sold to America as a nice old man…

Who would unite the country and return America back to normalcy.

Instead, he turned out to be one of the most divisive and radical presidents in history.

Joe Biden

He divided the nation by constantly calling anyone who voted for Trump a “threat to democracy.”

And instead of being a moderate democrat…

He turned out to be so radical that he made President Obama look like a conservative.

Democrats already fooled millions of Americans in 2020.

I don’t believe they’ll be able to fool millions again.

Take Democrats’ insane “open border” immigration policy for example.

As Biden’s border czar…

Kamala Harris did absolutely nothing to stop the ongoing invasion of America.

So far 11 million illegals have entered the US under their administration.

border crisis

That’s more than the population of 36 states.

The flow continues every day.

It’s estimated 3 million more illegal immigrants will cross the border this year.

And these are not just people coming from Mexico.

According to the U.S. Border Patrol Chief, they’re coming from 160 different countries…

Including countries that hate america…

Like Afghanistan, Iran, and China.

And since some of those immigrants are criminals, terrorists and gang members…

Some Americans are paying for this irresponsible policy with their own lives.

Not to mention that China and the drug cartels…

Have been taking advantage of our open border…

To funnel fentanyl and other dangerous drugs into the U.S….

Causing record drug overdose deaths.

On the economy front, our open border is also already having drastic consequences…

With immigrants replacing U.S. workers at record pace.

Look at Tyson Foods for example.

The giant meat producer announced it’s closing an Iowa plant that employed about 1,200 people…

Tyson Foods closes Iowa plant but looks to hire 42,000 immigrant workers

And will hire immigrants instead.

Surveys show that the majority of Americans want to secure the border.

So Kamala’s open border policy is wildly unpopular.

The Biden-Harris administration also spent five trillion new dollars…

Helping trigger inflation that’s killing the middle class.

Prices of everything have gone up so much….

That most Americans are struggling to pay for food, rent and gas.

That’s why credit card balances have exploded to record highs.

chart: credit card balances reach record highs

Americans are broke.

Thanks to inflation, the only way they can pay for living expenses is by going into debt.

And yet, despite this disaster…

Kamala Harris has said that “Bidenomics is working.”

Kamala also played a key role in the botched Afghanistan exit…

Which killed 13 service members and left countless unknown Afghan allies behind.

Back in 2020 nobody voted for any of those disastrous policies.

Nobody voted for new wars in Europe and the Middle East either.

In short, nobody voted for any of Biden’s radical policies because he was sold to America as a moderate.

They were able to fool America in 2020.

I don’t believe they will be able to do it again because now a lot more Americans understand that if Kamala wins…

We’ll just get four more years of the same…

And America will likely be on a fast track to becoming a hell-hole communist country like Venezuela.

In 2020 millions of Americans voted for the Biden-Harris administration simply because they didn’t like Trump’s demeanor and “mean tweets.”

But they’re now realizing that mean tweets are much better than…

Wars in Europe and the Middle East…

Out of control inflation…

Rising crimes…

And open borders.

Now, you might be thinking…

“But Jim, “what if they find a way to rig the election?”

Yes, I’m expecting the democrats to try every dirty trick in the book…

Just like they did in 2020.

But this time will be different.

For example, the mainstream media will continue to lie.

At this point, they’re just state propaganda…

Not much different than what happens in North Korea or Russia.

They’re already distancing Kamala from Biden’s disastrous administration.

For example, they even denied that she was the border czar, which is a blatant lie.

They’re trying to rewrite history and erase her record of failure.

The propaganda machine is trying to prop her up every way they can…

Trying to turn her into the second coming of Christ.

With all that “soviet style” propaganda, she’s getting a bump in the polls…

But I believe enough Americans will be able to see through the fog and see the real Kamala Harris before the election.

In fact, a recent survey showed that 60% of likely voters believe “the media are truly the enemy of the people.”

They’ve lied so much in the last few years…

That most people don’t believe them anymore.

And yes, big tech will continue to censor conservatives and any stories that might hurt Kamala.

But thanks to Elon Musk…

This time we have X, a platform that actually respects free speech.

So now millions of Americans have access to the truth.

And the truth is clear…

Without a teleprompter…

Kamala is incapable of speaking intelligently about any issue that matters to Americans.

When she’s not reading a script from a teleprompter…

All we get is incoherent word salad.

Plus, she might be more unlikable than Hillary Clinton.

In the 2020 Democratic primary, Kamala did so badly that she had to drop out even before the voting in Iowa.

Meanwhile, after Trump’s assassination attempt…

And his incredible display of courage and leadership…

He became more popular than ever.

Major Silicon Valley figures and investors like Elon Musk, who have traditionally voted for Democrats, are lining up behind Trump.

Now, I understand some Americans are worried about election integrity.

In fact, another common question I get is…

But what if Democrats try any shenanigans with mail in ballots?

Well, the republican party is also prepared to monitor those ballots very closely.

Under the new leadership of Lara Trump…

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is making big changes.

They finally understand if they don’t play the same game democrats are playing, they will lose.

So they’ll begin using tactics used by democrats…

Like promoting early voting and ballot harvesting.

And in order to reduce the risk of cheating…

They’re establishing a "nationwide network of volunteers" such as poll workers and poll watchers.

So yes, this will be the ugliest election ever…

But I believe Trump will win. The problem is…

It’s entirely possible that the Establishment won’t allow him to take power.

Now, if this still sounds crazy to you…

And if you think something like that can’t happen in America…

Just think about everything the establishment has already done ever since Trump announced he was running in 2015.

Hillary Clinton spying on his campaign…

The Russian collusion hoax…

The two impeachment shams….

The Hunter Biden laptop story cover up…

The January 6 “insurrection” hoax, which some people believe was an inside job…

I could go on and on…

They banned him from all social media…

Raided his house with the FBI…

Arrested his top advisors and supporters…

They tried to remove him from the ballots in some states…

And launched several phony, politically motivated lawsuits…

All designed to put him in jail and bankrupt his family.

After all that failed, we had a very suspicious assassination attempt that left many Americans wondering if it was an inside job.

So ask yourself…

Do you really think Democrats will simply accept defeat…

And let the man they hate so much become the President once again?

No chance.

They’ll do whatever it takes to stay in power, even if it means not allowing a peaceful transfer of power to Donald Trump.

It is possible that they will burn this country to the ground before they let Trump back into the White House.

I’ll walk you through the Democrat’s plan in just a moment…

Because once they block Trump from taking power…

All hell will break loose.

The stock market could crash by 50% or more…

Wiping out a big chunk of your savings if you’re holding the wrong stocks.

I’ll tell you more about stocks you should avoid in just a moment.

This election meltdown could also trigger the final collapse of the US dollar…

With inflation getting 1,000 times worse than what we’ve seen so far.

I’m also expecting violent riots on the streets.

That’s why in just a moment I’ll show you the five steps you need to take…

To protect yourself and your loved ones.

I’ll tell you about a little-known investment that has skyrocketed during stock market crashes.

As far as I know, this has never failed in times of crashes.

I’ll also tell you more details about three popular stocks you must sell now.

Some of these could even go out of business during the coming crisis.

And I’ll show you where I invested $1 million of my own money to prepare for times of financial chaos.

First, let me show you what’s inside this book I mentioned earlier…

The Plum Book

It’s called The Plum Book.

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs…

Publishes this book after each Presidential election.

It lists about 9,000 jobs in the legislative and executive branches that the President could potentially appoint.

During his first term…

It was clear to me that President Trump didn’t pay much attention to this book.

He didn’t have a strategy to appoint real conservatives to those positions.

And that turned out to be the biggest mistake of his first term.

That’s why many RINOs and members of the Washington swamp ended up taking those positions…

And they spent Trump’s entire first term trying to undermine him…

Instead of helping him.

That’s how he got stabbed in the back over and over again during his first term.

One of Trump's own staff even orchestrated his first impeachment.

Trump won’t make the mistake of ignoring the Plum book during his second term.

How do I know?

Because I recently attended a closed door dinner in Washington with Trump’s inner circle.

You see, President Trump’s former campaign manager hosted this dinner…

To gather some of the people who will likely be appointed to key cabinet-level posts during Trump’s second term.

His likely future Secretary of Treasury and future Attorney General were sitting at my table.

And they all told me they’ve been working very hard in selecting the right people for all those jobs listed in the Plum book…

People who are loyal to his MAGA agenda.

In other words, this time…

As soon as Trump takes power…

He’ll know exactly who is part of the establishment and who is not…

And he will be able to finally drain the swamp.

We’re talking about Trump and his loyal inner circle hand selecting up to 9,000 new government employees who truly believe in the MAGA agenda.

That’s the establishment’s worst nightmare.

They can’t let that happen.

The members of the Washington swamp are terrified that if Trump is back in the White House…

Some of them might not only lose their jobs…

But they could end up in jail.

That’s why they’re already planning to block Trump even if he wins the election.

Don’t take my word for it.

You can just listen to what they’re saying.

They’re not even trying to hide their plan.

Democrats and their “state media” are already openly discussing it.

As this headline in The Atlantic says:

left quote

House democrats suggest they might not certify a Trump win on January 6, 2025.

The Atlantic

right quote

The article went on to say…

left quote

Democrats have a serious chance of winning a majority in Congress in November, even if Trump recaptures the presidency on the same day. If that happens, they could have the votes to prevent him from taking office.

The Atlantic

right quote

I would not be surprised if that’s exactly what happens.

You see, somehow, a few Republicans decided to retire early.

So even before the election…

The Republican majority in the House will be down to just 1 vote.

For that reason, I predict Democrats will take the house.

And the newly elected members of Congress will be sworn in BEFORE the certification of the presidential election.

Once Democrats take the house…

I predict they will say that Trump is an insurrectionist…

And for that reason, cannot be allowed back in the White House.

In 2021 every House Democrat (along with 10 Republicans) voted to impeach Trump for ‘incitement of insurrection.’

Most of those lawmakers will still be in Congress next year.

A recent survey also showed that 57% of Democrats would support “refusing to certify the election results if Trump wins.”

The corrupt mainstream media is already setting the stage for this coup with headlines like this…

From vanity fair…

Trump 2024: Why The Ex-President Should Never Be Allowed Within 1,000 Feet of the White House Again

Saying that Trump should NOT be allowed within 1,000 feet of the white house…

Even if he wins the election.

If all of this still sounds like a crazy conspiracy to you …

Democrat Representative Jamie Raskin recently told the media they’re planning to prevent former President Donald Trump from taking office.

He said:

“It’s going to be up to us on January 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified.”

They’re openly telling you what they’re planning to do.

That’s why I’m issuing an urgent warning…

We all need to prepare for an election meltdown of biblical proportions.

So let me walk you through the five steps I recommend you take immediately.

Step #1: Prepare for the Final Collapse of the US dollar

Look, I’ll be the first one to admit that we’ve been hearing about a potential dollar crisis forever.

I’ve personally been warning about this for over a decade.

In fact, in one of my TV appearances almost 10 years ago…

The host asked me what could trigger the collapse of paper money.

Listen to what I said:


I said it would be a crisis of confidence.

And that’s exactly what’s going to happen once the entire world realizes the US has become a banana republic…

Where the establishment no longer respects our rule of law…

Or our election results.

I believe that will be the final blow to the US dollar…

And if you don’t prepare, you could be wiped out.

You see, for years our government has been printing money…

And getting more and more into debt.

Take a look…

chart: US government debt is out of control

For the first time ever, we now have more than $34 trillion in debt.

That’s bigger than the size of our entire economy.

And we’re not slowing down.

In fact, this madness is accelerating.

We’re now adding $1 trillion to our debt every 100 days.

Now, from 2008 to 2021…

This out-of-control debt was not a big problem because interest rates were close to zero.

So the interest we paid in that mountain of debt wasn't a big deal.

But guess what has changed recently?

The interest rate is not zero anymore.

They’ve skyrocketed to the highest level in the last two decades… at the fastest pace ever.

It’s now over 5%, and that’s a huge problem for our government.

Take a look at this…

chart: our debt interest expense has skyrocketed

Interest expenses have skyrocketed because of these higher rates.

Imagine, if you had a $100,000 balance on your credit card…

And every month you only made the minimum payment…

Because you were paying close to 0% in interest.

What do you think would happen to you…

If your credit card company jacked up your rate to 5% or higher virtually overnight?

You’d be in big trouble.

That’s exactly what’s happening with the US government now.

This year we’re set to spend more on interest than our entire defense budget.

And interest rates are still going up.

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, recently warned that we could see rates as high as 7%.

Do the math…

7% on a $34 trillion debt …

That’s almost $2.4 trillion just in interest payments…every single year.

That’s almost twice of what we spend on Social Security alone.

The Congressional Budget Office is now projecting…

The gap between federal spending and federal income will explode in the coming years.

chart: federal spending is much higher than federal revenue

The bottom line is the US is broke…

And the entire world knows it.

That’s why I’m not the only one ringing the alarm…

Legendary investor Stanley Druckenmiller, who never had a down year in 30 years of managing money, said:

left quote

We’re in deep trouble.

Legendary investor, Stanley Druckenmiller

right quote

Ray Dalio, the founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, recently went on CNBC and said on live TV:

left quote

We’re going to have a debt crisis in this country.

Founder of world's largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio

right quote

The Chinese media is also predicting a catastrophe.

And normally I wouldn’t pay attention to the Chinese media…

But China is one of the largest holders of US Treasuries.

So here’s what their media is saying:

left quote

The US is spending big, come rain or shine. The logical end to this madness is the collapse of the dollar and rampant inflation.

Chinese Media

right quote

What do you think is going to happen to the US dollar when the Washington establishment blocks Trump from taking power?

My prediction is the entire world will lose confidence in the US dollar as a world reserve currency.

For the past few years, many countries have already been dumping our currency.

It’s why Bloomberg wrote:

left quote

Suddenly everyone is hunting for alternatives to the US dollar.

Chinese Media

right quote

And it’s why Economist Peter Onge said:

left quote

De-dollarization is real and is happening fast. Countries are de-dollarizing 10x faster than the previous two decades.

Economist, Peter Onge

right quote

Think about that…

Nations around the world are now dumping the US dollar at the fastest pace ever.

I predict this de-dollarization trend will accelerate in the coming election meltdown.

And we’ll watch the final collapse of the US dollar.

If you think the inflation we’ve seen so far is bad…

You’ve seen nothing yet.

Millions of Americans don’t understand what’s happening…

And I believe they’ll be completely wiped out financially when all is said and done.

So what should you do?

How can you protect your wealth?

First of all, I recommend you have 10% of your assets in physical gold…

As a hedge against a complete collapse of our currency.

I personally own $1 million worth of gold to protect myself and my family from a financial disaster.

Gold recently made new all time highs…

Because more and more people are realizing the dollar is toast.

Even Costco is now selling gold bars…

And they’re selling out within a few hours.

But there’s another “anti-dollar” investment that I believe has even more upside potential than gold.

It could return up to 10 times more money than gold over the coming years.

I know that sounds crazy, but take a look…

chart: #1 anti-dollar investment has crushed gold

Since 2008, gold has jumped 172%.

That’s not bad.

But it’s nothing compared to this little-known anti-dollar investment.

It skyrocketed as high as 1,700% at its peak in 2023.

That’s about 10 times higher than gold….

And enough to turn $1,000 into about $18,000.

I believe this little-known investment will continue to outperform.

Unfortunately, most people don’t know about this secret…

Because I’m not talking about silver, collectibles, gold coins, cryptocurrencies or a gold miner.

And it doesn’t involve options, futures or anything extra risky.

But you can buy it from your computer with just a few clicks.

All you need to know is the name and the ticker symbol.

And you’ll find that information inside a new report I just put together called My #1 Way of Escaping the Dollar Collapse.

report: My Number #1 Way of Escaping the Dollar Collapse

While most everyday folks don’t know about this investment…

Big players on Wall Street are already all over this.

Blackrock, which might just be the most powerful institution on Wall Street…

Has invested more than $1.4 billion in this play.

Renaissance Technologies, which is the best performing hedge fund in history…

Already invested more than $450 million in this play.

And famous billionaire and hedge fund manager Ray Dalio has invested $2.5 million.

I believe they’ve made this move to hedge against a dollar collapse.

I recommend you do the same. Which is why when you say “Yes” to the opportunity I’ll present to you in just a moment..

I’ll give you access to this report, completely free of charge.

I’ll tell you how to claim this report in just a moment.

First, let me cover the second step I recommend…

And that is…

Step #2: Buy My #1 Investment for the Coming Stock Market Crash

You see, the stock market hates uncertainty.

And we’re about to see uncertainty of historic proportions under the coming election meltdown.

Some stocks could crash by 50% or more.

And here’s why…

After a huge rally triggered by excitement about Artificial Intelligence…

Stocks are very expensive.

Many even believe the stock market is a massive bubble just waiting to pop.

Look, there’s no doubt AI is an amazing technology that will change the world.

Just like the internet changed the world.

But I believe some of these AI stocks are in bubble territory…

Just like internet stocks were a bubble in the late 1990s.

Take a look at this…

chart: some AI stocks are already in bubble territory

The financial times recently even compared Nvidia with Cisco.

In the late 1990s, every single company that was adopting the internet needed routers and other equipment provided by Cisco.

As a result, shares skyrocketed to unbelievable highs.

This time, pretty much every single company that is adopting AI needs the chips provided by Nvidia.

So it’s not a surprise that shares of Nvidia have also skyrocketed to unbelievable highs.

Now, as you can see in the chart…

The higher shares go…

The harder they fall once the bubble pops.

And it’s not just AI stocks.

The entire market is expensive.

As Torsten Sløk, chief economist at Apollo Global Management, says:

left quote

The top 10 companies in the S&P 500 today are more overvalued than the top 10 companies were during the tech bubble in the mid-1990s

Chief economist at Apollo Global Management, Torsten Sløk

right quote

He’s not the only one warning about this potential collapse.

Hedge Fund manager Mark Spitznagel, who made a 4,144% gain during the covid crash, warns:

left quote

I expect a crash that will be the worst crash since 1929.

Hedge Fund manager, Mark Spitznagel

right quote

And my friend and author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki predicts:

left quote

The biggest bubble in history will wipe out baby boomers

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki

right quote

Maybe that explains why several billionaires are cashing out of the stock market…

In a phenomenon that has been called…

“The Great Cashout”

Jeff Bezos recently sold Amazon shares worth $8.5 billion.

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, sold $150 million in stock.

This was his first cashing out since taking the top job at the bank 18 years ago.

Leon Black, co-founder of Apollo Global Management, sold $172.8 million in stock.

This was also his first-ever stock sale.

Mark Zuckerberg unloaded about $638 million worth of Meta stock.

The trust for the Walton family, heirs to Walmart’s founder, sold $1.5 billion in Walmart stock.

Warren Buffett, who’s considered by many the best investor ever, also seems to be cashing out.

Last year, his firm SOLD $32.8 billion worth of stock.

Instead of buying new stocks…

His company Berkshire Hathaway recently dumped more than half of its Apple stock...

And it is now sitting on a record $275 billion pile of cash.

He recently even called the stock market a “casino”.

So think about that…

Why are all these legendary investors dumping stocks?

I believe they’re cashing out because they know a stock market crash is coming.

All we need is a trigger event.

I believe we’ll get that trigger in the coming election meltdown…

When investors will be blindsided by unprecedented levels of uncertainty.

That’s why I’m recommending a little-known investment that’s guaranteed to go up when the stock market crashes.

You heard that right…

This investment is guaranteed to go up if the stock market crashes.

I know that sounds hard to believe…

And in no way am I saying this is a risk-free investment…

But take a look at what happened during the Covid cash.

As I mentioned earlier…

Once the pandemic hit and investors began to panic…

The stock market suffered the fastest 30% crash in history.

But this little-known investment was one of the few things that actually WENT UP.

chart: my recommendation went up during the covid crash

It actually jumped 37% higher during that 3-month panic.

Something similar happened during the 2008 housing meltdown.

Take a look…

While the stock market suffered a 50% crash…

chart: my recommendation went up during the 2008 crash

This little-known investment that you can buy right from your brokerage account…

Went up as high as 91% during the same 15-month period.

That’s why I believe this investment is a great way to hedge your portfolio against a crash.

And it’s why I just put another special report together called How to Profit from the Next Stock Market Crash.

report: How to Profit from the Next Stock Market Crash

It has all the details…

Including the name, ticker symbol and my full analysis on this little-known crash-proof investment.

In just a moment, I’ll show you how to claim this report…

But first, I want to tell you about three stocks I recommend you sell immediately.

And that brings me to…

Step #3: Sell These Three Popular Stocks Now

Look, if you’re investing in the wrong companies right now…

You could lose it all in this coming election meltdown.

Remember, back in 2008…

Nobody thought that shares of popular companies like…

Lehman Brothers, Chrysler or Washington Mutual could go to zero.

But that’s exactly what happened.

Shareholders got wiped out.

And if you think that can’t happen again…

It’s already happening.

Last year, U.S. bankruptcy filings surged by 18% because of higher interest rates.

I expect this trend to continue in 2024.

Make no mistake…

Companies that don’t have a ton of cash…

And are deeply in debt…

Could go belly up during the coming election meltdown.

That’s why I asked my team to find the most popular companies out there that could crash 30-50%... or even go to zero.

Three very popular companies with recognizable household names popped up in our research.

These are ticking bombs that are probably sitting inside millions of 401k and IRAs accounts…

Maybe even in yours.

We put all the details inside another special report called Ticking Time Bombs: Three Stocks to Sell Now.

report: Ticking Time Bombs: Three Stocks to Sell Now

If you have any one of those in your portfolio…

I beg you to get rid of them before it’s too late.

I’ll show you how to claim this report in just a moment, with zero risk to you.

But first, I also recommend you take…

Step #4: Buy These Crisis-Proof Stocks Now

You see, I’m not just one of those doom and gloom guys who predict the world will end.

Yes, I believe this coming election meltdown will be ugly.

But if you know which stocks to buy…

You could make an absolute fortune on the rebound.

For example, did you know there's actually a group of stocks that tend to outperform the market during crises?

Companies like Chocolate maker Hershey. It didn’t collapse in 2008, like the rest of the market.

It actually climbed as much as 928% in the last 15 years since the 2008 housing crisis...

chart: hersheys is a recession-proof stock

Or toy maker Hasbro.

As you can see in this graphic, in 2008 the stock actually went up…

chart: hasbro is a recession-proof stock

And anyone who held onto it…

Had a chance to make up to 614% at the peak in 2019...

Or look at auto parts retailer Autozone.

In the midst of the 2008 collapse started an incredible 2,782% run…

chart: autozone is a recession-proof stock

Enough to turn $1,000 into almost $30,000 today.

What do these companies have in common?

They all had high returns on invested capital.

And for that reason, they not only survived the great recession of 2008 but thrived.

Well, I’ve just found the top 3 solid companies that I believe will thrive during the coming election chaos.

As I mentioned before, no investment is guaranteed. And you should never invest more than you can stand to lose in any play.

But if my experience has taught me anything, it’s how to survive and thrive in moments like these. These companies are without a doubt your best shot at that.

And I put all the details inside a new special report called Three Crises-Proof Stocks to Buy Right Now.

report: Three Crises-Proof Stocks to Buy Right Now

I’ll show you how to claim this report in just a minute…

But first we still have one more step to cover...

And this might be the most important of them all.

Step #5: Stay in Touch with Me to Get Constant Updates on this Coming Meltdown

You see, we’re about to enter the most chaotic environment in the history of America.

So it’s really not enough to give you all the information I mentioned here today…

And wish you good luck.

This is a very fluid situation…

So I’d like to stay in touch and guide you every step of the way during this coming election meltdown.

That’s why I want to invite you to join a group of like-minded Americans patriots like you…

Who follow my work in a research project I call Strategic Intelligence.

When you take a risk-free trial today, I’ll send you everything I’ve mentioned so far… 100% Free.

That means, just a minute from now, you’ll be able to access…

report covers

100% free of charge.

And more importantly…

We’ll stay in touch so I can guide you through this coming crisis.

You see, the way Strategic Intelligence works is quite simple.

Every month you’ll get a new issue packed with ideas and strategies that will help you protect and grow your wealth.

Stategic Intelligence issues

My mission in this monthly research is simple…

To help everyday folks profit from “unthinkable” events and financial crises.

As this election 2024 evolves…

I’ll keep you up to date and make sure you know exactly what’s going on during this coming meltdown.

Before I launched this service…

I had only provided this kind of research to my high-net-worth clients and members of the US intelligence community.

But with Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence

You too will have the opportunity to hear my best ideas on an ongoing basis.

You should also know that…

Our research is 100% independent.

We don’t receive money from advertisers.

And we don’t take commissions on anything we recommend.

We’re only beholden to our readers.

That means that our business model only works if we show you how to make money.

And here’s the best part…

Today, you can take a look at my research and receive everything I’ve mentioned so far, at no risk to yourself.

Simply take a risk-free trial subscription to Strategic Intelligence…

And I will immediately send you all the special reports I’ve mentioned so far.

And here’s the good news…

Membership to my newsletter normally has a published price of $299 for 12 months…

But today, you won’t pay anywhere near that.

You see, I’m trying to help as many Americans prepare for this coming election meltdown…

So I don’t want the price to be an issue.

That’s why I negotiated a special deal with my publisher.

So today you can take a risk-free trial for one single payment of $49.

And that’s not per month.

That’s for the entire year.

And remember…

I really don’t want your money if you’re not 100% happy.

When you sign up for Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence…

We’ll give you six months to test out the service - at no risk to you.

And if during that trial period you find that you’re not getting life-changing information…

Or for any reason at all…

You can simply call or email our customer service team and cancel your subscription.

We’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

And we’ll let you keep everything you received as a subscriber - at no charge.

That means you can keep all the issues…

You can keep all the reports.

You can keep everything.

This means that there’s no risk to you at all.

To get started, simply click on the button below.


It will take you to a secure sign-up sheet…

Where you can review everything one last time before you join.

Then, in just a few moments you’ll discover…

And if you join me right now…

I’ll also give you another special report that will help you prepare for what could be…

A complete breakdown of society.

I predict an election meltdown will be followed by violent riots on the streets…

That will make the black lives matter’s riots seem like a carnival parade.

Think about it…

Thanks to propaganda from the establishment…

And the corrupt mainstream media…

Millions of Americans have been brainwashed…

And they now believe Trump is a fascist dictator who would be worse than Hitler.

What do you think these people will do if Trump wins?

Do you think the radical left will accept his win…

And embrace Trump as the new President…

Or do you think they’ll burn cities to the ground?

I believe the second option is entirely likely.

And this time…

Radical left organizations like Antifa…

Could even mobilize all the illegal immigrants to participate in the riots.

Imagine what would happen if democrats start telling millions of illegal immigrants…

That Trump will deport them all if he’s allowed back in the White House?

We could have a bloodbath.

One democrat even predicted that there could be “blood all over the Capitol”

We could even have a potential civil war.

I know that sounds extreme, but…

Did you know that a survey showed that 43% of Americans believe a Civil War is likely in the next 10 years?

We might not have to wait that long…

Because nearly 1 in 4 Americans already supports violence ahead of the 2024 election.

The left believes Trump is Hitler and his supporters are a threat to democracy.

The right believes Democrats and their authoritative policies are the real threat to democracy.

America has never been more divided.

That’s why I’m expecting total chaos in this election.

When the violent riots begin to get out of control…

The left could even invoke Martial law…

Putting the military in charge of controlling the riots.

Based on everything you’ve seen so far…

Do you think the Biden-Harris administration would think twice before invoking martial law and suspending the rights of American citizens?

Look, I’m sure you’ve noticed that America is already becoming a country of lawlessness…

Where mobs do whatever they want without any fear of punishment.

With the coming election meltdown…

I expect more violence, more crimes, more rioting and looting.

That’s why I’ve prepared a special report that will help you prepare for the worst.


You see, I recently reached out to my colleague and ex-CIA operative Jason Hanson…

And asked him for cutting-edge strategies that will keep your family safe no matter how ugly things get.

After serving the CIA for nearly a decade…

He now runs a 329-acre facility…

Where he teaches evasive driving, pistol and rifle shooting, intelligence operations, and so much more…

So, needless to say, he’s the real deal.

And he helped me put together a special report called How To Make Your Home Your Personal Fortress.

report: How To Make Your Home Your Personal

In this report you’ll discover:

Trust me, you’ll want to share this information with your loved ones…

And refer to the report on a regular basis during the coming election meltdown…

To ensure your family remains safe.

Click on the button on your screen to get started with your risk-free trial…

And this report will also be yours completely free.

Just to recap…

Here’s everything you get today when you take this risk-free trial…

everything included with your Strategic Intelligence subscription

Remember, you don’t even have to decide right now.

Take the next six months to try my research.

Read a few issues of Strategic Intelligence

Read all these special reports…

And get the names and ticker symbol of all these investments I’m recommending.

If during your trial period of six months you’re not 100% happy…

Just ask for your money back.

We’ll give you all of it back, no questions asked.

And we’ll let you keep all that research.

Like I said, there’s no risk to your subscription.

Click the button on your screen to get started…


And you’ll join thousands of Americans who are already happy to follow my research…

People like…

Claire B., who recently wrote in to say:

“BEST overall investment advice & overview of global geo-political events affecting the economy/markets! You will feel more confident about your investment decisions & gain greater insight into what is now happening in this changing world -many thanks for all your hard work!”

Claire B.

Kimberly H. said:

“I feel that this is likely the only place that I get the truth.”

Kimberly H.

Paul M. called Strategic Intelligence..

“The most trustworthy service I subscribe to.”

Paul M.

I’m glad my work is already helping everyday folks…

But I’m afraid most hard-working Americans are going to be caught off guard in this coming election meltdown.

I hope you won’t be one of them.

Look, I know everything I said today is hard to hear.

But look at the evidence.

Look at how crazy things have gotten in America.

Look at everything the democrats have done so far in an attempt to destroy Trump.

There’s no way they will simply accept his victory.

I’m confident we’re about to enter one of the most tumultuous times in our nation’s history.

Like I showed you today….

I’m expecting a 50% stock market crash…

And the final collapse of the US dollar…

Followed by violent riots across America.

But you and your loved ones don’t have to be victims.

If you take the five steps I recommended here today,...

I’m confident you’ll be able to protect and even grow your wealth in the coming days…

All while keeping your family safe during this difficult time.

Click on the button to get started…

And I look forward to welcoming you to Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence in the next few minutes.

Thanks for listening.

God bless.
August 2024