Hidden for 163 Years, this $150 Trillion “American Birthright” Could Soon be Released to the Public Thanks to a Landmark Supreme Court Decision
“It’s enough to make every single family in America millionaires.”
– Jim Rickards, Advisor to President Reagan and Co-architect of the Petrodollar Accord
Aaron Gentzler
For years, we’ve been told, “America is bankrupt.”
But there’s a side to this story you’ve never heard before.
A secret store of wealth so valuable, it’s enough to turn every legal U.S. citizen into a millionaire.
Thanks in large part to President Trump.
According to our guest today…
It all started years ago…
When the 42nd Congress changed Title 30 of the U.S. Code to establish what he calls a “secret trust” for the American people.
Today, this fund has quietly grown into a massive, fifteen-figure fortune.
For more than a century, it was sealed off from the public.
But now, thanks to a Supreme Court Decision…
It will soon be unlocked.
Our guest today says…
“America is anything BUT broke.”
And if you understand what’s bound to happen next?
You could watch your own net worth soar in the years ahead.
According to Jim Rickards, former advisor to the White House and Federal Reserve…
You and I are sitting on a “national inheritance” worth $150 trillion and counting.
Enough to pay off the national debt, four times over.
To put that in perspective, that’s enough money to make EVERY American family millionaires.
When it’s unleashed, Jim predicts as soon as this summer…
It will silence Trump’s most outspoken critics.
And hand a growing number of Americans a chance to retire wealthy.
So, where did this so-called “endowment” come from?
Why was it kept secret, for more than a century?
And how can you claim your share?
Joining us now is our special guest, Jim Rickards.
Jim has spent his fifty-year career in the innermost circles of the U.S. government and banking, making him one of the most politically connected men in America.
Jim – it’s an honor to have you with us.
Jim Rickards
Glad to be with you.
Aaron Gentzler
Now, moments before we went “on air,” you told me we’re about to see a profound transfer of wealth.
Yet very few people seem to be talking about this…
Jim Rickards
Right. And there’s good reason for that. This “trust fund” is not a pile of money to be equally distributed to all citizens. And it’s not part of a government program or handout.
Aaron Gentzler
Interesting. So tell me…
If it’s true the government is sitting on $150 trillion … how have they kept it quiet for so long? Where does the money come from?
And how can the average person profit?
Jim Rickards
Sure. I can answer those questions – starting with your first. Why all the secrecy?
Decades ago, the U.S. Congress inserted a key provision in Title 30 of the U.S. Code creating what one could call a “national “trust fund.”
You can go read the sections 22 to 42 to be exact… it’s pretty dry stuff.
I got my law degree from the University of Pennsylvania. One of the top schools in the nation. I promise you, we never talked about this change to the U.S. code… or this “trust fund”… even once.
It’s been this big secret for years.
Yet over time, the estimated size of this fund has grown and grown… to the point where its raw value sits near $150 trillion and counting.
Aaron Gentzler
Forgive me – but I’m hung up on the size of this. $150 trillion?
Jim Rickards
It didn’t start out this way.
But the nature of this “trust” is such that politicians haven’t been able to raid it… which has allowed it to grow untouched… for decades…
Aaron Gentzler
A number this big. It’s just… It’s unfathomable.
Jim Rickards
I know… just to put it into perspective…
$150 trillion is enough to pay off the national debt, four-times over.
It’s enough to take a 100% stake in EVERY company listed on the NASDAQ. From NVIDIA, to Google, to Amazon.
And buy EVERY private home in the United States.
If you divide this figure by the number of households in America, each family would get a check for $1.1 million.
Now of course, I don’t expect any of this is going to happen, I am just trying to point out the sheer magnitude of this situation.
This is not some kind of government program like those Covid relief checks a few years back.
But it is a chance for the average American to become richer than they ever imagined. And a chance for a few little-known companies to become household names, in the years ahead.
Aaron Gentzler
You know, for all the talk we’ve heard about “debt ceilings” and government shutdowns…
I’m surprised no one has mentioned this “trust fund.”
The only one we hear about is Social Security.
But this seems different…
Jim Rickards
No, no. This is different. Very different.
The government has raided the Social Security trust fund so many times, it is practically gone.
Even NPR admits, it could run short of cash in just 8 years.
But this “National Trust” is different.
If Jimmy Carter… Bill Clinton… Obama or Biden tapped into it?
They would have unleashed a socialist nightmare and destroyed this country.
As luck would have it, they failed for one specific reason, which I’ll share in a moment.
The key thing to know is…
For the first time in our lives, the government is set to unlock this massive asset.
And it all ties to a pivotal decision made by Trump’s Supreme Court.
Aaron Gentzler
I’ve got to say that sounds great, on paper. But I have so many questions.
Jim Rickards
I figured you might. Take your time.
Aaron Gentzler
Well, assuming everything you’ve said is true… Why would the government release something so valuable?
Jim Rickards
Well as it turns out, this has happened before.
Back in 1862, America was a young nation. And it needed people to populate the Western states.
That’s when President Lincoln signed the “Homestead Act.”
Instantly granting any American citizen the right to claim 160 acres of public land for $18.
Aaron Gentzler
160 acres for $18? That’s got to be the “deal of the century!”
Jim Rickards
For many it was.
Their $18 investment equates to around $562 today.
While 160 acres of farmland is worth about $900,000.
Aaron Gentzler
Wait. So, these people had a chance to make over 1,000 times their money?
Jim Rickards
Indeed. But there was a catch.
To get all this “free land,” they had to pack up, move to the middle of nowhere and stay put.
Aaron Gentzler
Ah – well. No such thing as a “free lunch.”
Jim Rickards
No… And to be clear, this story is not about real estate.
You see…
Despite giving away 10% of all land in the United States…
The government retained the most valuable part.
For 163 years, it’s held on to it.
But thanks to a recent Supreme Court Decision, it will soon release this vast $150 trillion asset.
Jim Rickards
And just like we saw with those 160 acres of farmland…
It’s not the government that will profit.
It’s the people who act on this opportunity first.
Aaron Gentzler
And who might that be?
Jim Rickards
I’m talking about the businesses who get a jump on this, and the regular folks who know how to take advantage. They could come out way ahead.
Only in this case, you don’t have to uproot your family. Or endure months of back-breaking labor.
You don’t even have to write your congressman or fill out a form.
With a small investment, you could set your family up for generational wealth.
Aaron Gentzler
All that sounds incredible.
But there’s a hole in this story…
What is this national endowment? And where is the money coming from?
Far as I know, the government isn’t cutting million-dollar checks. Or giving away land.
Jim Rickards
You’re right…
President Trump is freeing up something far more valuable than land. On a scale we’ve never seen.
Aaron Gentzler
Before we get to that… I’m wondering where on earth could the government store such a huge endowment.
At the Federal Reserve?
Jim Rickards
No. The Fed manages about $6.8 trillion in assets. Which is nothing compared to this.
Take a look…
It’s held on deposit across all 50 states.
$516 billion is here in the Salton Sea area of California…
$3.1 trillion is held in Nome, Alaska.
And $7.35 trillion is here, in Midland, Texas…
Aaron Gentzler
Woah — $7 plus trillion in Texas, alone?
But how do we know the government didn’t just sell it off? You know…
I was just thinking about Ft. Knox.
It holds 147 million ounces of U.S. gold reserves.
But is it still there?
The government hasn’t allowed an audit since what…
Jim Rickards
Since 1953.
Oh, I see what you’re getting at. How do we know this $150 trillion endowment still exists?
Aaron, I can’t vouch for the gold at Ft. Knox.
But this “national trust” is different.
Unlike a stash of gold, they can’t sell it off with the push of a button. That’s a key reason why it has grown, untouched for so long. But I believe all that’s about to change, starting as early as this summer.
Aaron Gentzler
Now we’re getting somewhere.
So we’re NOT talking about a pile of stocks… cash… bonds… real estate or gold bars.
Jim Rickards
That’s right…
And it’s not an actual “trust fund” or “endowment” like you’ve seen before. It’s not earmarked for any specific individual. I’m just trying to use terminology that will make the most sense to viewers.
That’s why very few people know about this.
And here’s the thing…
If you’re over age 50, what happens next could be your final chance to build “generational wealth.”
That’s why it’s critical you know what’s happening and how you can profit.
Aaron Gentzler
I’m beginning to see the big picture. But if this endowment is as HUGE as you say… why have so few people heard about it?
Jim Rickards
It’s beyond the imagination of most people – including most officials employed by the Federal government.
But Americans who stake even a modest claim – with a small investment – could see an explosion of wealth in the years ahead.
There will be surprising political effects as well.
Aaron Gentzler
Political effects. What do you mean by that?
Jim Rickards
Donald Trump could become a national hero… one of the most powerful Presidents in memory.
I won’t be surprised if his face gets chiseled into Mt. Rushmore.
Or immortalized on the new $1,000 bill.
Aaron Gentzler
Trump?? On par with Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt?
Jim Rickards
Look, Aaron, I can tell from the look on your face, what you’re thinking…
Aaron Gentzler
It seems crazy.
But that’s why I invited you to join us.
Over the past decade, we’ve seen dozens of “off-the-wall” predictions. And we’ve done our best to poke holes in them.
But when we investigated your record, Jim…
An astounding number of your predictions have proven RIGHT.
Few believed you back in 2008 when you warned of a looming stock market crash. But that’s precisely what happened. Stocks cratered 53%.
Then in 2016, you said Trump would become our next President. At the time, polls gave him a 1 or 2% chance. But again, you were right.
Then came 2020…
We all know what happened that year. But few people saw it coming. And hardly anyone listened when you warned of the coming pandemic and lockdowns.
When it comes to President Trump—you’ve been flawless.
You were one of a few people who knew he’d become President in 2016.
And last year, you predicted he’d win in an electoral landslide. Including the exact number of electoral votes he’d receive. It’s uncanny.
But your latest call? It’s something else.
Jim Rickards
I don’t blame you if you think my new prediction sounds a bit crazy.
Like I said.
No one has a reference point for this.
Because nothing like it has happened in more than a century.
Now this might sound like it’s coming out of left field…
But I promise it will all make sense in a minute.
Do you remember when Trump spoke about new American cities?
Aaron Gentzler
I do recall him saying something like that.
Jim Rickards
Right. A year or so ago he mentioned America could build as many as 10 new “Freedom Cities.”
Trump said:
These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American dream.
Donald Trump
And this all ties back to our national “endowment.”
Of course, CNN made fun of his plan, calling it “light on details.”
And Forbes piled on too, saying, “There are a lot of problems with this idea.”
Not surprising…
Because these people rarely stop to think. All they do is parrot political talking points.
But have you ever wondered…
Where did our cities come from?
I’m not talking about colonial New York, Philadelphia or DC.
Why did so many new cities spring to life during the 19th and early 20th century?
San Francisco and Denver…
Houston… Salt Lake City… and Birmingham.
And why would so many people leave everyone they knew, to move hundreds to thousands of miles away?
It all ties back to the story I’m sharing with you today…
San Francisco was a sleepy village of less than 300 people for decades.
It didn’t become a city until the gold rush of 1849. And tens of thousands of speculators joined the fray.
Birmingham, Alabama was a quiet cotton-picking district. Until we discovered vast deposits of iron, coal and copper in the 1870s. Overnight, it became known as “The Magic City.”
Denver was sparsely populated until the late 1800s.
Then, it burst to life thanks to gold fever and the birth of the transcontinental railroad.
Houston was known as “Mexican Texas.” But all that changed in 1901 – with the discovery of the giant oil field, Spindletop.
An explosion of mineral wealth rained down over our nation…
And anyone of modest means could stake a claim and strike it rich.
Aaron Gentzler
Jim, I get it. This idea of a “gold rush” is embedded in our culture. But I’ve got to be honest. Everyone I know who’s making real money? They’ve bought and held stocks for decades… or made a fast buck trading crypto or A.I. stocks.
Jim Rickards
You’re right, we haven’t seen a REAL mining boom in our lifetime.
But the last time this happened in America?
So many people cashed in… a phrase was invented to describe it:
“Rags to riches.”
And now, it’s about to happen, once again.
These seemingly obscure minerals… from gold to copper and silver to lithium.
They’re the building blocks of everything from NVIDIA Chips to advanced military weapons… to Chat GPT… to the new “freedom cities” Trump has proposed.
Aaron Gentzler
Well, you put it that way, I guess “new cities” don’t seem so crazy.
Jim Rickards
Right, and to be clear, you don’t have to “move” anywhere to take advantage of this opportunity.
Aaron Gentzler
That’s a relief.
But there’s one thing I can’t wrap my head around
Why haven’t we seen any new cities spring up since the early 1900s?
Jim Rickards
That’s a great question…
With a simple answer.
It takes vast amounts of wealth to build a new city.
Not just dollars and cents. REAL mineral wealth. The building blocks of life.
And unfortunately, the government got in the way.
For the past 50 years, or so…
Washington backed all kinds of crazy things, from electric cars and solar panels to offshore windmill farms.
All in the hope that these technologies would “save the planet.”
But they’ve been a disaster.
They cost us trillions of dollars and make next to zero impact on the climate.
And they made it next to impossible to tap into our vast resources, here in the U.S.
One former insider at the Department of the Interior says…
Aaron Gentzler
So, all these minerals were “locked up” by insane environmentalists – for decades?
Jim Rickards
You probably noticed…
Obama and Biden chose to protect plants… birds… and fish instead of protecting and enriching the American public.
Aaron Gentzler
Alright. I mean, I’m all for a clean environment. But what kind of person would sacrifice his family for the sake of a bird or a plant or a fish?
Jim Rickards
Look, I appreciate the unspoiled beauty of nature too. But these people are mentally ill.
To protect the “environment” they destroyed our middle class. They shipped our key industries overseas. Then bottled-up America’s most valuable resources.
Capital Research reports:
That’s equal to every square mile of ALL these states, COMBINED!
So, all this time – we’ve had this rich “endowment” right under our feet.
Yet for years, we refused to touch it.
Aaron Gentzler
You know, when you put it that way… I can’t help but think of Norway. For years, it’s tapped into its own oil and gas fields and passed the wealth along to its people.
Jim Rickards
That’s right. Norway’s endowment has around $350,000 set aside for every man, woman and child.
You can find similar sovereign wealth funds in Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE.
Thanks to its vast oil endowment, its citizens receive everything from interest-free mortgages to free healthcare. To 11-cent gasoline. And believe it or not, they pay ZERO personal income taxes.
Aaron Gentzler
I wish you hadn’t mentioned that. It seems unfair.
Jim Rickards
Well, don’t lose hope just yet.
Recently, Trump established a Sovereign Wealth Fund for America. Something that has NEVER happened before.
Now, I’m not saying the government will give any of this money directly to American citizens.
No one knows how they’ll use this Fund. Or what will go inside it. But there are clues.
Recently, Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent said, “We’re going to monetize the asset side of the U.S. balance sheet.
Contrast that with America’s Social Security fund, which is set to run out of cash by 2033. Just 8 years from now.
Aaron Gentzler
It makes me sick – to think how badly it’s been managed. And how Social Security has become a kind of Ponzi scheme. Will this new Sovereign Wealth Fund help fix our broken safety net?
Jim Rickards
There’s no telling how he’ll deploy this fund. Anything is possible. We’ll just have to wait and see.
But Aaron, if Social Security running out of money makes you sick? Brace yourself…
Because guess who profits from this mess?
In addition to taking most of our manufacturing jobs…
The U.S. government admits…
We rely on China for 100% of 20 key minerals.
These are critical to everything from NVIDIA’s A.I. Chips to Elon Musk’s EVs, robots and satellites… to advanced military weaponry like F-16 fighters and drones. Practically every device with an “on” button.
And late last year, China cut us off!
Aaron Gentzler
Cut us off in what way?
Jim Rickards
China blocked the export of these critical minerals to the United States.
Meaning if we don’t act – our whole economy could tip into crisis.
This reminds me of the 1970s, and the Arab Oil Embargo.
Back then, I was working with the Nixon administration. I was part of an elite team plotting a secret take-over of Saudi Arabia’s oil fields. It was our plan-B if they didn’t agree to our demands.
Anyway… I bring this up because the same kind of thing is happening today in the market for critical minerals.
Which is why Trump is moving fast to unlock this $150 trillion endowment.
Aaron Gentzler
Wow – I mean – you put it that way, it’s no wonder.
So to recap: We’ve been sitting on a fortune. All the resources we could possibly need.
And meanwhile…
Our leaders have acted like we’re broke!
Borrowing and printing money to fund our government. Going hat in hand to China.
Jim Rickards
Yes – but all that stops now.
Recently, Trump said:
There are certain areas where we have great, raw earth. And we’re not allowed to use it because of the environment. We have areas that have incredible [resources] and I’m going to open them up. I’m going to let them use it.
President Donald J. Trump
So today, for the first time in a century, he’s re-opening our mineral-rich Federal Lands.
And fast-tracking companies that will recover trillions of dollars’ worth of resources, right here in America.
You can see on this map – the shaded area – it belongs to the public. It adds up to roughly 28% of all land in the U.S. About 90% of this land is concentrated out west. And it contains world-class mineral deposits, many of which have never been touched.
Aaron Gentzler
Well judging by what we’ve learned so far… It’s about time we tapped into this treasure!
There’s just one problem.
Jim Rickards
And what’s that?
Aaron Gentzler
Trump’s already served a full term as President.
And he failed to unlock this $150 trillion endowment.
He couldn’t get the Keystone Pipeline approved.
Or greenlight Alaska’s famous Pebble Mine.
He didn’t resurrect the coal industry… or expand offshore drilling.
So what’s changed?
Jim Rickards
You’re right…
Most people don’t realize…
Trump was sabotaged from day one.
His first two years in office were wasted fighting the “fake Russian hoax.”
His third year was destroyed by a “fake” impeachment trial concocted by the intelligence community and liars like Adam Schiff.
His fourth year was consumed by the COVID pandemic and the collapse of both the stock market and the economy.
Aaron Gentzler
So he never had a chance to do things HIS way.
Jim Rickards
Right. But this time is different.
Recently, his Supreme Court made a pivotal decision.
I don’t want to get into the weeds.
But for decades, there’s been a law on the books. The Chevron Doctrine.
But it’s clear to me, its purpose was to prevent businesses from operating in America.
Have you ever wondered what happened to our shipbuilding industry? Our consumer electronics industry? Clothing and furniture makers? America used to be a bustling economy – full of hard working, innovative businesses.
But most of them disappeared…
Thanks to a web of insane rules and regulations.
Aaron Gentzler
Right. Most of them outsourced their labor to China.
Jim Rickards
And why does everything seem to be “Made in China?” If you ever wondered why it’s so cheap to make a product way over there… and ship it thousands of miles back here. This is it. They don’t have all this red tape.
For the past 50 years, fake-experts have strangled us from within the government. They tied us down with reams of regulation. And they ushered in one boondoggle after another.
Like the “Green New Scam.”
So they hollowed out our economy… And we wound up with toilets that can’t flush… gas cans that don’t work… shower heads that barely spit water… and annoying paper straws that disintegrate in your mouth.
And these same bone-headed policies? They gave agencies like the EPA “kill shot” power to stop any mining project they wanted, at any time, for any reason.
Recently, S&P Global put together a list of the top mining countries on earth… based on how long it takes to tap a major deposit.
And guess where the United States ranks?
Aaron Gentzler
We’re the richest nation in the world.
Ah, I’m guessing somewhere near the top.
Jim Rickards
We came in second-last.
One notch above poverty-stricken Zambia.
Aaron Gentzler
You’ve got to be kidding!
Jim Rickards
Think about this…
When it comes to extracting rare and priceless minerals…
Our country is slightly better than one of the poorest nations on earth!
We have truly massive mineral wealth here. It’s not hard to extract. We know where it is. And how to get it.
But the government got in the way.
Aaron Gentzler
That’s just… brutal.
Jim Rickards
You have no idea…
There’s a huge copper deposit in Arizona. It’s called Resolution Mine. And it’s been sitting there for 29 years. It’s got enough copper to supply 25% of what we need, right here in America.
Then there’s the infamous Pebble mine in Alaska. It’s one of the greatest sources of mineral wealth ever discovered. Yet it’s been mothballed since 1990!
Or how about this…
The Thacker Pass Lithium Mine in Nevada is the largest known deposit of its kind in the U.S.
Guess how long it’s been stuck – waiting for U.S. government approval?
Aaron Gentzler
I don’t know. 25 years… 30?
Jim Rickards
It’s been shut down since 1978!
Aaron Gentzler
That’s insane.
Jim Rickards
It’s beyond crazy. It’s criminal. They have deprived us of OUR Birthright.
But now…
That’s all about to change.
Aaron Gentzler
And so what’s changed, exactly?
Jim Rickards
Last year, Trump’s Supreme Court overturned the Chevron Doctrine.
Most people have never heard of this policy.
Like I said, it essentially gave so-called government experts “kill shot” power.
And they used it again and again to block us from touching dozens of world-class resource deposits across the country.
But all that’s over now.
We know exactly where these minerals are. We know they’re worth trillions of dollars.
Now… for the first time in half a century – we can go get them!
Not only is the Chevron Doctrine dead.
But its vast power now lies with the Trump administration… its courts and judges.
Aaron Gentzler
OK, so this is the huge land-rush you’re talking about. And perhaps, the core of Trump’s new Sovereign Wealth Fund.
But Jim – to my knowledge, the United States government cannot extract these minerals.
Jim Rickards
Of course not.
These are public lands.
But to unleash all this mineral wealth, the government is turning to investors.
In fact, Trump is rolling out the red carpet, as we speak.
Aaron Gentzler
OK, I’m told we have his exact words on the screen. This is from a post on Truth Social.
Aaron Gentzler
One billion dollars or more?
Jim Rickards
But look…
You don’t have to be a billionaire or a millionaire to profit from this opportunity.
I’ve found a backdoor way you can profit from mineral rights tied to the most valuable untapped deposits in America.
In fact, you could get started with $500 or less.
Aaron Gentzler
Mineral rights? As an investment?
Jim Rickards
That’s right.
Recently Trump’s Secretary of Commerce, Howard Lutnick said:
Why is that? Because for the first time in our lifetime, the government is going to monetize America’s real, physical wealth. Not just our gold reserves. But all our federal lands and along with the priceless metals and resources hidden under the surface.
And if my research proves correct, investors who tap into this opportunity right now could become wealthier than they ever imagined.
No one alive has seen anything like this before.
I project we will see 50 years of trapped mineral wealth unleashed in a single presidential term.
For investors…
It’s a chance to cram decades worth of gains into just four years.
Aaron Gentzler
I can see what you’re saying. But can ANYONE get in on this?
The whole idea of owning mineral rights… it sounds complicated.
Jim Rickards
Right. Well, not to worry.
I’m not talking about doing anything complicated like directly owning the rights. You don’t have to be rich or an accredited investor.
It’s as simple as owning shares of a few specific stocks.
In fact, there are five ticker symbols you can type into any brokerage account that will give you a stake in five companies I believe will skyrocket in the years ahead.
Each with the potential to double… triple… or more during Trump’s second term. Conservatively speaking…
Aaron Gentzler
And what makes their mineral rights so valuable?
Jim Rickards
Let’s pretend you own the rights to a huge copper deposit. Copper, by the way, is one of the most critical metals used in the production of A.I. chips, by companies like NVIDIA.
Alright. So you’re sitting on a $50 billion copper deposit.
How much are your rights worth?
Aaron Gentzler
No idea.
Jim Rickards
Well, it depends.
During the Biden administration… you had to deal with all kinds of roadblocks and red tape.
Aaron Gentzler
In other words, my copper was off limits.
Jim Rickards
That’s right.
Aaron Gentzler
OK. In that case, my mineral rights could be worth less.
Jim Rickards
Much less. Pennies on the dollar.
But soon, the same mineral rights could be worth a fortune!
And this is not a hypothetical.
This is precisely what happened with a company called First Quantum.
Back in the early 2000s, the Zambian government approved its Kanganshi Copper Mine. And its shares exploded from 84 cents to more than $22. That’s a gain of 2,583%.
Aaron Gentzler
That’s an incredible return.
Jim Rickards
Keep in mind, it took place over five years. But this just goes to show what’s possible when the feds get out of the way.
I could show you dozens of examples.
Take Northern Dynasty. Back in 2002, the government allowed it to acquire a 100% stake in Alaska’s vast Pebble Project. In the span of five years, its shares leapt from 50 cents to almost $15.
Aaron Gentzler
What’s that… 3,000% or more? You don’t see that very often.
Jim Rickards
Well, in rare moments like this, anything is possible.
There’s a firm called Paladin.
It’s a uranium miner with a massive property in Namibia.
Same story.
At one point, you could have bought shares for less than 15 cents, adjusted for splits.
But when the government approved this mine – it raced to $92. Roughly 61,000% higher, in four years.
Aaron Gentzler
Ok… one second. My producer is doing the math. And he’s telling me that’s enough to turn a $500 stake into $300,000.
Jim Rickards
Now you’re getting it.
This is what makes today’s situation so unusual.
And potentially profitable.
Now it goes without saying, these are “best case scenarios.” Most people aren’t going to get in at the absolute bottom and sell at the top.
It just goes to show what’s possible.
It’s rare to see an opportunity like this.
But just think of it…
For decades…
The U.S. Government has blocked us from tapping into our Birthright. Trillions of dollars of minerals and metals, right here on American soil.
But today, for the first time in half a century, Trump is shredding the government’s crazy rules and regulations.
His massive 10-to-1 deregulation initiative is sure to clear the way for miners and drillers to finally access our untapped resources.
His Supreme Court has reversed a decades long ban. And he’s issued multiple executive orders to unlock our vast energy resources. And establish America’s first Sovereign Wealth Fund.
That’s why I believe five specific mineral rights companies are about to soar!
Aaron Gentzler
Again – sounds great on paper. But what can regular folks do about it?
Jim Rickards
I’ve found a simple way you can own stock in companies with the rights to some of the most valuable mineral deposits in America. Even if you have less than $500 to invest.
And I’ve had my research team put it all together in one easy-to-follow report.
It’s called…
THE AMERICAN BIRTHRIGHT: How to Claim Your Share of America’s $150 Trillion Mineral Endowment.
And today, we’re making it available to anyone who requests a copy.
Aaron Gentzler
Free of charge?
Jim Rickards
All I ask is you join forces and take a look at my work.
Aaron Gentzler
OK. Tell us a bit more about your team… and your research.
Jim Rickards
You know, for years, I’ve given advice to members of Trump’s cabinet.
I’ve been inside the West Wing of the White House… the Treasury… and our central bank, the Federal Reserve.
I’ve attended private gatherings with people close to the President.
And these inside connections have given me a rare window into his second term.
So each month, we take everything we’ve learned and break it all down into a simple, 20-page update.
In the past year, we’ve covered everything from the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and the U.S. military… to the potential for a new gold standard to the hidden effects of major elections on our economy and stock market.
I’ve got to tell you, Aaron.
When people see what’s coming next?
They’re going to be shocked.
Aaron Gentzler
So in this first report, THE AMERICAN BIRTHRIGHT. I take it that’s where you’ve put all your thinking and research on this massive $150 Trillion endowment?
Jim Rickards
That’s correct.
Inside, you’ll find the name and ticker symbol of five companies I believe are positioned to profit…
As Trump unleashes all this pent-up wealth, locked within Federal Lands and launches America’s first-ever Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Keep in mind…
We haven’t seen anything like this in more than a century.
The last time the government allowed regular Americans to tap into our vast endowment was 1872.
That’s when Congress and President Ulysses S. Grant changed Title 30 of the U.S. Code and established this secret trust for the American people.
Back then, anyone could make a claim.
All you had to do was pay $2 to $5 per acre… and do a minimal amount of work.
Again, so many people cashed in on this… a phrase was invented to describe it: “rags to riches.”
But then, the doors slammed shut.
What excites me today is…
We finally have a similar asymmetrical opportunity in the stock market. Where a small investment could ultimately grow into a fortune.
As this story plays out – investors could see 2-times… 4-times their money or more.
Of course there are no guarantees, so you should never invest more than you can stand to lose.
But hear me when I tell you: This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
That’s why billionaires from Bill Gates to Jeff Bezos are pouring a fortune into this corner of the market.
Chances are, they see what Trump is doing.
So they’re moving a mountain of money to get in front of this trend.
But in this case, regular investors have an advantage.
Aaron Gentzler
WE have an advantage. Over Bezos and Gates? How is that possible?
Jim Rickards
The big guys are too wealthy to meaningfully invest.
To put it in perspective there’s one company that controls the one of the most valuable copper deposits on earth.
With a TOTAL market cap around $400 million.
Aaron Gentzler
That doesn’t seem small.
Jim Rickards
It’s miniscule, compared to Jeff Bezos’s net worth of $255 billion.
He could invest one-tenth of 1% of his wealth…
And take over the whole company!
Which doesn’t leave much upside.
To put that in perspective…
Imagine you have a net worth of $200,000.
But the most you can invest is $300.
Even if it doubled or tripled… or 10x’d – it wouldn’t change your life.
Aaron Gentzler
Ah. Now I see. So, a guy like Bezos has his hands tied. It would be like me putting in $300 and making $3,000. A fantastic return – but it’s not going to change my life.
Jim Rickards
Right. And this is why I say small investors have an edge.
But only if you ACT on this knowledge, to begin with.
Aaron Gentzler
OK – we’ll share how to do that, in a moment. But a minute ago you upped the ante, Jim.
You said, and I quote, “People are going to be shocked in the months to come.”
What did you mean by that?
Jim Rickards
Well, what I’ve shared with you today is just the beginning.
We are entering a new era.
And this all has to do with Trump’s great rally cry: MAGA.
Aaron Gentzler
Make America Great Again.
Jim Rickards
That’s what it stands for – but few people know what it means or what Trump is planning next.
Because, in addition to unlocking our vast $150 trillion mineral endowment – I believe Trump is going to re-set the clock on our republic. And return us to something known as the “American System.”
Aaron Gentzler
The American System? How is that different from how things work today?
Jim Rickards
The American System dates to the late 1700s. And it was supported by George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, all the way up to Dwight Eisenhower.
Aaron Gentzler
And what does this system look like?
Jim Rickards
I’m sure you’ve heard Trump talk about getting rid of the IRS. And axing the income tax.
It turns out…
We didn’t have an income tax for much of our history. Instead, the government drew revenue from tariffs.
Aaron Gentzler
Tariffs instead of taxes?
That’s a pillar of Trump’s policy.
Jim Rickards
Recently, Trump said,
It’s time for the United States to return to the system that made us richer and more powerful than ever before.
President Donald J. Trump
Aaron Gentzler
The “American System?”
Jim Rickards
That’s why Trump has proposed a new agency called the External Revenue Service.
A new branch of Treasury focused on protecting American jobs and raising revenue by taxing our trade partners, instead of the American public.
And it could reshape our economy in the months ahead.
Aaron Gentzler
OK – what else should we expect with this new system. Or should I say “old” system?
Jim Rickards
I’ve asked my team to assemble all our research into a second special report. You’ll find everything you need to know inside.
It’s called Inside Trump’s Secret Plan to “Reset” America.
Aaron Gentzler
A moment ago, you mentioned this could rewire our whole economy…
Can you share what that means?
Jim Rickards
Of course.
As a result of all the new tariffs – three American energy stocks could really take off.
Trump has opened the door to revive the Keystone XL pipeline. I’m sure you heard about this – it’s been a political football for years. Biden and Obama did everything short of nuking it. But now it could become a reality.
Trump is also planning to re-fill our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Most people don’t realize how insane Biden’s policies were. During his presidency, he drained a record 180 million barrels!
That’s more than the previous SIX presidents combined.
To refill our stockpile, Trump’s going to increase oil production here at home.
And that’s only the start.
As we return to the American System – we’re going to see a whole lot more than oil and gas produced in America.
Trump’s plan is to increase U.S. oil production by 3 million barrels per day.
But I’m not recommending you buy any of the U.S. oil majors.
You see, there’s a huge bottleneck in the system. We don’t have enough refining capacity.
And the more oil we produce, the more profits could flow to one specific company.
You’ll hear all about it in our report: Trump’s Secret Plan to “Reset” America.
As you’ll see, this story goes way beyond oil and gas…
Trump is applying immense pressure on U.S. companies to re-shore the production of everything from auto parts to A.I. chips. It’s all coming back.
Aaron Gentzler
So is it fair to say there are two paths here. Companies that re-shore jobs to America will thrive. While those that refuse will get hit hard?
Jim Rickards
Precisely right.
So, in addition to my report on Trump’s new American System – I’ve asked my team to put together a vital report on the companies most likely to LOSE under this scenario.
If you own the wrong stocks now, you could suffer a huge loss as Trump returns America to its roots.
In the weeks and months ahead, their shareholders could be wiped out.
That’s why I asked my team to compile all the key details…
Including the three most popular companies out there that could crash 30-50%… or even go to zero.
Three popular companies popped up in our search.
I consider them ticking time bombs that are sitting inside millions of 401(k) and IRA accounts…
We put all the details inside another special report called Trump’s Takedown Trade: 3 Stocks to Sell Immediately.
If you have even one of these in your portfolio…
This is your chance to get out, before it’s too late.
Aaron Gentzler
OK – so to recap, you’ve assembled three reports our viewers can claim, with zero risk.
Jim Rickards
Yes, that’s it.
We’ve raced to assemble these reports for good reason.
Massive changes are coming. And most people are going to be caught off-guard.
That’s why I want to give folks watching a chance to claim these reports, along with full access to a project I’ve been working on called Strategic Intelligence.
Aaron Gentzler
Can you give us a little background on that?
Jim Rickards
Happy to…
The whole point of Strategic Intelligence is…
We want to help you understand and profit from the vast and often unseen forces shaping our economy and stock market… through Trump’s second term – and beyond.
What will happen after Trump regains control of the Panama Canal?
Or negotiates a deal to make Greenland a U.S. Territory?
What assets will be funneled into American’s new Sovereign Wealth Fund? And how can you front-run the government?
Not to mention, the new $500 billion A.I. project, called Stargate.
Fortunes will be made from each of these events.
And through my research you’ll see what’s coming, weeks to months before it becomes common knowledge.
Aaron Gentzler
I love that – it’s like you’re giving us a look behind the scenes of what’s really happening.
Jim Rickards
That’s exactly what we do.
Each month, you’ll receive a new issue filled with ideas and strategies to help you protect and grow your wealth.
In the past year, we’ve covered everything from…
Supreme Court Decisions to the Dismantling of the Deep State…
To the race for A.I. supremacy and how to profit from it.
Before Strategic Intelligence, I only provided this kind of research to my high-net-worth clients and members of the U.S. Intelligence Community.
But now, you can have the chance to hear my best ideas on an ongoing basis.
Aaron Gentzler
I’m curious, Jim – who is behind all this?
Jim Rickards
Oh, we don’t have any sponsors or backers in a traditional sense. Our research is 100% independent.
No one on our staff collects commissions on anything we recommend.
In other words, we are 100% independent, beholden only to our readers.
Aaron Gentzler
And really, Jim, what surprised me is your generosity. If I’m understanding this… you’re giving folks a chance to look over all your research and all the reports you mentioned – at no risk.
Jim Rickards
That’s right. All we ask in return is you take a risk-free trial to Strategic Intelligence…
When you do, my team will immediately send you all the special reports I’ve mentioned.
Aaron Gentzler
Can you fill us in on the details and how much all this costs?
Jim Rickards
Happy to.
Membership to my newsletter typically sells for $299 per 6 months.
But my publisher has arranged a special discount for our viewers.
We want to help as many Americans as possible prepare for what’s coming and profit from the companies most likely to soar in Trump’s second term. Because odds are they won’t look anything like the stocks that soared over the past 4 years.
So today we’re not charging anywhere near $299.
My publisher just agreed to make Strategic Intelligence available to our audience for a single payment of $49.
Aaron Gentzler
$49 per month?
Jim Rickards
No, not per month. For one low price. You’ll get 6 full months of my research.
And if you don’t like what you see… and you’re not 100% happy?
You can get a full and prompt refund.
Anytime in the first 3 months.
All you have to do is call or email our customer service team and they’ll take care of it, no questions asked.
Go ahead and print out everything you received.
All the issues…
All the reports…
All my model portfolio recommendations
(As of this moment, there are several you can act on right now.)
Aaron Gentzler
So it sounds to me like there is no risk here. They can keep everything. No matter what.
Jim Rickards
That’s right.
Aaron Gentzler
OK – there’s a button popping up on the screen below this video. It says “Join Now.” And it’s a secure link that will take you straight to Jim’s order form. Don’t try to look this up anywhere else. You won’t get this special price. Make sure you use the button below.
JOIN NOWSo go ahead and click that button.
When you do, you’ll get a full summary of everything on offer today. All the reports. And everything else you’ll receive as part of your trial subscription.
And Jim – I think there’s one thing we left out, right?
Jim Rickards
That’s right. For the folks who do join today, I’ve arranged to send you one more bonus report that will help you prepare for the most explosive profit opportunity of the decade.
It’s called: Trump’s A.I. Arsenal: How Investing in A.I. Superweapons Could Turn $1,000 into $162,000.
Today, our military is a mess.
The Air Force is still flying B-52 bombers, built in 1961.
And it’s not just our planes that are out of date. Everything from ships to tanks – they’re 30-40 years old.
One retired Naval Officer reports:
But here’s the thing…
Trump isn’t going to remake the military of the past.
He’s building a new one – supported by the most advanced technology on earth.
I’m sure you’ve heard him talk about the “Iron Dome.”
Aaron Gentzler
Right, that’s the anti-missile system made famous by Israel. But Jim – that country… it’s got to be 100 times smaller than the United States.
Jim Rickards
444 times, to be exact.
Now can you imagine the investment it will take to cover America, the same way?
Aaron Gentzler
My gosh. Someone is going to make a fortune.
Jim Rickards
It’s inevitable.
As we speak, one company is working to replace the old Minuteman system, which dates to the 1960s – before we even set foot on the moon.
It’s partnering with Elon Musk’s SpaceX to develop something called Star Shield. This tech is built on Elon’s Starlink platform. And it will act as an early warning system for America.
And that’s just one of several firms poised to profit from Trump’s new Iron Dome.
We’ve put all our research down in a fourth report called: Trump’s A.I. Arsenal: How Investing in A.I. Superweapons Could Turn $1,000 into $162,000.
Inside you’ll find our favorite ways to invest in this new military mega-trend.
Another company we’re tracking is much, much smaller. And we project its shares to soar 10,000% or more in the decades ahead.
Its AI-powered long-range drone can take out targets up to 3,000 miles away. It weighs just 2,500 pounds and can accelerate to Mach 0.85, at altitudes up to 45,000 feet.
On top of that, it can be launched from aircraft carriers or small airfields.
All at a huge savings.
Think of it…
An F-16 costs the military more than $60 million. But this AI-powered drone comes in under $6 million – one tenth the price.
I believe this firm is poised to magnify our military might, while trimming our defense budget. And for investors, it could be the ultimate speculation.
Aaron Gentzler
So, if I’m reading you right – the best way to play A.I. is at the intersection of the military and technology.
Jim Rickards
That’s where the money is flowing. I know the Mag 7 companies are the poster-children for A.I.
But few of them are making money on it.
OpenAI is valued at $157 billion – but they haven’t earned a penny in profit.
Meta is blowing through tens of billions of dollars.
And Microsoft has put in at least $19 billion – but has yet to see any significant profits from A.I.
Aaron Gentzler
That raises the question who WILL profit from this technology?
Jim Rickards
We have the answer…
My research shows a handful of defense companies are poised to make money hand over first.
After all… Their products are not “free.” They’re supported by massive and growing investments from the Trump Administration.
Aaron Gentzler
OK – so to recap…
You’ve created an additional report – Trump’s A.I. Arsenal: How Investing in A.I. Superweapons Could Turn $1,000 into $162,000.
Which brings the total to FOUR reports. And six issues of
And you’ve backed all this with a 100% unconditional money-back guarantee.
Jim Rickards
That’s correct.
If for some reason you receive all these reports and access to Strategic Intelligence – and you think it’s not worth $49. No problem. Just contact my team and they’ll issue a full refund – anytime during the next 3 months.
Aaron Gentzler
Jim Rickards – I want to thank you for joining us. This has been an invaluable experience. I was wondering do you have a few more minutes to spare? We’ve received dozens of questions… and a few of them are so good, I wish I had asked them, myself.
Jim Rickards
I’ve got a couple more minutes but sure. Go ahead.
Aaron Gentzler
OK – so for the folks at home, there’s a link below this window. If you click it and follow a few simple instructions, you’ll get instant access to Jim’s research, risk free.
Don’t worry, this window will stay open and you won’t miss our final Q&A.
Jim, I want to respect your time.
So I’m going to move through these questions, fast.
Jim Rickards
Fire when ready…
Aaron Gentzler
First one:
Why hasn’t this trust fund been widely reported on by mainstream financial institutions or government agencies?
Jim Rickards
Oh it’s definitely been reported on. But mostly in a negative light. Unfortunately, most liberals don’t seem to like mining. Which is ironic! Their whole “green transition” would require massive amounts of new minerals. And they don’t just fall out of the sky. But we’ve already established the fact most of those people are insane.
To answer the second part – I think you asked, why haven’t government agencies reported on this. Well, the U.S. Geological Survey does indeed report on the vast store of wealth locked on our Federal Lands. But they don’t look at it from a financial standpoint. They’re basically a bunch of rock-kickers. It’s hard to listen to what they say without falling asleep!
And if you somehow manage to find their reports, you’d get lost in a sea of data. But to be clear, the $150 trillion endowment as I like to call it is well documented. It’s just been trapped in place for decades.
Aaron Gentzler
Well said. OK – Moving along. We’ve got another question here. This one is a bit of a curveball:
How does unlocking this trust fund not trigger hyperinflation or devalue the U.S. dollar?
Jim Rickards
Oh, I love this question.
Whoever asked this has a keen grasp on history. In the past, when gold was money – any significant gold discovery would literally expand the supply of money. Which is, of course, inflationary.
But today, there’s not a single currency on earth that’s backed by anything of real or lasting value. So I don’t think this would be “hyper-inflationary” in any sense of the word.
You could argue a greater supply of gold or other minerals could push their price down in dollar terms. But that’s only if demand remains the same. All my sources indicate soaring demand for these minerals in the months ahead.
Aaron Gentzler
OK – I know you said you only had a few minutes, Jim. And I don’t want to abuse that.
Do you have time for two more?
Jim Rickards
Sure – I’ve got time for that.
Aaron Gentzler
OK, here we go:
How does this compare to existing sovereign wealth funds in places like Norway or Saudi Arabia? What makes the U.S. version different?
Jim Rickards
Fascinating question.
It’s too early to tell what Trump will put in America’s Sovereign Wealth Fund. But every other fund of its kind that I know of has included a massive stockpile of commodities. Or cash equivalents.
The big question is – will America follow in the footsteps of Saudi Arabia? Will we offer subsidized, interest-free mortgages? Will we use this windfall to slash taxes or get rid of the income tax, entirely? Nobody knows.
But what I find exciting is… anything is possible, within reason. You’ve got to remember Norway, Saudi Arabia – these are miniscule countries when you compare their population to the U.S.
And that’s why I’m advising Americans to tap into this stream of wealth by owning a select group of stocks.
We can’t know what the government will do with this huge source of revenue. But it’s likely companies that tap into this long locked-up wealth will come out way ahead.
Aaron Gentzler
That’s enlightening. Thanks again, Jim. OK – this is it. In the interests of time – last question:
If these mineral rights are so valuable, why aren’t major institutional investors already pouring money into them?
Jim Rickards
Oh, they absolutely are! That’s a great point. One I neglected to make.
You know, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway of course. Well, they’ve continued to scoop up shares of Occidental Petroleum. In fact, they now own 28% of the company, which has huge interests in expanding oil production in the U.S.
And then there’s PIMCO the huge bond manager. It’s making some big moves this year. The Wall Street Journal reports it has snapped up 354 million shares of a natural gas exporter called Venture Global.
One more I know of is Elliot Management. They invested $1 billion in Anglo American – a mining firm that was once involved with the infamous Pebble project in Alaska – which has been blocked from production for many years.
So yes, wealthy investors and institutions are involved. But like I mentioned before – there’s not an incentive for them to own smaller, publicly-traded companies the way you and I can.
Like Warren Buffett once said… if I had only $1 million to invest instead of $200 billion, I could earn an annual 50% return.
And that’s why smaller investors almost always have more upside.
Aaron Gentzler
Jim, we’ve taken enough of your time. I want to thank you again for being with us today. I’ve learned a lot. And I’m looking forward to claiming my own little slice of the American Birthright, so to speak.
Folks, if you haven’t done so yet, go ahead and click the link below. It will take you to a secure order form where you’ll find Jim’s very generous offer, which is only available to our viewers today. Make sure you follow this link to save 83% off the regular rate and take a risk-free trial of Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence.
JOIN NOWAlong with instant access to four free reports, shown below.
Plus Jim’s model portfolio, where you’ll find all his official investment recommendations.
Jim Rickards
And to the folks joining us today, I look forward to working with you in the months ahead. Go ahead and click the “Join Now” button below, and I hope to see you on the inside.
JOIN NOWFebruary 2025