New Prediction From The Man Who Called:
Bitcoin at $113
Facebook’s $100B IPO
Apple’s Rise to $1T
10 AI 2.0 STOCKS Could Make ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini Obsolete…
And Turn a $10K Investment into as much as $1 Million in the Coming Years
Hello. My name is Frank Barnes.
I’m joined here by best-selling author and wealth-building guru James Altucher.
James has been getting a lot of attention for what he’s called the AI 2.0 Wealth Window.
James is showing how Americans can get in on the potential next AI winners with as little as $144…
And he predicts this will be bigger than the crypto market boom.
10X bigger, thank you James.
In fact, you’ve targeted the AI stocks you believe could turn a modest $10,000 stake into $1 MILLION or more in just a couple years.
But only by getting in on the next generation of Artificial Intelligence…
What you call “AI 2.0”…
BEFORE the window closes on August 12, 2024.
That’s truly incredible.
What a life changer a million dollars would be for almost any American.
Especially those of us over 50…
I want to talk about what AI 2.0 is…
And why you believe this specific “wealth window” will close on August 12…
And you’ve even said you’ll give away one of your top 5 AI stock picks…
That’s right, Frank.
I’m going to give away one of my top 5 AI stock picks here today…
But I want to ask you about something you just said.
You said this could be 10X bigger than the crypto market, which is an astonishing claim.
I mean, we all watched as thousands of people became almost overnight millionaires from investing in crypto.
Is the opportunity you’re sharing today really that big?
The opportunity I’m about to share is immense, Frank.
And nice to be here, by the way.
It’s an honor to have you, James!
What I’m going to reveal here today – AI 2.0 – is being created by the biggest wealth-building opportunity in US history…
AI is now predicted to be a $15.7 TRILLION BOOM market by 2030…
That’s more than 10X BIGGER than the crypto market…
Today, I’ve identified those AI opportunities I believe could take…
A $10K investment to $1 MILLION or more over the next few years.
I also have more speculative picks that you could get into for as little as $144.
These opportunities could end up netting you big returns.
And I know your predictions have a sneaky habit of coming true!
That’s nice of you to say, Frank.
I have a feeling you’re referring to Bitcoin…
It’s true I predicted its success all the way back in 2013.
A single Bitcoin was trading for just $114 back then.
And, as we all know…
Over the next few years Bitcoin’s value exploded by 64,631%.
Topping out at almost $74,000.
Anyone who listened to me then…
And rode it to the peak in March 2024…
It wasn’t just Bitcoin though…
You’ve made a lot of bold technology predictions that have come true…
And you’ve often done it years before the mainstream “experts”…
For example:
I remember people laughing at the time, but I was right…
You sure were.
Then, in 2011, you predicted the stock market had bottomed and announced it was time to buy…
And, of course, in 2013 you predicted the success of Bitcoin when it traded at just $114…
You were right about all of these.
And there are many more examples.
But today, you say you’re making your boldest prediction ever…
Between now and August 12, 2024…
Next generation AI technology will open a “wealth window”…
That could be the biggest wealth-building opportunity of our lifetime.
That’s correct, Frank.
Thanks for that trip down memory lane.
And I admit…
I do take some pride in my predictions coming true…
But I hate to brag about myself.
Or have anyone else do it!
But there’s a really important reason I agreed to be here.
Why are you here today, James?
Because I believe every good American deserves the second chance that’s starting right now.
Here’s what I mean…
You worked hard all your life…
You provided for your family…
You paid your taxes…
You did everything you were supposed to do…
And then you watched from the sidelines…
As thousands of snot-nosed tech geeks got rich on cryptocurrencies.
In fact, some estimate crypto turned 100,000 investors into overnight millionaires.
But, if you weren’t one of them…
I have some very good news today.
Because I’m sharing the most valuable prediction I’ve ever made:
In comparison…
This “second chance” opportunity to get in on a brand-new technology will create a tidal wave of new wealth…
At least, it will for those who know what to do.
You could be one of the lucky ones.
I’m even going to give away one of my top 5 AI picks in a moment…
But August 12 is approaching quickly…
And I worry too many people will miss out this last time.
What do you mean by “this last time”?
Frank, if I’m right about this event…
This is our generation’s last chance to get in on a game-changing technological advancement.
Again, the AI market will be 10X bigger than the crypto market.
But most Americans will have no idea how to capitalize on this opportunity.
And I’m worried many people will decide to “wait and see” instead…
They’ll sit back while Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos all get richer…
And they’ll miss out.
I really don’t want anyone watching right now to miss out on this.
My research tells me that the last-chance opportunity I’ll reveal here today…
The “AI 2.0 Wealth Window” I believe will slam shut on August 12…
Could turn $10,000 into a life-changing $1 MILLION over just a couple years.
Should I get right into it now, Frank?
James, I can’t wait for you to show us exactly what we need to do…
And I know you’ll reveal everything in just a minute…
But I want to make sure everyone watching knows exactly why so many people trust you on this prediction…
You’ve become a bit of a household name because of your 3 best-selling books on wealth creation…
Including “Skip the Line” and “Choose Yourself” – which USA Today called “one of the 12 best business books of all time.”
You managed the Wall Street hedge fund “Formula Capital”…
You were a partner in the $200 million venture capital firm “212 Ventures”…
Your podcast – where you interview people like Mark Cuban and Richard Branson…
Has now been downloaded more than 40 MILLION times…
Heck, in 2015 LinkedIn even once called you one of the 4 most influential people in the world…
Right after Bill Gates and Richard Branson.
But I’m not sure that everyone out there realizes you are an expert on one thing above everything else…
Artificial Intelligence.
That’s true, Frank.
I want to get into the AI 2.0 Wealth Window opportunity…
And how smart Americans can get in on the $15.7 trillion AI boom market…
But would you mind telling us quickly about your background in AI?
I can do that.
I’ve been fascinated by artificial intelligence since I was a child.
And almost 40 years ago…
I first started working in AI technology.
That was back in 1987…
As an undergrad at Cornell University…
I wrote a scientific paper on AI.
I was really surprised it got published.
Because this was unheard of for an undergraduate student.
I was 20 I believe.
They invited me to present my paper at The Conference on Automated Deduction in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Sounds just like a trip to Disney…
Well, for me… it was in a way.
It was the most prestigious AI conference in the world.
I was by far the youngest person there.
But it went so well I was invited to speak on AI at more conferences and universities.
After college, I went to graduate school at Carnegie Mellon University to study AI.
That’s where AI was first invented in the 1950s.
As a grad student…
I helped develop IBM’s Deep Blue…
The chess-playing robot that humbled the world’s best players.
IBM even offered me a job after I graduated…
But I turned them down.
Why did you turn down IBM?
I guess I had other plans…
I always had a ton of ideas knocking around in my brain.
So I ended up starting and then sold several tech companies…
I sold one for $10 million.
Another for $15 million.
I used that money to become an angel investor in several startups…
Like Buddy Media, which was then acquired by Salesforce for $689 million.
People started to notice I seemed to have a knack for recognizing big investment opportunities…
That got me a job on Wall Street.
Using an early AI tool I wrote myself…
It actually became the basis of my first book.
I also managed a successful hedge fund…
As well as every major venture capitalist in Silicon Valley.
Thanks James.
I think it’s really important for our viewers to know your background in AI.
So, let’s get into the good stuff right now…
Just what is this last-chance wealth-building event?
Well, I’m talking, of course, about investing in Artificial Intelligence or AI.
But – and this is important…
I’m not talking about ChatGPT or OpenAI…
Or any of the trendy AI applications all over social media and the news.
I’m revealing something here not many people are aware of yet…
But that will soon transform our economy, our lives, and our entire society forever.
Or as I call it…
AI 2.0
And, this is important:
AI 2.0 isn’t some future dream…
Much of it is already here now…
And more is coming to market every single day.
So what does this mean for our viewers?
Frank, because of my AI research I’m now predicting…
Whether you’re a seasoned trader…
Or someone who has never invested a nickel…
Getting in on the right kind of AI 2.0 during this event…
Could be an extremely profitable decision over the coming months.
If you know exactly what to do.
And if you avoid the 2 big AI investing traps I’ll show you in a minute.
I want to be clear on how big this is…
For now, ignore crypto. Just for today.
Let the bitcoin junkies stress over every rise and fall…
I’m about to show you how a wealth-building opportunity like AI 2.0…
Hasn’t happened in America for 150 years.
I now predict, before August 12, 2024…
James, they’re estimating AI will become a $15.7 TRILLION market by 2030…
The opportunity is clearly enormous.
If you ask me…
They’re thinking too small.
I now predict AI will be the first $100 TRILLION industry!
There will be trillions of dollars available to those who know how to take advantage of the AI opportunity.
When this “wealth window” cracks open in the coming days…
If you know exactly what to do, I predict…
You could get in with as little as a $144 stake…
If you were on the outside during the dot-com money grab of the late 90s…
Or failed to buy in on bitcoin before it took off like a rocket…
I have good news.
You’re not alone in saying this…
Before the interview, I pulled up a few quotes from some of the leading figures in tech…
Elon Musk is quoted saying…
“AI is probably the single biggest item in the near
term that’s likely to affect humanity.”
Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google went even bigger. He said…
“AI is more profound than electricity or fire.”
Jeff Bezos of Amazon is all in too. He said…
“It’s hard to overstate how big of an impact AI will
have on society over the next 20 years.”
And Mark Cuban recently predicted…
“The world’s first trillionaires are going to come
from somebody who masters AI.”
Exactly, Frank.
But it’s not just the elites.
The public is fascinated by AI.
Think about this…
From its launch date…
It took Netflix 3.5 years to reach 1 million users.
It took Twitter 2 years to reach the same amount.
Facebook was a bit faster.
It reached a million users in only 10 months.
Impressive, right?
So how long did the AI interface ChatGPT need to hit 1 million?
5 days.
That’s just astonishing.
Within 2 months, ChatGPT was at 100 million users.
I think they’re closing in on 1 BILLION monthly users now…
But is that translating into revenues?
Oh yeah.
The market is now exploding…
In 2020, $271 million was invested in AI…
Just two years later…
That number had shot up by 1,000%…
In 2022, investors pumped $2.56 billion into AI stocks.
In 2023, that number 10Xed to $27 billion.
And in 2024, that number is already over $1 trillion dollars.
All of it driven by the exploding market for AI.
But, the truth is…
AI is STILL in its very earliest days.
Last year, less than 4% of companies reported using any kind of AI.
Less than 4%. That’s surprising, James.
Frank, that’s actually the best news I have for our viewers…
As of right now, as you’re watching this today…
Think about what I’m saying…
Have you ever missed out in the past?
Imagine if you had gotten in some of the best performing stocks of the last few decades…
If you’d invested just $144 in Apple right from the start in 1980 …
Your little investment would now be worth $198,192.
Or let’s say you’d invested more…
With a $10,000 stake in Apple when it first went public…
You’d now be as rich as a lottery winner…
Sitting on a $13.7 million fortune.
Or what if you’d bought into Amazon early on?
In that case your $144 stake at the start…
Would now be worth…
Almost a quarter million dollars.
But a $10,000 Amazon investment over 30 years?
Imagine checking your online accounts…
And seeing $15.8 million in there.
You’d live comfortably and independently forever.
And that much wealth would ensure the long-term security of your children, close friends, even your heirs…
Imagine how grateful they’d be…
Exactly, Frank.
And it doesn’t necessarily take decades to see huge gains, either.
Think about another top performer, Tesla…
In May 2019, you could have snagged a share of Tesla for just $12.
Cut to November 2021…
When shares were trading for $407.
That’s a 3,031% GAIN in just 30 months.
If you’d played it perfectly…
A $1000 investment would have turned into over $30,000…
That sure beats any bank or bond I’ve ever heard of.
Now, these examples were unusually strong…
And there’s no guarantee of this kind of performance…
But if you think about Amazon, Apple, or Tesla my point is…
Major technological innovation often drives massive investment returns.
And that’s exactly what we’re talking about here with AI 2.0, right?
I predict certain new AI technologies will create the biggest investment opportunity of our lives.
And I don’t want anyone watching to miss out this time…
That’s why, today…
Including giving away one of my top 5 AI investment picks…
I want everyone watching to get in early…
Before the amateur traders out there even sniff the real opportunity.
So no one has to regret sitting on the sidelines…
while someone else claimed your fortune.
If that’s happened to you before…
Consider this your second chance.
Because AI 2.0 will be more significant than any tech breakthrough we’ve seen in our lifetimes.
AI is Edison’s light bulb…
AI is the internal combustion engine…
It’s splitting the atom…
Or maybe it’s bigger than all these combined.
Is that really true?
Frank, I’m now watching companies coming to market…
With new AI-driven technologies that will absolutely transform our society.
Here is just a tiny fraction of what we’ll soon see…
AI 2.0 will revolutionize medicine…
Did you know a new pharmaceutical drug typically costs $10 billion to develop…
And then 90% of them FAIL in clinical trials?
There’s a new AI tool out there that can identify potential drug molecules…
1,200X faster than current methods…
This will slash the cost of drug development…
And bring more, better drugs to market quicker.
In fact…
This will absolutely revolutionize medicine.
As the expense plummets and the speed of development increases exponentially…
Prepare for a flood of amazing new drugs to hit the market…
There’s still so much more…
AI 2.0 will revolutionize transportation…
We’ve all read about how advanced AI will soon make safe self-driving vehicles a reality…
But it won’t just be autonomous cars…
AI technology will drive trucks delivering goods around the country…
And even pilot cargo planes and space craft.
AI in outer space, huh?
But let’s switch gears to something that hits closer to home…
AI 2.0 will revolutionize cybersecurity…
Are you sick of changing passwords every few months…
And still getting your accounts hacked?
AI will solve that too.
AI-powered systems are being developed that will know it’s you online…
Simply by the way you type.
And AI-driven facial recognition cameras in your devices will provide an additional level of security…
Making hacks and identity theft almost impossible.
And stopping online criminals once and for all.
These are just a few tiny examples of AI technology that is already here…
Or in its final stages of development.
But this is all just the tip of the AI-berg…
Education, manufacturing, e-commerce, transportation, government, entertainment…
There’s not one single industry that won’t be revolutionized by AI.
And, of course, getting in early on the best AI innovations…
Could be like getting in on Tesla, Apple, Amazon, or Bitcoin…
BEFORE Joe Public had even heard of them.
And while very few investments go on to see extraordinary returns like these…
I’m going to show how I have now targeted AI stocks I believe…
So, if your retirement accounts aren’t flush…
The opportunities you’re about to get could help you see those accounts GROW from the AI boom.
James, I follow the markets daily.
And while AI is clearly hot…
Not every AI stock is a winner.
Can you explain that?
Here’s the thing…
Most AI investors – even the so-called “experts”…
Are getting it all wrong.
ChatGPT, OpenAI and all the other trendy public AI programs…
The applications making those life-like pictures on social media…
And “writing” music that sounds just like famous artists…
And the programs churning out entire college term papers in minutes?
Sure, they’re fun.
And impressive.
But they’re hype.
I’ll show you in a minute…
How this first generation of public-facing AI…
Will soon feel as obsolete as an America Online CD-ROM.
That’s fascinating, James.
You’re saying the experts out there are getting it wrong?
Big time.
In fact, if you get it wrong…
Investing in today’s early AI programs could be a financial disaster.
I’m talking about possibly losing your investments…
Or even wiping out your retirement savings.
Here it is:
AI will create the largest investment opportunity in modern history…
Making a fortune from AI should be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel…
Many investors – even the “experts” – will lose money.
That’s the paradox…
AI will transform the world economy in a million different ways.
And savvy investors should make easy money on AI…
But, despite what all the so-called “investment gurus” are saying…
Most people won’t see any kind of substantial gains…
Can you tell us why that is?
I’ll do better than that, Frank.
I’m going to show our viewers exactly why that is…
But also…
How to help make sure it won’t happen to YOU.
Friends, you’re about to be some of the most informed people in America.
And I believe…
What you’ll see today will allow you…
To be one of the fortunate few who capitalizes on the real AI opportunities…
You see, I’ve now identified those AI 2.0 stocks I believe could turn as little as $10,000…
Into $1 MILLION over the next few years.
Potentially changing your financial circumstances…
For you, your family, and your heirs.
I’ll show you everything here about the coming AI “wealth window”…
And how you can still get in on it.
But that’s not all.
To show you I’m serious about helping you get in on this opportunity…
I’m serious.
I don’t want you to pay me a dime for this top five pick…
Or for any of the information I’m sharing today.
That’s amazing, James.
I’ve never seen this kind of value given away for free before.
You could just keep this information for yourself and make a mint.
Why are you giving it away today?
I refuse to let good Americans miss out this time.
But I do need to warn our viewers…
If, like me, you’re over 45…
This is your last chance.
I don’t foresee another wealth-building opportunity like this in our lifetimes.
And possibly not for another 100 years or more.
I implore you…
Don’t ignore your chance.
In fact, if you give me just one more minute of your time…
I’m going to reveal my three AI predictions…
That could change your future and that of your family and heirs.
James, your predictions come true at an astonishingly high rate.
I can’t wait to see what your big 3 AI predictions are.
Will you show us them now?
My pleasure.
My first prediction is one I’ve made already in this interview:
I believe the opportunity is starting as I write this…
And will end August 12, 2024.
I predict…
This “wealth window” will allow regular Americans to make substantial gains, not just the elites.
This has happened only once before in our country’s history.
And if you follow the blueprint I’ll show you here…
Ok, that’s a big one.
What’s your second prediction?
Even better, I’ll show you my own proof why I think this “wealth window” will happen.
And I’ll show you why the mainstream is clueless about it.
This is great.
I’m excited to see that.
What’s your final big AI prediction?
I’ll also show opportunities you can get into starting with as little as $144.
This could happen for you even if you don’t know anything about technology or investing.
I’m also going to show you…
How to stay safe from the two AI investing TRAPS that will doom many investors…
Keep watching to avoid making these two mistakes that could ruin your chance at gains…
No time like the present, right James?
No time like the present Frank.
Let’s do it all right now…
Starting with why most AI investors will fall flat on their faces…
In fact, for many, AI investment could end up feeling like a swindle…
Or even a con job.
Because, historically, when it comes to groundbreaking new technology…
Frank, remember surfing the web using Netscape or FireFox?
Or doing an internet search with Alta Vista?
I do.
That feels like ancient history.
And just like these early generation technologies…
Today’s first batch of public AI programs – what I’m calling first generation AI…
Are dumb, gimmicky, and full of glitches.
Dave Waters is an AI pioneer.
I remember him saying…
“A baby learns to crawl, walk and then run. We are
in the crawling stage when it comes to applying
(Artificial Intelligence).”
Yes! That’s exactly it.
In fact, here’s something no one is telling you…
All these “brand new” AI programs your kids and grandkids are playing with?
The underlying technology has been around for years…
Or even decades in some cases.
We were simply waiting for the computing power to catch up.
Now that it has…
They’re already obsolete.
That makes a lot of sense to me, James.
But if all the fancy stuff out there now is practically obsolete…
What’s coming down the pike?
Great question.
Frank, my experience and research tells me…
And it’s coming right now.
Fact is…
AI is reshaping the global economy as we speak.
It will be impossible to sit on the sidelines for this one.
If you don’t get in at the right time…
You and your family could suffer.
AI will disrupt entire industries…
Soon, 1-3 lawyers using AI will be able to do the same work as 10-20 lawyers can today.
And while I don’t expect many of us will cry over fewer lawyers…
Many other jobs will disappear entirely.
In all…
It’s predicted that 8 out of every 10 American jobs will be affected by AI…
And a full 25% could be replaced forever.
Some estimate 300 million jobs could be lost to AI.
Does that mean AI is bad news for our economy?
Not at all…
Next gen AI programs will speed up product development…
Reduce time to market…
Allow for enormous innovation in manufacturing and production…
Allowing the US to outcompete third world labor…
After all, with every major work-saving innovation throughout history…
As jobs were lost, even more were created.
AI will be no different.
In fact, the World Economic Forum predicts that 97 million new jobs will be created by 2025 as a result of AI.
Bill Gates agrees. He was quoted as saying…
“AI is just the latest technologies that allow us to produce many more goods and services with less labor.”
“And overwhelmingly, over the last several hundred years that has been great for society.”
Do you agree with that sentiment?
I absolutely agree with it.
Very soon, I predict…
An AI-driven technology and manufacturing boom…
Will line the pockets of those who got in early.
In fact…
Consulting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers estimated that by 2030 AI will add…
A staggering $15.7 trillion to the global economy.
That’s more than the combined economies of the world’s two most populous countries, China and India.
But as I said earlier in this broadcast, I think they’re being conservative with that number.
I think AI will be the first $100 trillion industry.
James, what about those people who claim AI could become “sentient”…
Begin thinking for itself…
And eventually wipe out humanity?
Frank, that’s a great plot for a sci-fi movie…
Maybe we should write it. **laughs**
But the Chicken Littles out there don’t understand the programming.
Remember taking statistics in high school?
Unfortunately, yes.
That’s all AI is.
What appears to be thinking or reasoning is simply statistics at work…
AI programs are fed a huge amount of information.
The software absorbs it, organizes it…
Then spits back the information that is, statistically, the best answer.
That’s it.
The programming is very clever…
But AI can never become sentient, like a human.
Think of it this way…
No, AI won’t enslave humanity or cause nuclear war…
But it will likely be the best assistant you could imagine…
AI will crank out mundane tasks…
And increase worker efficiency in a million different ways.
That’s how it will transform our lives and the global economy.
It’s the dawn of a brand-new era for humanity…
AI is a technological breakthrough unlike anything we’ve ever seen…
Or will see again in our lifetimes.
And that’s why AI is such a huge money-making opportunity…
If you know exactly what to do.
And he’s launched a new AI business, x.AI.
Amazon has invested $4 billion in AI…
And those are the smaller players.
Mark Zuckerberg’s company Meta/Facebook plans to invest $40 billion in AI.
And Chinese tech giant Tencent has already invested a staggering $70 billion in AI.
And all that still pales compared to Google…
Who has committed to spending $100 billion on AI in the coming years…
And Microsoft - who is rumored to be building a $100 billion AI 2.0 supercomputer, set to launch in 2028.
And, sure, these are some of the wealthiest people and most powerful corporations in the world…
As always, the rich will get richer.
There’s nothing that will stop that.
BUT, I predict…
Because of the nature of the AI 2.0 revolution…
A brief window will open for regular folks to enjoy substantial new wealth.
Again, imagine investing in Apple when it first went public in 1980…
Before its stock skyrocketed in value by 216,900%…
Or getting in on Amazon in 1997…
Before it exploded by 250,566%.
Potentially turning $10,000 into $25 million in 27 years.
But Amazon and Apple have more than just massive returns in common.
They were both technological innovators.
They disrupted an existing market.
Finding those innovators is the secret to life-changing returns.
Because AI will disrupt EVERY market, business, and society on the planet…
I predict the next generation of AI 2.0…
Being released right now…
Will open a “wealth window” that closes on August 12…
I’ve now identified those AI opportunities I believe could take…
A $10K investment to $1 MILLION or more over the next few years.
I also have more speculative picks that you could get into for as little as $144.
These opportunities could end up netting you big returns.
Invest a lot more with the blueprint I’m going to share today…
And you could find yourself sitting on a substantial retirement account.
To the benefit of you, your family, and your heirs.
How big could this get, James?
Frank, it’s going to be so big our heads will spin.
Actually, I believe the impact of AI 2.0 on our economy will be so monumental…
It will usher in a second “Gilded Age”.
You see, the best tech investors know that every 10-15 years…
There’s a brief period of major technological innovation.
This innovation then drives huge gains that are available to regular Americans.
Most recent was the “crypto boom” a few years ago…
When up to 100,000 investors suddenly found themselves wealthy beyond their dreams.
Before that was the dot-com frenzy of the late 1990s…
When new millionaires were being minted almost overnight.
If we go back a little further than that…
In 1982, newly invented personal computers and disk drives…
Created a white-hot bull market for everyday investors.
And so on back through history…
With a new tech boom appearing around every 10-15 years…
But 150 years ago…
Something different happened.
Something much bigger.
I wasn’t a big fan of statistics, but I loved history class.
You’re talking about America’s Gilded Age.
Nailed it.
During this time, driven by major technological advances…
The US economy rose at the fastest rate in history.
In fact, the Gilded Age is when America became a world leader in technology.
From 1860 to 1890, 500,000 patents were granted for new inventions.
That’s 10X the number granted in the previous 70 years combined.
I’m talking about game-changing technological innovations of the time…
The light bulb…
The telephone…
The airplane…
The automobile…
The Kodak camera…
Just to name a few.
Ok, enough history lesson…
Here’s why I’m bringing it up.
Because, for once…
The Gilded Age wasn’t just about the “rich getting richer”…
And some of them used the opportunity to secure unimaginable wealth…
Like Andrew Carnegie, raised in a one-room cottage…
He made $1.20 a week as a 13-year-old bobbin boy in a clothing factory…
At 20, Carnegie convinced his mother to mortgage their home to buy 10 shares in a railroad business.
He eventually turned those early dividends into a fortune…
That would be worth $309 billion today.
Or Cornelius Vanderbilt…
Who quit school at 11 years old to work on a ferry…
He went on to build a shipping and railroad empire that would make him one of the wealthiest men on earth…
With a net worth of over $200 billion in today’s money.
And Rockefeller of course.
Of course.
We can’t forget John D. Rockefeller.
His father was a con man who left his family penniless…
So, at 16, Rockefeller becomes an assistant bookkeeper in Cleveland.
His wage was $16 a month.
At 20, he began investing his measly savings in oil…
And he was very good at it.
Eventually, Rockefeller became America’s first billionaire.
In fact…
He may have been the richest person in modern history.
At one time his fortune was about 2% of the entire American economy.
Today, that would make him worth about half a TRILLION dollars.
That’s more wealth than Musk and Bezos combined.
The time in which these men made their fortunes is called America’s Gilded Age…
Because it was a period of great wealth and innovation…
Where regular people could improve their station in life.
That kind of wealth revolution had only happened this one time.
Until now.
I believe the economic opportunities created by AI 2.0…
Just like the railroad and automobiles did away with horses and carriages during the Gilded Age…
AI will radically transform our economy and society.
How so, James?
Well, for example, I predict…
American manufacturing will leave China…
And make a triumphant return to America…
Thanks to AI-powered robots.
The technology is being developed right now.
I’m talking about, among others…
Elon Musk’s Optimus robots.
These robots are autonomous workers, embedded with a smart “AI brain”.
Musk is going to use thousands of them in Tesla factories…
With plans to expand that to millions around the world.
In fact, he claims the robots will be ready to sell as soon as the end of 2025.
AI robots will make it cheaper to manufacture goods here in America than China.
And they’ll create new American jobs in construction, maintenance, transportation, management, and more.
He’s even said his robots have the potential to be used in homes…
To make dinner and do housework…
Care for the elderly…
Or become a buddy or even a “romantic companion” for lonely people.
A romantic companion?
**laughs** That might sound strange…
And maybe it is.
But I’ve learned not to bet against Musk’s vision.
And, again, this is just one of the ways AI 2.0 will transform our economy and society.
There are so many others…
Kristian Hammond, chief scientist of Natural Sciences said…
In 15 years, “90% of news will be written by machines.”
Advanced AI will soon be doing much of the work now done…
By lawyers, data processors, radiologists, customer service reps, and factory workers.
For some, AI will eventually make their jobs obsolete…
Just like carriage makers, telegraph operators, and typewriter repairmen were phased out by progress.
But, as in the past, new technology will create more jobs than it takes away…
Ignore the chatter about “universal basic incomes” and socialism…
The Chicken Littles can squawk about the sky falling all they want…
But, take it from me – an AI expert and self-made man…
AI is kicking off a global economic boom…
And, if you follow my AI investing blueprint…
And enjoy new comfort, financial security, and independence…
But didn’t you mention there are 2 AI investing traps that could stop someone from profiting from AI investing?
You need to make sure you don’t stumble into the two AI investing traps…
Here’s AI Trap #1…
Ignore the “Hey look, Ma! We’re AI now” companies.
Some companies are talking about “AI” because it’s the rage…
Those fakers will peak quickly…
And fall just as sharply.
If you’re fooled, you’ll take an expensive bath.
It’s happened before…
Did you know an iced tea company once added “blockchain” to its name…
And saw its share price shoot up by 380%?
An iced tea company, really? When did that happen?
In 2017, the Long Island Iced Tea Corporation changed its name to Long Blockchain Corporation.
Even though the company had nothing to do with blockchain technology.
But “blockchain” was red hot in 2017…
The stock price and trading volume both spiked…
I wonder how that ended up…
I bet you can guess.
As quick as it went up, the stock nose-dived…
Losing more than 99% of its value.
I’m glad I wasn’t left holding that turkey.
That would have been a big mistake to make.
Me too.
But Frank, with the sheer size of the AI market…
The risk of mistakes will be so much bigger…
Of course…
Maybe not as many as people think…
But they are out there.
James, how do you separate the true AI innovators…
From the “AI flavor of the month” companies?
That’s a real challenge if you’re not an AI expert…
I’ll tell you how to do it in a second…
But first let me share the second AI investing trap to avoid…
AI Trap #2: Getting bombed in the AI startup minefield.
As you know, Frank, business startups are the investor’s Holy Grail…
You buy in low at the start…
Anticipating an Amazon-like earnings explosion.
That’s the kind of scenario in which people’s fortunes are changed forever.
And, sure enough…
There are now more than 67,000 “AI startups” around the world begging for cash…
And tempting early investors with the promise of mega returns.
Getting in early could feel like you just hit on the top gainers like Apple in 1980…
Or Tesla in 2010…
But, here’s the scary reality…
Most – almost all – of these AI startups will CRASH and BURN.
Will Manidis, the CEO of AI-driven healthcare startup ScienceIO, said it well.
“There are hundreds of millions of dollars being deployed towards glorified tech demos…”
I read an even more pessimistic prediction from internet entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk…
He recently said “99% of AI startups are going to fail.”
I think he’s probably not far off.
Think about that, Frank…
Almost all AI startups will go down in flames.
And their investors could be left holding worthless stock.
You have to ask yourself…
Can you pick the 1% that will win big?
To make money during the coming AI wealth boom, you’ll need to safely navigate the “startup minefield”…
I’m talking about identifying the few AI startups…
Who are innovating in the technology…
With a real plan, real financing…
And real potential for growth.
Instead of losing your investment cash to companies that talk a big game… before going down in flames.
Yes, I believe…
AI 2.0 will be the biggest money-making opportunity of the past 150 years…
But if you don’t know how to identify the right opportunities in which to invest…
It could be a disaster.
Unless that is…
You hold the investing blueprint I’m offering you.
Don’t spend one dollar investing in AI…
Until you’ve seen what I’m about to reveal.
You can get in on the $15.7 trillion AI market…
Investing in more speculative picks for as little as $144… Or using the picks I believe will take $10,000…
To as much as $1 MILLION over the next few years…
This is your chance to potentially build your own wealth…
And that of your children and heirs.
But, as I told you a minute ago…
To get in on the AI “wealth window”…
You need to steer clear of “flavor of the month” AI fakers…
And avoid the 99% of AI startups that will crash and burn…
Instead, you need to invest in those companies that will use AI profitably…
Delivering big gains – and new wealth – to their shareholders.
James, I remember the same thing happened when the internet first started getting big.
At first, everyone claimed to know the secret for harnessing its potential.
Some of the loudest voices claimed to be experts…
Even though they didn’t have a clue how the technology worked.
Exactly Frank.
And you know what happened next…
Dot-com stocks crashed…
Followed by wave after wave of bankruptcies.
The same scenario could play out here.
Companies are now starting to throw billions of dollars into AI.
They’re praying AI technology will improve their business…
Or at least increase their stock price up a few bucks.
The true AI innovators.
And while all investing carries risk, the good thing is…
You don’t need to be tech-savvy to make money from AI.
You don’t even need to be an expert stock trader.
Instead, you just have to buy shares of those companies set to dominate the space.
And stay far away from the loudmouths…
Who are overpromising results from technology they don’t understand.
James, how can a regular person…
A non-AI expert…
Know how to pick the AI 2.0 winners?
That’s exactly why I came here today…
I’ve done the work for you.
Friends, for the first time ever…
I’ve taken my nearly 40 years’ experience with AI…
Combined it with my track record of picking winning investments…
To select 10 REAL AI 2.0 stocks…
The ones I believe are best positioned for monster returns…
Today, I’m handing out copies of my brand-new AI 2.0 portfolio…
To good Americans who deserve their second chance to invest in breakthrough technology.
And who want in on the $15.7 trillion AI market boom…
During the coming AI 2.0 wealth window.
I’m talking about people like you…
Who’ve taken the time to watch this full presentation.
I’m going to show you how to get a personal copy of my AI 2.0 portfolio today.
This way…
You’ll get the benefit of my nearly 40 years of AI experience…
Combined with my unparalleled track record of picking winners.
James, just so our viewers know, are these companies you have a financial interest in?
Do you benefit if someone invests in them?
Very good question.
I hope it goes without saying, but…
I don’t have an ownership or management stake in any of these companies…
To create my new, complete AI 2.0 portfolio…
My expert team and I independently hand-picked only those companies…
We believe will be at the bleeding edge of the next generation of AI…
Whether you choose to invest in any, all, or none of them, I don’t benefit.
James, will you give us an example of the companies you’ve discovered?
I’ll do better than that, Frank…
I’ll give you three.
The first stock you’ll find in my portfolio is a company…
That will power the next generation of AI…
They’re developing a new kind of ultra-powerful microchip for AI…
Called quantum computing chips.
They’re made of components a million times smaller…
And far more powerful than conventional chips…
These things will power the future of AI.
Actually, they’ll power the future of our entire planet.
And right now, I think their stock is still way undervalued.
Ok, that’s one.
Here’s another you’ll get…
We’ve found a little-known company that’s the world leader in “natural language-processing” software.
Basically, their powerful software can hear you…
Understand what you’re saying…
And then respond appropriately.
This tech will be vital for next generation AI applications…
Here’s another…
As I mentioned earlier, I predict Elon Musk’s Optimus robots will fill factories around the world.
And I think these humanoid robots and others like them will soon fill factories around the globe.
But there’s a problem…
While new “AI-brained” manufacturing robots are busy building Teslas or whatever…
Who is making sure they’re not making mistakes?
How could human supervisors watch hundreds or thousands of robots at once?
They can’t.
That’s why there’s a company using genius AI technology in computer vision to observe assembly lines.
The advanced programming can monitor the entire manufacturing process…
And ensure all the robots are working perfectly.
I can easily see how these stocks could rocket up…
Can you give us just one more sneak peak?
Ok, here’s a bonus pick for you.
I mentioned the new ultra-powerful microchips necessary to power next gen AI.
But there’s a big problem…
Most manufacturers have reached the maximum transistors they can fit on a chip…
That stops them making the more and more powerful chips necessary for AI 2.0 programs.
But in my AI 2.0 portfolio you’ll get full details of one groundbreaking European company…
That has pioneered technology to pack many more transistors on a chip.
This company uses extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light to “burn” new transistors into a chip.
They’re light years ahead of the competition…
The company’s name is ASML Holding, based out of Amsterdam…
Its stock ticker is ASML.
I told you I’d give away one of my top AI picks…
ASML Holding is in my top 5.
There you have it…
Folks, be sure to jot that down: Ticker ASML.
Don’t worry if you didn’t…
You don’t need to remember a thing…
Because I’ve included every detail you need about this light-years-ahead AI chip maker…
And the company making robotic worker management tools…
And the company creating powerful AI voice recognition software…
And the company developing game-changing quantum microchips…
And all 10 top picks in my new AI investment portfolio.
I’ve written them all up in a new report called…
“The $10,000 to $1 Million AI 2.0 Blueprint.”
My goal is to make sure you don’t miss out on the coming AI boom.
I’ll tell you exactly how to claim your own copy in a moment…
James, this is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in getting in on the AI 2.0 Wealth Window…
Before it closes on August 12, 2024…
With the chance to turn $10,000 into $1 million in just a couple years.
Can you tell us a little more about the report you want to send our viewers today?
You got it.
The $10,000 to $1 Million AI 2.0 Blueprint is the result of my and my hand-picked team’s research into the future of AI.
You’ll get our own proprietary method for identifying the buy-and-hold stocks we predict will have huge upside over the coming years.
You’ll get all 10 companies available now…
That show the indicators I personally look for to indicate massive growth potential.
Including certain stocks the market is currently ignoring.
Your report includes every detail you need…
Exactly how they’re innovating in the AI 2.0 space…
Why me and my hand-picked team think they’re poised for major gains…
We even included the maximum stock price someone should pay…
We put a lot of research hours and effort into building this…
Including only those stocks we see having the biggest potential for gains…
Our goal was to make it so easy for you to get in on AI 2.0.
And while, of course…
There are no guarantees in investing and all investments carry risk…
Don’t expect all 10 of my picks to be winners…
But if even just one of them hits big.
Over the coming months and years…
Are you really going to send out something so valuable?
What inspired you to do this, James?
Yes, Frank.
Today, I’m going to send viewers my entire new report…
The $10,000 to $1 Million AI 2.0 Blueprint
I’ll explain how to RSVP for your own copy in a moment…
But for anyone wondering…
Why am I sending you my new AI 2.0 portfolio?
To be honest…
I’m tired of only the “big guys” winning.
That’s not how America was built.
It feels like the game is rigged these days.
And while I come from a modest background…
I’ve used what I’ve learned about playing the market…
To make myself into a very wealthy man.
I’m ready to give back to good Americans.
I wrote The $10,000 to $1 Million AI 2.0 Blueprint especially for Americans who missed out on the crypto boom…
The AI 2.0 “wealth window” is opening now…
But it will close soon.
I urge you…
James, you told us about 4 of your 10 AI 2.0 picks already…
But what else will they get in your AI 2.0 report?
Those 4 were just the start of what they’ll find inside…
Because I’m also including full details on little-known AI picks like…
A company using new AI tools to revolutionize their client’s customer experiences.
And a software “giant” that’s quietly on the leading edge of next gen AI.
There’s so much more…
You’re getting 10 fully researched picks from me and my team.
My complete AI 2.0 portfolio…
Hand-picked for you.
This is really exciting news.
I’m proud to be here with you sharing it with good Americans today.
Will you show us how to claim a copy of your $10,000 to $1 Million AI 2.0 Blueprint?
But before I do, I have something else for everyone…
I promised you all a chance to feel like you got in on Apple or Amazon right at the start…
When their stock was trading for practically nothing…
And before it took off like a patriot missile…
Turning some early investors into millionaires.
Of course…
Those were extraordinary winners, and unlikely gains…
You can’t invest blindly in every small AI stock out there.
To find the true “undiscovered” gems, I look for companies with good financials and real opportunity.
You want companies with clear direction and a solid pipeline…
A patented technology that can be leased to or purchased by larger players…
And companies with leadership that have experience and relationships within the industry.
Finding these “undiscovered AI gems” sounds challenging…
You’re right - it is.
If you want to take a chance on smaller companies…
Or “microcaps” as us traders call them…
That have the potential for enormous growth…
Open your new Your $144 AI Jackpot report first.
It’s the second report I’m going to send you today.
I’ll show you how to claim both your reports in a moment…
But here’s what you’ll find inside Your $144 AI Jackpot.
My team and I have identified three small, microcap AI stocks…
We think could one day dominate their industries.
If we’re right – the stock could potentially skyrocket in value…
And you could get in with as little as a $144 investment…
These are three well-run companies…
All publicly traded…
That Wall Street has all but ignored.
You’ll get every important detail on…
An innovator in “edge computing”…
Which is technology that vastly speeds up data processing.
An innovator in quantum computing…
Which could soon make current computers as relevant as the Ford Model T.
And an innovator in online education…
That uses advanced AI to revolutionize how students will learn.
If you’re comfortable taking more risk…
For the potential to reap more gains…
Open Your $144 AI Jackpot report as soon as it arrives a few minutes from now.
If we’re right about these “undiscovered gems”…
Over the next few months and years…
And feel like you got in on the “ground floor”…
Before most people ever hear of these companies…
They could potentially create some massive winners.
Every detail you need…
Including the right price to pay for these “undiscovered” stocks…
Is in your own personal copy of Your $144 AI Jackpot.
Along with your copy of The $10,000 to $1 Million AI 2.0 Blueprint.
And you’ll have both in just a few minutes…
Along with the final report I have for you…
Don’t tell me there’s more!
I do have one more valuable report for you…
The AI 2.0 revolution will create a huge uptick in tech mergers and acquisitions…
You see, the mega-corporations out there will pay truckloads of cash for any business that can give them an edge in the AI space.
And if you buy into these smaller firms now…
Before the big household names come calling…
Fact is…
Large tech companies MUST keep up with the latest AI advances…
Or they’ll end up getting left behind.
Many will find they’re at a severe disadvantage…
Leaving one option:
Buyouts are the only way they’ll get ahead.
I get it.
Compared to smaller companies…
The big names have a harder time keeping up with technological advances…
If they want to stay large…
The established players need to focus on their core businesses.
They can’t afford to devote piles of cash to projects that might not pan out.
That’s why large companies have procedures, red tape, and bureaucracy.
Spending money carefully keeps shareholders happy.
But it also stifles innovation…
Small, nimble entrepreneurial teams have the opposite problem.
If they want to grow…
They must do something faster, better, or cheaper than everybody else.
So innovation is the only thing that keeps them going.
They either figure out how to stand out…
Or they go out of business.
And if their technology looks promising enough…
The smaller company might receive a buyout offer.
That makes sense, James.
It’s often easier and cheaper for the big guys to take over smaller competitors…
And add the acquired technology to their portfolio.
The best way to innovate is often to buy your way in.
Exactly, Frank.
Not to mention, many tech giants have huge piles of cash and investments they can use on an acquisition spree.
Check out the liquid assets these giants have sitting in the bank:
With that much cash at their disposal…
These tech giants can get their hands on hot AI technology for almost no risk.
When a buyout is announced…
The smaller company’s stock soars…
And lucky investors greedily count their winnings…
The tricky part, of course…
Is knowing how to identify buyout targets before a deal is announced.
That’s because by the time the news comes out…
It’s already too late…
The biggest profits will be long gone.
That’s why me and my team recently did something huge…
We licensed software to create a proprietary indicator
That predicts when a buyout announcement isn’t just likely…
But could be imminent.
Ok, that’s a game changer.
It’s like an early warning system for acquisitions and buyouts.
I’ve never heard of anyone else having anything like this…
You’re right.
No one else has what I call our “buyout indicator.”
That means…
You get the chance to get in before the big players.
Not surprisingly…
Because it’s sitting on AI technology…
For which industry giants will gladly pay a fortune.
And even if this small company doesn’t get a buyout offer…
It has plenty of room to grow on its own.
That leaves you two potential paths to big profits.
I put everything you need to know about this buyout target…
In my new report Cash In on AI Buyouts.
As a venture capitalist…
I’ve made a career out of buyout deal after buyout deal.
Along the way…
I’ve seen lives transformed in a single day when these deals go through.
Including my own, when I sold two companies I built…
With first-hand experience under my belt, believe me when I say…
And with your report Cash In on AI Buyouts
You’ll have the chance to get in now…
BEFORE the buyout happens…
Giving you the potential for HUGE gains.
James, correct me…
If I’m understanding everything you’re telling us…
You want to send our viewers these 3 reports today…
Including every detail on your portfolio of 10 AI 2.0 growth stocks.
Including three “undiscovered” AI stocks that could potentially skyrocket in value over the next few years.
Which uses your research and proprietary buyout software to identify a small AI company that could soon be acquired by a giant.
That’s an astonishing value…
But how complicated are these reports?
Do you need to be an experienced investor to make heads or tails of them?
Frank, that’s a good question…
All 3 reports are short, easy to read…
And written in plain English.
They include every detail you need about each pick…
Exactly why we believe each stock has major upside…
And even a target price at which to buy.
If you’ve traded before…
But if you haven’t…
And if you’re unsure how to get going…
You’ll be pleased to know…
I’m also going to send you a fourth report…
This easy-as-pie guide shows you exactly how to invest in AI 2.0 (or any) stocks.
It leads you step-by-step through the simple process of setting up an account…
Understanding all the terminology and jargon…
And making your first trades.
It doesn’t matter how old you are…
If you’re not tech savvy…
Or if you’ve never invested before…
I predict…
You’ll be amazed at how simple it really is.
There’s nothing scary or confusing about it.
That’s fantastic, James.
If someone is a first timer, it’s understandable how investing might be intimidating.
I think your Altucher’s Investing 101 Guide is such a great idea.
Thanks Frank.
We think so too…
It will show anyone everything you need to know.
We take all the guesswork and confusion out of it.
So you can get started with confidence.
Of course, and this is important…
You don’t need to do anything.
You can claim all your reports today, read them…
And do absolutely nothing if you choose.
Or you can invest just a little…
$25… $60… $144…
Or you can go big and invest more.
The choice is always 100% yours.
Again, I don’t have a stake in the companies recommended in these reports.
I don’t benefit whether you invest or not.
I’m simply trying to help good Americans get in on the $15.7 trillion AI 2.0 boom…
And take advantage of the brief “wealth window” that’s opening now…
And closes on August 12, 2024.
I want to make sure you don’t miss out this time.
My suggestion is this…
Read them cover to cover…
Don’t worry, we’ve kept them brief…
Think about what you’ve learned…
And then decide if you want to get in on the coming AI 2.0 boom…
The choice is yours.
James, in a moment you’ll show us exactly how to RSVP and claim all four reports today…
Including every detail on your complete portfolio of 10 AI 2.0 growth stocks.
Including three “undiscovered” AI stocks that could potentially skyrocket in value over the next few years.
Which identifies a small AI company that could soon be acquired by a giant (for huge gains).
Which shows you step-by-step how easy it is to get trading.
Is that right?
That’s exactly right, Frank.
Right now, I have copies of all four reports set aside for you.
And you can claim them now.
Before I go…
And it’s the most important of all.
Earlier, I told you about America’s Gilded Age…
When new technology changed the face of our nation…
And turned some investors into the richest people on earth.
Imagine, if you were alive at that time…
And someone told you how to invest in steel, railroad, light bulbs, automobiles, etc…
In real time, while they were just getting going?
If you’d had access to that information…
You could have gotten rich right along with Rockefeller and Vanderbilt.
Frank, what if I told you…
There is a way to get that kind of inside knowledge…
For America’s new “Gilded Age”…
The “Age of AI” that’s starting now?
You see…
Everything you learned today…
Every one of my expert predictions about AI…
Every opinion about the trillions in AI investment opportunities available right now…
Were first shared with a small community of Americans…
The readers of my investment newsletter:
Altucher’s Investment Network newsletter is designed to fulfill one simple goal:
To help my readers achieve true financial freedom and independence.
In every monthly issue…
I tap into the skills I developed as a hedge fund manager and venture capitalist…
And I don’t do it alone.
I’m connected to the biggest players in Silicon Valley and Wall Street.
That’s allowed me to hand select…
The world’s best team of investment experts and trading superstars…
And it’s why my newsletter is Altucher’s Investment Network.
Each issue connects readers directly to my network’s wealth-building expertise.
James, I know your Altucher’s Investment Network newsletter is the secret weapon of thousands of smart Americans.
Why do people find it so valuable?
Frank, every single month my readers get specific strategies to capitalize on hot investment trends BEFORE they blow up…
I’m talking about AI 2.0, of course…
But there are lucrative investment opportunities everywhere today – if you know where to look.
Like biotech, cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity, driverless cars…
And that’s just the beginning.
Right now…
My team is closely watching emerging wealth-generating opportunities…
Soon, we’ll be showing my readers what stocks to buy…
And for how much.
Because if they’ll get in early…
I predict my readers could enjoy real gains over the next few years.
With Altucher’s Investment Network…
They have the tools to build a life of abundance and true financial well-being.
Altucher’s Investment Network is a personal guide…
To the wealth-building opportunities of this new “Gilded Age”…
In every issue, I share specific stock recommendations…
With every detail necessary to decide if it’s the right investment opportunity.
I advise my readers when to buy…
And when to sell.
Can you share a few of the investments you’ve picked for your readers?
Glad to, Frank.
It was through Altucher’s Investment Network my readers had the opportunity to make 627% on Bitcoin in 5 years…
It was also through Altucher’s Investment Network I advised my circle to buy ServiceNow – currently up 435% since 2018…
And to get in on The Trade Desk – currently up 344% since 2019…
And buy into AeroVironment – currently up 396% since 2017…
Be honest with yourself…
Are you seeing these kinds of returns anywhere else?
Certainly not, James. So readers of Altucher’s Investment Network get your own specific stock recommendations?
Yes, but that’s not all.
While our hand-picked stock recommendations are the number one benefit of Altucher’s Investment Network…
That’s far from all it offers…
You see, I also use each issue…
As a conversation with my most trusted friends…
And I don’t pull any punches.
I share my uncensored analysis of the economy…
Warning my readers of potential storms on the horizon…
As well as which sectors should see unexpected growth…
I recommend books, articles, and videos to help improve their investing…
I also interview other successful investors for their unique insights and tips…
I especially like to bring in investors who specialize in certain niche sectors…
Giving my readers an exclusive perspective on hot new markets.
And, of course…
A dollar is a dollar…
So I don’t limit my writing to stock investments.
My readers also get timely analysis of other strategies to make money.
Including certain business opportunities that can work as successful side hustles.
Wow. I can see why your Altucher’s Investment Network newsletter is considered the wealth-building secret of so many Americans…
Frank, the bottom line is this:
Altucher’s Investment Network is a small community of Americans…
Who is simply more informed…
More successful…
And happier than most.
Right now, I want to extend an invitation to you.
Become part of my “inner circle” of Altucher’s Investment Network readers.
Altucher’s Investment Network is the perfect way to stay up to date on the opportunities in America’s new “Gilded Age”…
You’ll get actionable details on all the AI 2.0 investment opportunities open today…
And those that are still on the horizon.
As well as other emerging markets and exciting new opportunities…
Like new crypto, quantum computing, biotech, automation, cybersecurity, and so much more.
James, is Altucher’s Investment Network for experienced, high dollar investors only?
Not at all, Frank.
To get the most out of Altucher’s Investment Network…
You don’t have to be an expert investor…
Or even know anything about technology.
My hand-picked network of experts and I do the work for you.
Every month…
I will sit down and write a new issue…
Packed with my world class research and stock recommendations…
And analysis of the market and our economy.
You’ll know what I know…
Meaning you’ll soon hold valuable knowledge, insights, and secrets…
That will make you a marvel to your friends.
It’s up to you whether you want to let them in on your secret.
My monthly issues are unlike any other resource on the planet.
But above all else…
My goal with Altucher’s Investment Network…
Is to create financial security and wealth for you, your family, and your heirs over the coming weeks, months, and years.
And, when you become part of my inner circle today…
Only YOU will benefit from the insights from my nearly 40 years’ experience in AI.
Just say “Yes, James” today to try out a one-year subscription…
And I’ll immediately count you among my closest inner circle of Altucher’s Investment Network readers…
James, if someone agrees to try out Altucher’s Investment Network newsletter, what exactly will they get?
Great question.
If you agree to give my wealth-building newsletter a try today, you’ll get all this…
And, of course…
I’ll immediately send all your free gifts…
Free Report #1: The $10,000 to $1 Million AI 2.0 Blueprint
Including every detail on my complete portfolio of 10 AI 2.0 growth stocks.
Free Report #2: Your $144 AI Jackpot
Including three “undiscovered” AI stocks that could potentially skyrocket in value over the next few years.
Free Report #3: Cash In on AI Buyouts
Which identifies a small AI company that could soon be acquired by a giant (for huge gains).
And Free Report #4: Altucher’s Investing 101 Guide
An easy, step-by-step “how to” guide for the new investor.
Simply for saying “Yes!” to my invitation…
And trying out my Altucher’s Investment Network newsletter today.
But make no mistake…
Your reports are truly a gift.
All four of your reports are ALWAYS yours to keep…
Even if you end up canceling your subscription.
And you take NO RISK at all.
Do you mind explaining what you mean by “no risk”?
Of course.
I write Altucher’s Investment Network to be your key to unlocking a life of financial security and independence.
I do ask a small subscription fee to help cover my time…
And the expense of producing your newsletters…
It’s usually $299 for a year’s subscription…
And I think that’s more than fair.
After all…
Just one good trade recommendation could potentially make you thousands over the next few years.
But, I told you today…
I want to show you how to get in on the $15.7 trillion AI 2.0 boom market.
That means I don’t want money to be the reason you miss out.
So, I’m cutting the price of a one-year subscription…
Way, way down.
In fact, today, and only right here…
I’m going to slash 84% off the regular price…
I’m inviting you to join the Altucher’s Investment Network inner circle…
For just $49 a year.
A savings of $250…
If I understand what you’re saying, that’s just a few bucks an issue…
For your latest insights and recommendations for getting in on AI 2.0…
And dozens more wealth-building secrets…
Not to mention four FREE reports…
And all the other wealth-building subscriber benefits.
You’re understanding perfectly, Frank.
But that’s not all.
If you subscribe today…
I guarantee your price will never go up.
No matter how long you choose to stay a subscriber…
You’ll be locked in at today’s 84% savings.
And I meant it.
When you get your reports…
And your first Altucher’s Investment Network issues…
Read them all cover to cover…
Maybe even start making trades…
Confirm that everything I’ve told you today pays off…
Take your time…
In fact, I want you to take up to a full 6 months to read and enjoy your Altucher’s Investment Network issues…
But, if at any time during those first 6 months…
You feel that you’re not getting everything I promised you here…
Just reach out to my friendly team…
We’ll refund every penny you’ve paid, no questions asked.
And you keep all your free gifts…
And every issue and bonus you’ve received so far.
Let me repeat what I just heard…
In a moment, viewers will have the opportunity…
To join your private inner circle of Altucher’s Investment Network readers…
When they do, you’ll immediately send them their complete set of reports…
But if they’re not satisfied for any reason…
They can cancel within the first 6 months for a full refund.
And they keep everything, including all 4 reports?
That’s right, Frank.
In fact…
Then, you’ll start receiving your private monthly issues as I write them…
When they hit your inbox…
I encourage you to read them right away…
Because some of the best investment opportunities are time sensitive.
And if you choose to invest…
Make sure the value you’re getting FAR exceeds your discounted subscription fee…
Make sure you’re enjoying real profits…
From the little-known tech and emerging market investment opportunities I recommend…
And make sure you feel smarter, more secure, and wealthier than you did before you subscribed.
Take up to 6 months to decide…
But, if during those 6 months…
You feel that Altucher’s Investment Network hasn’t made you at least 10X what you paid…
I want you to cancel for a full and complete refund.
And you keep ALL four free reports…
Every one of your received issues…
And all your bonus reports and emails…
No matter what.
Even if you cancel for a full refund.
No questions asked.
And no fine print.
I hope that all feels fair to you.
It feels a lot more than fair to me, James.
You’re taking all the risk…
That’s true, Frank.
I’m taking the risk because I’m confident you’ll find Altucher’s Investment Network to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.
Plus, with the 84% discount…
And with August 12 coming quickly…
Getting in today is a no brainer.
Because there’s ZERO risk to you.
Altucher’s Investment Network is for Americans who appreciate the uncensored truth…
And who want to get in on the $15.7 trillion AI boom.
I believe you’re my kind of person.
I believe over the next months and years…
You’re going to profit during the coming AI “wealth window”.
And I believe…
You’ll never again allow someone else to snatch up the rewards you deserve.
Are you ready to join my wealth-building community?
If you subscribe now…
You’ll lock in your 84% discount…
And you still have time to get in early…
Before the wealth window slams shut on August 12, 2024.
Because the fun stops then.
Why August 12?
August 12 is the first day of the Ai4 conference in Las Vegas.
Ai4 is the world’s largest gathering of artificial intelligence business leaders.
That means…
Every major AI company on earth will be there to reveal their latest breakthroughs…
Thousands of tech executives, business reporters, investors, and the public will attend…
And my contacts are telling me this year…
AI 2.0 will be front and center.
Once that happens…
The AI 2.0 cat will be out of the bag…
There will still be opportunities after that date…
And I’ll reveal them all in your monthly Altucher’s Investment Network issues…
If you want to get in early…
And I strongly recommend you do…
Please don’t wait.
Make sure you’re invested in my top picks before the window closes on August 12.
Your freedom and security are waiting…
And you won’t get another chance.
James, today you made three bold predictions…
You can target small breakthrough companies for as little as $144…
And potentially turn $10,000 into $1 MILLION over the next few years…
By getting in on the AI “wealth window” opening now…
And closing August 12.
The way I see it, anyone listening knows all this now.
And you can’t “unlearn” what you know.
Exactly, Frank.
Option 1 is this:
You can do nothing.
You can decide to watch someone else…
Make a fortune during the AI 2.0 “wealth window” opening now.
And you can blame “bad luck” or “the market” or whatever you want for not improving your financial circumstances.
But I don’t think you’ll do that.
You’ll choose Option 2…
You’ll say “Yes” today to this one-time opportunity…
You’ll claim all your four free reports…
Minutes from now…
They’ll arrive in your inbox…
You’ll open them right away…
You’ll learn exactly how to get in on the AI “wealth window”…
You’ll follow the recommendations of me and my hand-picked experts…
And you’ll never regret allowing this final wealth-building opportunity to pass you by.
By getting this far…
I know you’re a person of action.
Are you ready to take your first step…
Into a life of knowledge, security, and the potential for true generational wealth?
Because it’s time to RSVP for all your free gifts…
Including the BONUS gift I’ve been saving for you.
A bonus gift?!
Tell us more…
Frank, I understand that not everyone can invest thousands in the market…
Of course, you can always start small…
But there’s another way to make money off AI.
That’s why I’m also going to send every new subscriber today a BONUS report I’ve been saving for you.
It’s called 5 Secret AI Income Generators.
And it shows you how you could make easy income from AI without investing a penny!
I’m serious.
Inside you’ll learn 5 innovative ways to use AI…
To generate weekly or monthly income without investing.
I’ve never offered these 5 secrets to anyone before.
But I’ve kept you all here a while now.
I’m not going to go into everything your new income report contains…
Just give Altucher’s Investment Network a risk-free try today…
And it will be in your inbox just a few minutes from now…
And then you can discover all 5 secret AI income generators…
Or potentially make real money off AI…
Your free bonus report is a quick read…
But I think you’ll find these AI income strategies fascinating and extremely valuable.
That sounds really valuable, James.
Even for folks who aren’t sure about investing, they can still use AI to generate income.
Ok, I’ve been following along closely, so let me try to quickly summarize everything new subscribers are getting today…
When you agree to try a risk-free subscription to Altucher’s Investment Network today…
You’ll immediately get your 5 FREE gifts…
Including every detail on James’s complete portfolio of AI 2.0 growth stocks.
Including three “undiscovered” AI stocks that could potentially skyrocket in value over the next few years.
Which identifies a small AI company that could soon be acquired by a giant (for huge gains).
Which leads newbies step-by-step through the simple process of investing.
Showing you 5 ways to generate new monthly income from AI – without investing.
And of course…
You got it, Frank.
And remember, it was through my newsletter my readers learned how to get in on our best open gains of…
And more.
Those gains alone make the discounted $49 annual subscription price seem like a bargain of the century to me…
Which reminds me…
You’re locking in today’s 84% price discount for as long as you choose to stay with me.
Look below this presentation now.
You’ll see a button that says “Next step”.
NEXT STEPThat means it’s time to decide.
Will you claim your 5 free wealth-building reports…
Get in on the $15.7 trillion AI 2.0 market…
Be one of the smart ones who takes advantage of this last chance “wealth window”…
Or will you let someone else take your place?
August 12 is coming quickly…
I’m afraid this message could disappear at any time.
There’s a limited number of new subscribers I can accept today.
And this special 84% discount offer can’t last.
So, please…
Accept my invitation now.
Are you ready?
Ready to get in on $15.7 trillion AI 2.0 using my insights and recommendations?
Ready to potentially increase your own wealth and independence?
Ready to gain power and prestige, holding knowledge others don’t have?
That’s what you’ll get today in your Altucher’s Investment Network subscription…
And your 5 free reports…
You never take any risk.
When you do…
You’ll be taken to a secure, encrypted reservation page.
There you can tell me exactly where to send your free reports…
You’ll have all 5 in just a few minutes.
Remember, there’s no risk to you.
You can cancel for a full refund anytime in the first 6 months…
And you keep your Altucher’s Investment Network issues…
And all 5 reports…
Even if you claim a full refund.
Press the button below now…
And I’ll meet you on the other side.
Thank you for spending this time with us today, James.
It was an absolute pleasure, Frank.
Again, to get everything we talked about today…
Press the button below now to claim your five FREE wealth-building reports.
From the Desk of James Altucher
Editor, Altucher’s Investment Network
June 2024