PLUS: Discover the “Backdoor” Way to Profit BEFORE Elon’s
Company Goes Public… With as Little as $50!
“Larger Than Any IPO Valuation in History”
Dear Reader,
This is urgent, so I’ll be direct…
What Donald Trump’s right-hand man, Elon Musk, said in a closed-door meeting — only one mile from the White House…
Could soon change everything you know about making money in the coming months.
This meeting was never reported on by the press…
In fact, only a small number of insiders were able to attend… including one of my closest contacts.
And what my contact learned during this meeting left me blown away…
I’m talking about a new Elon innovation that I believe could have a far bigger impact on the world than any other technology he’s created before.
In fact, while almost everyone is focused on Elon and Trump… and their plans to radically reshape the government with the Department of Government Efficiency…
Or while they’re focused on Elon’s other breakthrough companies, like Tesla…
Or on Twitter…
Or even on his most recent xAI startup…
Behind the scenes, I believe Elon may be quietly planning something much bigger than any of this…
I’m talking about the biggest and most lucrative project of his career…
An IPO for his greatest innovation ever… which I predict could be announced as soon as Thursday, March 13, 2025.
In fact, I expect Elon’s IPO will be a “Super-IPO”… one that could create well over $100 billion on the first day it goes public.
For perspective, Saudi Aramco - the world’s largest IPO in history - “only” generated $26 billion.
That means Elon’s next IPO, which I’m expecting could be announced as soon as March 13, could be several times bigger!
And here’s the best part…
In the next few minutes, you’ll see a secret “backdoor” way to profit BEFORE Elon’s company goes public…
In other words, this is your first-ever chance to profit BEFORE the IPO takes place… and set yourself up for the biggest potential profits.
The best part is, absolutely anyone can follow this strategy, even if they’ve never purchased a stock until today.
All it takes is as little as $50 and just a few minutes of time.
But I’m getting ahead of myself here…
Before I get to that, let me back up and show you why Elon’s breakthrough is poised for a historic IPO…
As Bloomberg reported a few years back, this next company which Elon plans to take public is nothing short of…
In short, Elon has rolled out what might be the biggest breakthrough in the history of the internet.
As you’re about to see, the internet breakthrough I’m talking about is set to dramatically change our way of living — and even America’s future — forever, over the coming years.
Fifty years from now, people may remember it as one of the greatest innovations of the 21st century.
An innovation which could be bigger than Tesla or anything else Elon has done before.
In fact, due to Elon’s upcoming IPO, iconic American companies you almost certainly do business with could fall into obsolescence – or even bankruptcy…
Companies like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and more…
All could soon go kaput.
In a moment, I’ll tell you what Elon Musk talked about in this private meeting in Washington, D.C. that my contact attended…
I’ll share pictures of the technology…
I’ll prove to you why Elon’s breakthrough is changing everything about our way of life — from how we shop… to how we travel… to how we conduct business…
Down to a personal level, too… changing how we interact with our friends and family.
And as a former hedge fund manager and venture capitalist… I’ll also give you an inside track to investing in this breakthrough tech…
You’ll discover what I believe is a secret “backdoor” way to profit from this opportunity… BEFORE the upcoming IPO.
Where a small starting stake (as little as just $50) could give you the shot at incredible profit potential.
Let me show you what I mean…
Anytime the stakes are this high…
When trillions of dollars hang in the balance…
When technologies can pioneer a whole new future…
While, at the same time, sending other technologies… even whole companies… into an early grave…
Folks who recognize what’s happening, and take action, have the chance to get incredibly rich.
You see, each time a situation like this happens…
Enormous amounts of money are lost by those who don’t see what’s happening, as old technologies become obsolete…
And more importantly for you…
And mark my words: what’s coming next is a radical new internet, powered directly by President Trump’s right-hand man, Elon Musk
What type of gains can you expect to see this time around?
Well, let’s take a look at what the first introduction of the internet did for early investors…
After AOL introduced internet access via dial-up connection, for example…
Their stock soared a rare, massive 81,844% in about seven years.
Just think about that…
That turns a $1,000 stake into $800,000… or a $10,000 stake into more than $8 million.
Same thing with the company EarthLink.
When they helped usher in the age of DSL – which meant no more clogging up your phone line to access the internet – their stock shot up 6,638% over the next three years.
Again with Comcast.
As cable internet came and replaced DSL throughout the country, revolutionizing the internet yet again…
Comcast investors were rewarded with eye-popping 46,222% gains between 1980 and 2017.
Of course, these are rare and extraordinary examples that required near-perfect timing.
But these examples are real. And they demonstrate the extreme, life-changing profit potential when you get into the right stock at the right time.
And as you can see, the same situation has played out over and over again throughout history…
Whenever the internet takes a huge leap forward…
Untold amounts of wealth are made over time by folks who see it coming.
Which is why I’m sending you this urgent message today.
As I learned from my contact who attended this private meeting, Elon Musk – the richest man in the world — is planning an IPO for what could be the biggest internet breakthrough ever.
And according to this meeting, I expect he’ll take this company public… in a “Super-IPO” that could be the biggest one in history.
PROOF that Elon is quietly laying the groundwork for an urgent IPO that I predict will be announced on exactly March 13, 2025.
Then, I’ll reveal a little-known “backdoor” way to invest in this opportunity… BEFORE Elon’s company goes public…
Potentially giving investors the chance to turn one investment today into the kind of wealth most people only ever ever dream of over the long term.
In other words, this is your first-ever chance to profit before the IPO takes place on the biggest disruption in internet history… led directly by the world’s richest man and top Trump insider, Elon Musk himself.
The rewards at stake for fast movers who get in now are projected to be so large… that you’ll have to see this to believe it.
More on that in just a second…
But first…
Let me show you PROOF that Elon’s company is about to go public… and that it’s currently disrupting the internet forever.
Then, I’ll show you exactly how to position yourself before the upcoming “Super-IPO” is announced.
Let’s get right into things…
You have, of course, heard of Wi-Fi.
It’s what connects your devices — your computer, tablet or phone — to the internet.
Simply put, Wi-Fi is the backbone of the internet.
Without it, the internet wouldn’t be possible.
Well, as you’ll see, Elon Musk has been launching a radical change to Wi-Fi… and to the internet itself.
What is Starlink?
It involves the technology Elon revealed at this private meeting — where I had a man on the inside…
In short, Starlink has cut out traditional wireless networks and internet providers…
And instead, it beams fast, reliable, unlimited internet through the air… directly to your device, and to the devices of millions of users worldwide.
That means no more unsightly cell towers around your neighborhood… or anything like that.
Once signed up, you simply receive high-speed internet, beamed straight to your device, at all times.
Whether you’re in Manhattan… or in a remote rural cabin… you’ll always have the chance to be connected to lightning-fast speeds.
The most shocking part of all this?
While other internet services like Verizon and AT&T can charge nearly $200 per month…
Thanks to Starlink, you — and everyone else around the world — could be able to slash your bill down to less than HALF of what you pay now.
Because of the way this technology works (which I’ll show you in just a moment)…
You may never have a dropped call again…
There’ll be no more saying, “Can you hear me now?”
Instead, you’ll always receiving high-speed internet… uninterrupted, unlimited internet… everywhere you go.
We’re talking total coverage around the world…
For you as a consumer, this means…
In fact…
Because Starlink is cutting out all traditional cell towers…
There’s no need for massive infrastructure to be built around the world to provide internet.
After all, deploying the “Old internet” requires digging up entire neighborhoods…
Installing bulky fiber-optic cables for miles through the ground…
Building new cell towers…
And more.
And that's just one of the many problems with how we receive cell signals and internet coverage now!
Take 5G as an example…
First, while 5G was hyped for years as the future, the truth is deploying it with the traditional landline infrastructure is costly and takes years.
Second, because the average high-band 5G tower only works within 2,000 feet or so, to deploy it nationally requires tens of thousands of these towers to be installed.
And that, as you can imagine, costs hundreds of billions of dollars… maybe even more.
Finally, nearly every other cell signal and Wi-Fi signal works the same way — they’re all local solutions with limited range.
If you move out of range, well…
That’s why you lose the internet.
That’s why it’s nearly impossible to get reliable service in remote areas.
So it doesn’t matter how fast things like 5G technologies are…
If they’re all local signals where you have to be in range to gain access.
Which is exactly why 5G has largely been a failure and gone nowhere, despite all of the hype it received several years back.
Starlink began with a simple question…
What if Elon could eliminate the need for any kind of tower at all…
And instead beam internet straight through the air, directly to any device in the world… no matter where it is?
It would be faster and better than the internet you receive now…
It could eventually be vastly cheaper too, due to not having any construction costs…
After all, there’d be no need to dig up neighborhoods, install cables or build cell towers — all of which cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
Instead, Starlink doesn’t require any of that…
As a result, any potential savings can be passed directly along to consumers.
That means Starlink can provide lightning-fast speeds anywhere in the world… making it a no-brainer for everyone.
And it’s already begun…
Satellites that beam uninterrupted, high-speed internet from space directly to you — your phone, computer, tablet or any other device.
Again, there’s no need for cell towers… or anything like that.
They simply aren’t necessary anymore.
Instead, high-speed internet is simply beamed from space, through the air, directly to you.
That’s because Elon’s satellites are designed to wrap the Earth, forming a network to deliver lightning-fast internet to every inch of the planet.
And once again, because it’s not a local signal, we’re talking total coverage around the world…
And over time, I’m predicting you could receive all of this for cheaper than what you pay now.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that having cheaper…
Total-coverage service…
Could cripple the trillion-dollar telecom industry over time.
Even better, that means no need for unsightly towers and transmitters popping up in your neighborhood, either.
For consumers like you and me…
Odds are, if you’re like me, you do business with companies like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile or others to receive internet and phone service.
And odds are you’ve had a negative experience with them…
Not to mention the price…
Did you know that here in America you’re paying more than any other country… for internet service that ranks among the slowest in the world?
Now compare that with Venezuela…
Eight out of 10 people in the country don’t even have enough money for food, and yet their mobile internet speeds are twice as fast as ours.
The average American today could pay nearly $200 per month for their service… service that’s among the slowest in the world.
Just compare that with South Korea, where folks pay only $20 per month for speeds five times faster than ours.
News even came out recently that here in America, Comcast is raising costs of their service at four times the rate of inflation.
Does that seem fair to you?
Comcast isn’t even the worst of these companies…
Take Verizon, for example…
During one of California’s worst wildfires, fire departments — who rely on the internet to track and stop fires — experienced significantly slowed service as Verizon cut their speeds to 1/200th of what they were.
Verizon then forced these people — who were working hard to save American lives — to pay twice as much to resume normal service.
To me, that’s criminal.
Luckily, thanks to Elon’s innovation, that’s finally becoming a thing of the past.
I fully expect Starlink could cripple these companies in the coming months and years, as it begins to dominate market share…
After all, why would you, I or anyone else pay as much as $200 per month…
When, over time, Elon could begin to provide far better, faster, unlimited internet service, everywhere in the world, potentially for much less?
It’s the biggest no-brainer option ever.
In fact, it’s already happening…
The satellites are in orbit.
His plan has been successfully pulled off.
And Starlink is already rolled out and disrupting everything.
In fact, in the long run, I expect this could begin to be used by all 330 million Americans… and all 7.8 billion people worldwide.
And it’s so much bigger than that, too…
You see, Starlink is much more than just a new type of Wi-Fi… it also stands to launch one of the biggest — and transformative — economic opportunities of the decade.
That’s because, as it stands, more than 5.2 billion people worldwide use the internet… and these 5.2 billion people conduct trillions of dollars’ worth of transactions on the internet per year.
But there’s an even bigger side to this story that most people aren’t paying attention to…
There are 2.9 billion people globally who do NOT have any access to the internet, whatsoever.
And by connecting these people — many of whom live in rural areas — to the world wide web, it could help unlock an incredible amount of additional economic value.
We’re talking about potentially hundreds of billions of dollars.
Which is exactly what Starlink is doing now!
Because Starlink’s internet comes to you directly from space, it can reach anywhere in the world… no matter how remote it is.
That’s why we’re talking about untold amounts of wealth on the line here… in an opportunity that I believe could be just as big as AOL, EarthLink or Comcast.
In fact, it could be even bigger!
And here’s the kicker…
On March 13, 2025, I expect Elon will announce his plan to take this company public in the biggest IPO in history…
How can I be so certain that the Starlink IPO will come by this date?
As I mentioned to you earlier, it all has to do with the three “smoking guns” I’ve discovered…
I believe this is PROOF that Elon is quietly laying the groundwork for an IPO this March.
Once you see this, I’m confident you’ll understand exactly why this situation is so urgent… and why I’ve rushed you this message today.
As I show you the proof I’ve gathered, you can decide for yourself if you want to ride along and potentially get rich as Elon shocks the world yet again… or if you think I’m full of hot air and empty promises.
It’s your choice to make, of course.
Sound fair enough?
Then let’s get right into it…
First, I came across a little-known statement from Elon himself…
All the way back in 2021, he tweeted the following:
As you can see, Elon planned to take Starlink public as soon as the company’s cash flow is predictable.
That was the only roadblock that’s been holding the IPO back…
Well, Elon announced the following news this past fall:
The company has officially crossed that milestone!
That’s a BIG deal.
And I see that as a clear sign that an IPO could be coming soon.
But that’s not all…
While Elon is the world’s richest man, with a net worth above $350 billion, almost ALL of that money is invested in his various companies.
In other words, he doesn’t just have a bank account with billions of dollars sitting in it.
To make matters worse, some of his companies (like Twitter) aren’t profitable at all!
As a result, Elon is often forced to tap into his profitable companies to raise cash fast…
Particularly, he takes money out of Tesla to fund his other companies.
As Barron’s reports:
Well, this gives Elon another BIG reason to do a Starlink IPO.
By taking a second company public, he’d be able to sell shares and free up billions of dollars in cash.
According to Barron’s:
And with Starlink already worth $180 billion-plus…
It’s a no-brainer for a cash-strapped Elon to take Starlink public as soon as possible.
And I’m still not finished yet…
I saved the best for last here…
As you may know, Starlink is just one subsidiary of a parent company called SpaceX.
Due to that, Elon’s plan is to take Starlink public, without taking the entire SpaceX company public.
To do so, he plans to separate Starlink from SpaceX in a process called a “spinoff,” which would form two separate companies.
Well, rumors have been spreading behind the scenes that that’s exactly what’s happening…
Take a look at this bombshell report from Bloomberg:
And that brings me back to what I’m predicting could take place on March 13, 2025…
For example, according to a 2022 report by CNBC:
Yahoo Finance reported:
And MarketWatch wrote:
These sources line up with my own research…
They all suggest the Starlink “Super-IPO” could be announced by March 13, 2025.
And with Trump in the White House, this IPO is only more likely than ever… which is why I believe it’s so critical to act now.
In fact, as the Washington Post put things a month before the election, “Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite business is set to boom if Trump wins.”
That’s why I’m urging you to take action immediately… and set yourself up BEFORE that happens..
Because as I’ve shown you here today, this could present the rare opportunity to strike it rich.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about this business, it’s that chances like this really do only come around once in a lifetime.
And when they do, 99% of people do nothing… they simply sit on the sidelines and get left behind.
But for the small 1% of investors who see what’s coming and take action, their life could quickly change forever.
After all…
As you’ve seen, every time the internet undergoes a radical transformation like this…
Folks who see what’s coming have the chance to create extraordinary wealth.
Case in point, just look at some of the top-performing examples I showed you earlier.
In just seven years, we saw AOL soar 81,844%…
Enough to turn every $500 invested into $409,720.
We also watched as EarthLink skyrocketed 6,638% in three years…
That turns a $500 stake into over $33,000 in profits!
For the past 37 years now, Comcast has done even better than that.
Shares of the company catapulted 46,222%!
Which turns a single investment of just $500… into $231,110.
Double that starting stake to $1,000… and an investor would be sitting on nearly half a million dollars in profits!
Now, of course, these rare and extraordinary gains are among the biggest gains we could find in internet history… and they involve perfect timing.
While these companies took off and skyrocketed, there were more that failed and went to zero. At the same time, all investing carries risk. Because of that, you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.
And of course, nobody has a crystal ball… so it can be difficult to pinpoint these exact moves in real-time.
However, this growth really did happen. That’s important to remember.
And here’s where things get really exciting…
For reasons you saw, I believe Elon’s Starlink could be even bigger than AOL’s introduction of the internet via dial-up connection…
In fact, it may be bigger than all three combined.
What’s more, by connecting billions of previously “un-connected” people, Elon’s Starlink could hold the hidden key to unlocking untold amounts of additional economic value.
Because of that, I fully expect this “Super-IPO” will go down as the biggest IPO in history.
Even better, if you act right away, you have the first-ever chance to set yourself up to make huge profits… BEFORE the potential Starlink IPO announcement is made.
Pay close attention…
In just a moment, I’ll show you exactly what this “backdoor” play is… and how you can invest with as little as $50.
But before I get to that, let me quickly back up and introduce myself… and explain why I’m sharing this with you.
If my name sounds familiar, you might recognize me from my bestselling books, one of which USA Today called one of “the 12 best business books of all time.”
Or perhaps you’ve listened to my podcast, The James Altucher Show, which has been downloaded more than 40 million times… and has featured guests like Ray Dalio and Mark Cuban.
You may even know me from when I previously ran a hedge fund, Formula Capital… or my $200 million VC firm called 212 Ventures.
Whatever the case, the reason that over 180,000 people from all walks of life follow me is simple…
It’s all due to my ability to spot massive investment megatrends early, long before anyone else.
For example…
All the way back in the 1990s, when the internet was first getting off the ground, I predicted that video streaming services would soon take off and become the future.
Sure enough, just a few years later, my prediction played out exactly as I expected it would, with the rise of Netflix…
Anyone who bought Netflix during its 2002 IPO — and held on until today — is up more than 534 -fold, enough to turn $1,000 into $535,000 over 22 years.
Then again in 2007…
This time, I made a prediction regarding Facebook, which was still just a tiny startup.
A few months earlier, Yahoo had made a $1 billion bid to buy the company…
And to the surprise of almost everyone, Facebook turned it down.
Most people thought Mark Zuckerberg was making a huge mistake…
But once again, I saw what nobody else did…
So I made a prediction that Facebook would one day be worth $100 billion.
Everyone laughed at the time…
But within a matter of years, that’s exactly what happened…
And today, as you may know, Facebook is a giant company worth more than $1.2 TRILLION.
It happened once again in 2013…
That’s when I made another appearance on CNBC and told people that Bitcoin was about to change the world.
Back then, almost nobody had heard of Bitcoin… and some were even calling it a Ponzi scheme.
But I knew better…
I saw that Bitcoin had the potential to reshape how we think about money forever.
So I told people that Bitcoin was the future… and that it was going to change the world… back in 2013, when it traded at just $114.
Can you imagine how different your life might be if you had bought Bitcoin all the way back in 2013?
Anyone who had done so — and held on until today, with Bitcoin surging well beyond $100,000 — would be worth a fortune.
They’d be sitting on a 1,000X moonshot return, enough to turn a modest $1,000 investment into $1 MILLION in the 11 years since!
For most people, a $1 million windfall is the kind of money that would allow them to quit work and retire early.
And this is just scratching the surface of my long history of accurate calls.
Now, I don’t bring up these past predictions to brag…
Believe me, that’s the last thing I want to do…
Instead, I show you this to make an important point…
Just like all of my previous predictions, I know most people will laugh and dismiss my message here today.
They’ll think that, despite all of his previous successes — and despite being President Trump’s right-hand man — there’s simply no way Elon can pull this “Super-IPO” off.
Sadly, because of that, they’ll all get left behind on what could be the biggest IPO in history.
In fact…
If you missed out on Netflix, Facebook and Bitcoin, don’t worry…
What you’re seeing today is, without a doubt, one of the biggest opportunities of the decade.
I say that with 100% certainty.
The fact is, I believe Elon’s Starlink could be much bigger than any of his previous ventures.
It could be bigger than PayPal… Tesla… or Twitter.
It might even be bigger than all of them put together!
After all, I believe Starlink is poised to permanently disrupt the $2.18 trillion telecom industry…
Potentially put all of the big internet giants out of business…
All while unlocking untold amounts of currently untapped economic potential…
And they’re doing so with this breakthrough technology they’ve pioneered… which completely reinvents the internet…
Simply put, the amount of money at stake here is nothing short of life-changing…
And thanks to this hidden “backdoor” play, you can beat the crowd… and position yourself to profit BEFORE everyone else!
You see, I’ve identified a hidden company working directly with Elon and Starlink to roll out his plans.
Let me explain…
Just recently, one of Starlink’s test users uploaded a video of a “teardown.”
That’s when you disassemble a new tech product to see what’s inside.
And that teardown gives us a major clue about what Elon is using to connect users to Starlink.
Take a look…
As you can see, the Starlink device contains a special antenna…
And this antenna is built using parts from one small, off-the-radar company… a company you can invest in today.
And it gets even better…
A few years back, this company quietly inked a massive deal with Starlink…
They became a major supplier of Starlink, agreeing to manufacture 1 million terminals at a price of $2,400 each!
Said in another way, that’s a massive $2.4 billion deal for this tiny company!
But that’s just the start…
As tech adoption accelerates and more people switch to Starlink, the potential for this company could be huge.
After all, they’re the ONLY company in the world that can make these components.
In fact, Elon himself has even praised this company and their technology, calling it “one of the most sophisticated pieces of electronics” he’d ever seen.
To recap…
Unfortunately, as you’ve seen, most people will be locked out of profiting from this…
They’ll only be able to get in AFTER the IPO, when the biggest money has already been made.
However, I’ve discovered what I call a hidden “backdoor” way to profit from the IPO… by investing directly into one of Starlink’s top suppliers.
As soon as Starlink IPOs, my research indicates this stock will take off into the stratosphere.
And to make it as easy as possible for you to get started, I’ve put the details on this company into a special report called Elon’s “Super-IPO”: The #1 “Backdoor” Starlink Play to Buy Now.
It shows you everything you need to know to get started — the company name and ticker symbol, how to buy shares today and much, much more.
Now, during my time as an elite hedge fund manager and venture capitalist, my clients would routinely pay me a fortune — hundreds of thousands of dollars — in fees.
And considering the results I delivered to them over the years, they were more than happy to do so.
Because of that, I could easily charge thousands of dollars for my new report, Elon’s “Super-IPO”: The #1 “Backdoor” Starlink Play to Buy Now.
After all, if my prediction comes true, the information inside could potentially be worth millions to the right investor.
But I want to get this research into your hands for FREE today.
To claim it, all I ask is that you take a risk-free trial to my monthly investment research advisory called Altucher’s Investment Network.
You see, every month, I track down the biggest new investment megatrends (like Elon and the upcoming Starlink IPO)…
Opportunities that my research shows have the potential to hand early investors huge wealth…
Then I share them with well over 180,000 private readers in Altucher’s Investment Network.
Quite frankly, there’s no other resource like this in the world…
It’s all due to my extensive rolodex, which nobody else in the world has.
Imagine being in the room with the world’s smartest scientists, discovering the world-changing breakthroughs they’re working on, as they’re working on them…
Imagine having access to the world’s top tech insiders, being as close to them as possible — discovering how to invest in the biggest new innovations before they change the world…
Imagine knowing about the world’s biggest technology breakthroughs long before your friends, family or anyone else you know ever hears about them.
Now imagine how much money you could make if you had access to this kind of information every single month…
Well, as a reader of Altucher’s Investment Network, you’ll have exactly that.
So, how much does access to Altucher’s Investment Network cost?
Well, I think you’re going to like the answer…
It’s only a tiny fraction of what you’d imagine.
But first, before I get to that, there’s another Elon story that I’m closely watching…
A brand-new opportunity from Elon that I believe could one day surpass Nvidia and every other AI company in the world.
Let me tell you more about that now…
With long-anticipated IPOs like Reddit and Instacart all taking place in just the past few months, Yahoo Finance says we’re in the midst of a red-hot IPO market.
Because of that, you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that Starlink isn’t the only major IPO expected to come in 2025…
In fact, according to one top expert, OpenAI – the $150 billion AI giant behind ChatGPT – may also be preparing for a massive IPO this year…
The company is preparing to file to change their corporate structure from a non-profit… to a for-profit company, which is the first step on their path to the IPO.
But whatever you do, I’m urging you to NOT buy into the OpenAI IPO hype… until you hear this warning in full.
Because I’ve just found a little-known and potentially much more lucrative way to play this story… one that I’d bet not 1 in 1,000 investors knows about.
I’m talking about buying into Elon Musk’s brand-new xAI startup… which, as Yahoo Finance reports, is speculated to reach a $75 billion valuation.
And because xAI was formed only two years ago, that makes this one of the fastest growing companies in history.
Unfortunately, xAI is NOT public… meaning there’s no way for Main Street Americans like you to invest directly into the company.
Because of that, the vast majority of people have missed out entirely on this growth so far.
But here’s what most people don’t know…
I’ve identified a little-known, off-the-radar venture fund… one which trades publicly on the Nasdaq – meaning you can invest into it right inside your brokerage account, just like any ordinary stock.
And because this venture fund has invested into Elon’s private xAI startup, by investing into the fund you’re also investing into xAI itself.
On top of that, you’ll also get exposure to all of the fund’s other holdings – including some of the most innovative pre-IPO startups in the world, like Discord, Anthropic, Epic Games and more.
Which is why I believe this could be one of the best places to put your money over the coming years…
To help you get started, I’ve put all of the details on this fund and how to buy shares into a FREE bonus report titled Musk’s $75 Billion xAI Jackpot: How to Buy Shares Today.
Of course, this report is yours today ON TOP of the other report I promised, which shows you how to profit BEFORE the Starlink IPO is announced!
Put these two opportunities together, and early investors like you have the chance to ride Elon’s coattails for the chance at a lifetime of wealth…
Just like people who got in early on PayPal, Tesla and every one of his other companies.
With that, let me give you a closer look at everything you’ll receive… starting as soon as you join me today.
Everything you’ll receive is designed to put you in front of the biggest investment stories… before anyone else.
You’ll always have the inside scoop before anyone else, delivered to you in plain, simple, immediately actionable alerts.
Alongside that, you’ll also receive my complete research and analysis breaking down everything.
That way, everything is made as easy as possible for you.
Because my mission with this research is to help both experienced and first-time investors alike.
So, how much is a subscription to Altucher’s Investment Network?
Well, don’t forget… it’s a premium research service.
My work is followed by analysts at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan and others… as well as over 180,000 Main Street Americans across the country…
All of whom follow my work to get access to the latest investment stories long before anyone else — and you can join them, starting just minutes from now.
And keep in mind…
If you were to hire a money manager, you’d pay tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars… often for market-lagging performance.
In fact, the Financial Post reports the average money manager struggles to even beat the market’s performance of about 7% per year on average.
Now compare that with the performance of my readers, who have seen the chance to make 2X, 3X, even 7X their money over just a few years.
Even if you started with just a small amount of money… you could see how to grow it into a fortune over time, just like many of my readers have already had the chance to do.
For that reason, a $5,000 price tag is a steal.
But it gets better…
When you respond to me today, you won’t pay anywhere near $5,000…
You won’t pay $1,000, either…
You won’t even pay $500.
In fact, ordinarily I price a full year of Altucher’s Investment Network at just $299.
And that’s a great deal… that works out to under $6 per week — less than the price of lunch.
But I know that, thanks to Elon and Starlink, the profit potential in front of you right now is life-changing…
It’s simply too important to miss out on.
And I also know that, for those who get in now, life might never be the same again.
Which is why, when you respond today, I can do much better than $299 for you…
Through this special offer I’ve arranged for you, you’ll pay just a small fraction of the regular $299 retail price.
More on that in a moment.
First, there’s one last FREE bonus report I’ll send to you as soon as you get started today…
One last technology from Elon that you can make a fortune by investing into now…
Let me tell you more about this opportunity while time still remains…
It’s no secret that AI investors have made an extraordinary fortune in the last 12 months.
In fact, according to Fortune, 500,000 new millionaires have been minted THIS YEAR ALONE — and it’s all thanks to AI!
And it’s not just these people who are striking it rich…
At the same exact time as this is happening, crypto investors have also seen incredible profits, as Bitcoin has skyrocketed well beyond $100,000…
As Bloomberg reports, more than 1,500 millionaires are being minted EVERY DAY in the crypto market!
Put these two technologies together, and you have what I could believe could shape up to be the greatest wealth creation opportunity in history.
Which is where Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, is about to come in…
I believe he’s set to transform Twitter from a mere social media website, into the biggest financial giant in the world.
And he’ll do so by using crypto and the blockchain, alongside the AI technology he’s been creating.
In other words, Twitter could soon become a one-stop-shop for ALL of your financial needs…
All under the banner of one company.
How can I be so certain?
Elon sent a text to his brother on April 10, 2022.
Take a look:
Less than one week later, on April 14, Elon then announced his surprise $44 billion bid to acquire Twitter.
I’m sure you can connect the dots here…
As you can see from this text, despite what most people think, Elon’s vision for Twitter is so much bigger than just social media…
In fact, that’s exactly why he changed the name of the company from Twitter to X.
As he explained in the following tweet:
Which brings me back to Elon’s “Master Plan” for X…
A plan that’s more than 25 years in the making…
To understand what I mean, just take a look at this document from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency… that’s the U.S. government agency that regulates banks:
What you see is Charter Number 9840…
And it’s the bank that Elon himself quietly created in the 1990s, which virtually nobody knows about.
At the time, as you saw, Elon’s vision was to build far more than just yet another bank…
He wanted to build a one-stop-shop for ALL of your financial needs, in one place.
As Elon explained… “If you fix all the reasons why a consumer would take money out of the system, then it will be the place where all the money is, and that would make it a multi trillion-dollar company.”
Unfortunately, Elon’s plans never became a reality back in 1999…
The problem was his business partners didn’t see or understand Elon’s vision at the time…
So, the company changed its name to PayPal, and chose to focus on the much smaller payment processing niche.
Of course, we all know that PayPal worked out in the end…
But Elon never forgot about his vision…
And 25 years later, with the help of AI and cryptocurrency, he’s finally about to roll it out on his X platform…
As Linda Yaccarino, the CEO of X, said recently: “This is closer than everyone thinks. We’re moving fast. Payments [are] around the corner.”
In fact, take a look at this…
Twitter has already received licenses to facilitate money transfers in 23 states and counting.
As soon as Elon Musk gets approval nationwide…
Which could happen at any moment now…
I expect he will flip the switch.
One way to think of what Elon’s doing is like pouring gasoline on an already red-hot fire…
AI and cryptocurrency are both the most popular investments in the world…
Elon is the richest and most successful person in the world…
And once he rolls out his “Master Plan,” there’s no telling the amount of money that could be created.
I truly believe this will be his magnum opus…
His life’s work…
The crowning achievement of his career…
And by taking action right now, before this is announced to the public, you can ride Elon’s next project for the chance at a lifetime of wealth.
You’ll find the complete breakdown on how it works and the 3 investments I recommend you buy immediately, inside your copy of this next report, titled Elon Musk’s Final Blueprint: Five Plays to Profit from His New Venture.
And of course, that’s on top of the other Elon reports I’ve told you about already, including your first-ever chance to profit BEFORE Elon’s Starlink IPO.
Now, I know what you’re wondering…
How much does it cost to join me at Altucher’s Investment Network — and receive everything we’ve discussed here today, ready for immediate download?
That’s the best part…
Subscribe to Altucher’s Investment Network today for just $49.
That works out to just 13 cents per day…
A tiny price to pay for everything you’ll receive.
Within minutes of joining, everything we discussed will be sent to your email. You’ll be able to read through these special reports and position yourself immediately for massive growth.
But if this is so good, why am I practically giving it away at this price?
Well, the truth is we only make money when people stick around for the long term.
That means giving you a superior newsletter… one you’re so thrilled with you’ll stay with us year after year.
If you don’t, we go broke.
Additionally, I know that once you try Altucher’s Investment Network out — and see for yourself the unmatched profit potential it delivers — you’ll want to stick around for good.
That’s why I’m making access to Altucher’s Investment Network so affordable for you today.
And that’s also why I’m adding one last clincher to seal the deal for you…
I get it…
I know this may be the first time you and I have met…
So odds are you may still be skeptical.
You may have even heard similar promises before that never worked out.
Because of that, it’s only fair that you take a look at my work 100% risk-free…
I want you to be able to try it out and decide for yourself whether or not it’s right for you.
Here’s what I propose…
Try Altucher’s Investment Network risk-free for a full three months…
And if you don’t agree that you won’t find this kind of profit potential anywhere else, call my customer support team (their number is 844-370-6637) and let them know.
They’ll immediately issue a full, no-hassle refund…
And all of your reports and issues will still be yours to keep, no matter what.
I’m sure you can agree that’s a fair deal…
If I don’t deliver, you don’t pay a cent.
With that, are you ready to get started?
Then click the “Subscribe Now” button you see below.
SUBSCRIBE NOWClicking won’t obligate you to anything…
It’ll simply take you to another page where you can review this incredible no-risk offer again.
The clock is ticking… the time to act is now.
I believe President Trump’s right-hand man, Elon Musk is preparing to introduce the world to the biggest internet breakthrough of all time…
I showed you the best examples of the of rare opportunities that come around when the internet takes a massive step forward…
We saw AOL soar an extraordinary 81,844% in just seven years…
We also watched as EarthLink skyrocketed 6,638% in only three years…
And as Comcast catapulted 46,222% between 1980 and 2017.
And I believe on March 13, it could begin to happen again… as Elon Musk, announces the biggest “Super-IPO” in history.
Even better, thanks to this little-known “backdoor” opportunity, you can skip the crowd… and have the chance to profit BEFORE everyone else.
The important question is this:
Will you take action ahead of time… and cash in?
Or will you sit on the sidelines again as other folks hit it big?
The choice is yours, of course.
Just click “Subscribe Now” below to get started.
SUBSCRIBE NOWIf you’ve made it this far, you clearly recognize that Starlink will be one of the biggest internet disruptions of our lifetime.
It could change how the world receives internet access… put giants like Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile out of business… and ignite one of the greatest innovations of the 21st century.
It could also, at the same time, help to unlock untold amounts of wealth in previously untapped economic value.
The stakes truly couldn’t be any higher.
And this is your first-ever chance to profit before the IPO… directly along with other insiders, including Elon himself.
But odds are even after everything you’ve seen today, you may still be hesitant about getting started.
And I get it…
As I said, this is probably the first time you and I have ever met.
So I’m going to do something very special for you right now…
I told you earlier that you can try Altucher’s Investment Network risk-free for a full 90 days…
And if it’s not everything I’ve said it is (and more), my team will give you a full refund.
But because this urgent situation is moving quickly… I’m willing to do something very special for you right now and take it a step further.
Respond now and I’ll double your time to try Altucher’s Investment Network 100% risk-free… from 90 days to a full 180 days.
That’s six months, more than enough time to go through my work, try out my recommendations and put everything I’ve said here to the test.
If my research hasn’t changed your life six months from now, you can call up and request a full, no-hassle refund.
Heck, even if you decide on day 179 this isn’t right for you, you can call up my team and request a complete refund.
Better yet, if you do choose to cancel, you’ll still be able to keep all of the special reports and monthly issues you’ll receive.
It’s my way of saying thanks, simply for giving my work a try.
Said in another way, not only am I slashing the price to the bone for you…
But I’m also doubling the amount of time you can try this out, 100% risk-free.
This is the best offer I can possibly make… but it won’t be available forever.
Just click below now to get started.
SUBSCRIBE NOWAs you’ve seen, this is one of the biggest market stories of my career… and you won’t want to miss it.
I’m predicting Elon’s “Super-IPO” is virtually guaranteed to be announced by exactly March 13, 2025…
Especially now that Trump has taken office, which, as you saw, only makes the Starlink IPO more likely than ever.
That means you only have a small window left to position yourself before Starlink goes public.
When that happens, it’ll be too late… all the big money will have already been made.
Trust me, a year from now you’ll kick yourself if you put this off.
If you’ve missed out on Elon’s previous breakthroughs…
Like PayPal, which went from a tiny off-the-radar startup to a massive $64 billion giant today…
Or Tesla, which is up an incredible 19,500% and counting since 2010…
You won’t want to miss this.
It’s your chance to set yourself up on the ground floor — BEFORE everyone else catches on to Elon’s next big development.
With that said, all that’s left to do is go ahead and click “Subscribe Now” below to get started… and I’ll see you on the inside.
James Altucher
Editor, Altucher’s Investment Network
December 2024
P.S. Still here?
No doubt you might still have a few questions that you want answered before getting started.
Let me quickly address them now…
Q: What is Altucher’s Investment Network? How does it work?
Leveraging my insider network of CEOs, hedge fund managers and other top insiders, I track down the biggest, most revolutionary new megatrends before anyone else.
Things like cryptocurrency, AI, electric vehicles and more.
Then, I find the companies pioneering the new megatrend… and share them with over 180,000 private readers in Altucher’s Investment Network.
Altucher’s Investment Network is the ONLY place in the entire world where I recommend tiny stocks my research indicates have the potential to target 1,000%-plus over time.
Every month, I’ll send you a new issue, written in simple, easy-to-read language, detailing the biggest opportunity I’m looking at now… showing you how to get a piece of it.
Plus, I even show you how to take the buy or sell action inside your own account.
It’s really that simple. Even if you’ve never invested before, you’ll be able to do this.
Your alert emails show you what to do and why.
If you want to take part, you simply need to pull the trigger.
Easy, right?
As I mentioned, it doesn’t matter if you’re a complete beginner or if you’ve been investing for years…
It doesn’t matter if you have $500 to start or $500,000…
I’ll show you how to book huge gains from the biggest, world-changing breakthroughs.
I bring you my best new ideas every month — you simply read through my work and decide if you want to invest in the company I’m telling you about.
Q: What will I receive when I join?
For starters, as a reader of Altucher’s Investment Network, you’ll receive a full year of monthly issues, weekly emails, urgent trading alerts, a special website login, “first read” access to my best new ideas, quarterly Q&A calls and more.
Whenever I uncover a breakthrough new technology that has promise to change our world, I’ll alert you and show you how to play it in the markets.
And that’s just the beginning…
Within minutes of joining today, you’ll get the report showing you how to win big from Elon’s next (and biggest) innovation, titled Elon’s “Super-IPO”: The #1 “Backdoor” Starlink Play to Buy Now.
Plus, alongside that, you’ll also receive instant access to the other FREE bonus reports we discussed.
That way, you can get started with everything immediately.
SUBSCRIBE NOWQ: How much money could I make from this?
If history is any guide, the amount of money you could have the chance at from the situation is nothing short of life-changing.
I showed you the best examples I could find of the rare opportunities that have come about every time the internet takes a massive step forward…
With perfect timing, we saw AOL soar 81,844% in seven years…
We also watched as EarthLink skyrocketed 6,638% in just three years…
And as Comcast catapulted 46,222% between 1980 and 2017.
Now, I believe it will happen yet again… in an even BIGGER disruption, led by the world’s richest man and the top White House insider, Elon Musk himself.
Plus, for reasons you saw, Starlink could be even BIGGER than any of these companies over time…
And by acting now, you could turn just one small stake into incredible wealth… by getting in to our “backdoor” play BEFORE the IPO is announced!
And best of all, it couldn’t be any easier to take action…
You’ll get all of the details on how to get started when you click the “Subscribe Now” button below.
SUBSCRIBE NOWQ: Is your ordering process secure?
We use the latest encryption technology available to ensure your data is 100% protected throughout the order process.
The entire process is fast, safe and completely secure. I’ve made sure of it.
SUBSCRIBE NOWQ: What if I decide this isn’t right for me?
No problem! As they say, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
If you decide, at any point in the next six months, that my work isn’t right for you, just call up my team and let them know.
They’ll immediately send you a full refund, and you can even keep everything we’ve discussed here today, just as my way of saying thanks.
If you’ve stuck with me this far, then all I can say is give this a try!
Here’s what I propose: Go ahead and click “Subscribe Now” below and check my research out for yourself.
You really do have nothing to lose by doing this, and everything to gain.
SUBSCRIBE NOWQ: This all sounds too good to be true… what’s the “catch”?
The mark of a smart investor is skepticism and asking questions. So, I’m not surprised if you are wondering this.
And that’s why I’m doubling your time to try this out risk-free to a full six months — that’s 180 days, more than enough time to see for yourself how valuable my work is.
If you don’t get results, you can call us up and ask for a full, no-hassle refund. There’s absolutely no risk to you.
The only catch is that you must position yourself now for your best shot… before the “Super-IPO” takes place.
Don’t wait… go ahead and click the “Subscribe Now” button below to get started.
SUBSCRIBE NOWQ: If I have any questions, can I speak to someone?
If, at any point, you have any questions about your subscription… you can call up my Altucher’s Investment Network customer care team at 844-370-6637.
They’re standing by 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Eastern Time to answer any questions you may have and help you out. Just keep in mind they aren’t able to offer any personalized financial advice.
SUBSCRIBE NOWQ: How long will it take to receive everything we’ve discussed?
Within minutes of joining Altucher’s Investment Network today, you’ll find a new email in your inbox from me. Open it.
Inside you’ll find the report we discussed today, Elon’s “Super-IPO”: The #1 “Backdoor” Starlink Play to Buy Now… plus your other bonus reports, ready for immediate download. You’ll be able to download and read them, then take action, all within just a few minutes.
Additionally, you’ll also find your login to the special members-only Altucher’s Investment Network website in that email, where you can view all the past issues, go through our portfolio, check out the full research report library and more.
The key is that you take action now… before Elon’s historic IPO takes place.
With that said, go ahead and click below now to get started.
Take your time to decide, if you need to. You can still click the “Subscribe Now” button as long as you remain on this page.
I thank you for your time today, and I look forward to welcoming you inside Altucher’s Investment Network just moments from now.