Crypto Millionaire Who Called Bitcoin When It Was Trading for $100 Now Predicts:

Bitcoin $150,000

This Unusual “Wealth Pattern” Has Triggered Every
Millionaire-Making Breakout to Date

And It’s About to Usher in Bitcoin’s Biggest Bull Market Yet


“This is your last chance to buy before the
Big Money rushes in.”

— James Altucher,

Multimillionaire Bitcoin Expert

James: Hi, I’m James Altucher.

If you’re watching this MASSIVE new bull market in Bitcoin…

And you’re worried you missed out…

I need you to pay attention.

The REAL bull market is about to get started.

It’s all thanks to an unusual “wealth pattern” that has triggered every major, millionaire-making breakout to date.

chart: Bitcoin pattern

It’s a pattern that occurs every four years like clockwork.And each time…

It has sent Bitcoin to phenomenal new highs.

From $1,000 in 2013…

chart: Bitcoin goes from $13 to over $1,000

To $20,000 in 2017…

chart: Bitcoin up 2,000%

To $69,000 in 2021.

chart: Bitcoin hits all-time high of $69,000 by November 2021

By the end of the next year…

I predict Bitcoin will hit a new, all-time high of $150,000 per coin.

And it’s all thanks to this recurring “wealth pattern” that has triggered every millionaire-making breakout so far.

Please understand…

When I say Bitcoin could go as high as $150,000…

There’s a good chance I’m being conservative.

I was one of the first analysts to recommend Bitcoin all the way back in 2013 when it was trading for around $100 per coin.

Within months, it hit a high of $1,000.

That’s a 1,000% gain.

In 2017…

I told people to buy it again.

Within four years, we saw gains of 500%.

chart: Bitcoin up 500%

And it’s all because of this unusual wealth pattern that plays out every four years like clockwork.

So far, it’s been 100% accurate.

And with a new bull market already starting…

It’s set to play out again.

Sending Bitcoin to $150,000…


Maybe even $250,000 or more.

But before you go out and buy Bitcoin…

Know this.

If you want a shot at the best gains during this new Bitcoin bull market…

Bitcoin is probably the last thing you should buy.

It’s why I personally do not own any Bitcoin today.

Today, there are thousands … literally thousands of different cryptocurrencies that you can choose from.

And when Bitcoin is going higher…

That’s where you can find the best gains.

For instance, on just one of these “cryptos,” I made a 7,000% return on my money in less than two years.

I invested $25,000 and cashed out with $1.75 million.

On another investment, I got in early at just 52 cents per coin.

Within four years they were worth $237 apiece.

That’s over 45,000%.

I’ve made so much money in crypto, I did something I promised I’d never do and bought a multimillion-dollar house with my gains.

My friends call it “the house crypto built.”

You can see it right here.

James Altucher's mansion

Please understand that I don’t share this to brag… I’m more embarrassed than anything.

I say it to illustrate the incredibly awesome wealth-building power of this new technology called crypto.

And to warn you that if you want a chance at this sort of success for yourself…

You are about to run out of time.

In a moment, I’m going to tell you about my Top 10 favorite cryptocurrencies you should buy today.

I believe these are your BEST shots at those rare 1,000%-plus gains over the next two years.

Just take a look at the top 10 returns during the 2016 and 2017 bull market.

top 10 returns during 2016 and 2017 bull market

You might recognize some of these names today.

Ethereum, the #2 crypto in the world, was a small player then and rose 87,673% in that bull market.

That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $870,000.

Can you imagine turning a grand into almost a million bucks? Well, some investors did it. And it’s worth even more today.

XRP is another one of the largest cryptocurrencies in the world right now.

In that bull market, it soared 44,832%.

Enough to turn a thousand bucks into roughly $450,000.

Then you had crazy outliers like NEM, up almost 600,000%.

Verge, up 3 million percent.

And Einsteinium, up a ridiculous 5.1 million percent.

Enough to turn, yes … $1,000 into $5.1 million.

In the last bull market, the gains on the top 10 cryptos were just as extreme.

From 2020 to 2021, Polygon shot up 35,373%.

Solana soared 50,305%.

And the top crypto that period, Shiba Inu, turned $1,000 into $76 million.

gains of smaller coins

This actually happened. And yes, these gains are rare and hard to perfectly time…

But here’s the thing…

The same event that triggered those last two bull markets just happened again.

If this pattern plays out just like before, then several smaller, alternative cryptos are about to soar astronomically higher.

That’s why, in a moment, I’m going to tell you how to access my list of the top 10 cryptos to own over the next two years.

These are, in my view, your best shots of targeting those rare 1,000% … 5,000% … even 10,000% gains in the next two years.

But that’s not all.

I’m also going to reveal how this “wealth pattern” has predicted every major bull market in crypto…

And why 2024 is shaping up to be Bitcoin’s biggest year yet.

For those who don’t know me…

Again, my name is James Altucher

I’ve run a $50 million hedge fund…

A $100 million venture capital fund…

I’ve personally written over 20 books, including two WSJ bestsellers.

And I’ve started more than 20 companies, including two that I sold for an eight-figure exit.

If you recognize me…

It’s because I’ve been appearing on networks like CNBC for almost 20 years now.

James Altucher on CNBC

My work’s been read by more than 20 million people worldwide…

And my podcast, The James Altucher Show, has over 40 million downloads, where I’ve interviewed some of the world’s top business gurus, like Steve Cohen, Jim Cramer, Peter Thiel, Mark Cuban and Tony Robbins.

I’ve been writing about Bitcoin since 2013.

That year, I set up a website to sell my first book Choose Yourself exclusively with Bitcoin.

Business Insider even ran an article on it.

headline: This Guy Is Selling His Book Exclusively Via Bitcoin

Again, Bitcoin was trading around $100 then.

Those Bitcoins are worth hundreds of times more than I originally got them for.

But the reason why I don’t own any today is very simple.

It all comes back to this “wealth pattern” that just appeared on April 22.

Whenever this “wealth pattern” appears…

It causes Bitcoin to skyrocket…

And THAT forces lots of other, smaller cryptocurrencies to go even higher…

Rising 5x ... 10x … even 100x higher than Bitcoin or more.

That’s how I was able to make a 7,000% return during the last four year cycle…

Turning a small $25,000 investment into $1.75 million.

It ALL comes back to this pattern.

Again, it happens every four years like clockwork.

In the last bull market…

Each of the top 10 cryptos went up 10 times higher than Bitcoin.

gains of smaller coins

And in the bull market before that…

All but one of them went up 10 times higher than it.

top 10 returns during 2016 and 2017 bull market

It doesn’t mean you can go out and buy any cryptocurrency that you want.

Fact is, 95% of the cryptos out there are probably going to end up worthless.

To find the right ones to buy…

You need an expert.

Someone with a proven track record.

And that’s where I come in.

My company publishes the work of some of the best stock experts in the world.

And my crypto recommendations beat ALL of them.

In the last two years…

My top recommendations have gone as high as 2,612%...



And plenty more that have doubled, tripled and quadrupled in price.

table: coin gains

And I think we still have a LOT higher to go.

That’s why I want to send you a list of my top 10 cryptos today.

I believe they stand to become some of the biggest winners in this bull market.

But if you missed the last two bull markets…

Please understand…

This is your last chance.

The next wealth pattern has already started…

And I believe it could send Bitcoin to $150,000 by the end of this year, next year at latest

The Big Money Is Piling In

I’m going to tell you exactly what this wealth pattern is in just a moment.

But first, you need to understand why this bull market – the one we’re in NOW – is the biggest one yet.

You see, Bitcoin has been around for 15 years now…

But only recently did the world’s biggest investor start piling in.

In a few weeks, this investor has already bought almost 200,000 Bitcoin…

And continues to invest hundreds of millions each day.

That’s why Bitcoin has already hit a new all-time high.

And as this demand continues…

It will send other, smaller cryptos into the stratosphere.

I’m talking about BlackRock.


BlackRock is the largest money manager in the world.

It has over $10 trillion in assets under management.

And on January 11, 2024…

BlackRock made history by launching the world’s first Bitcoin ETF.

It is already the fastest growing ETF in history.

With hundreds of millions of dollars continuing to flow in by the day.

This is insanely bullish for crypto.

Until a few weeks ago, the “big money” couldn’t buy Bitcoin at all.

That’s because institutional investors like BlackRock have certain regulations in place telling them what they can and can’t buy.

That means that up until just a few weeks ago…

The big money was still on the sidelines.

But when the SEC approved their new Bitcoin ETF, it opened the floodgates.

This is a tidal wave of cash unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

And it’s going to make this “wealth pattern” the biggest we’ve seen yet.

This is SO much bigger than the last two bull markets.

Prior to 2016, most investors had no idea what a “Bitcoin” was.

And that’s because, before that year, it was very difficult to buy.

That is, until cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase arrived on the scene.

For the first time ever, Coinbase made it very easy to buy Bitcoin.

All you had to do was download the app…

Connect it to your bank…

And buy it!

It’s as easy to use as any online broker that lets you buy or sell stocks.

That’s why, when the “wealth pattern” appeared in 2016…

Bitcoin went from $1,000…

To $20,000 just 18 months later.

chart: Bitcoin up 2,000%

After this dramatic run-up…

Larger investors started to move in.

MicroStrategy a data company, bought $3.6 billion worth of Bitcoin between 2020 and 2021.

From low to high, the stock shot up 10 times in price in a year.

Square, the mobile payment company that runs Cashapp, bought over $200 million worth in the second half of 2020, leading the stock to a new all-time high.

Even Tesla jumped in, buying $1.4 billion worth.

One of the biggest investors, of course, was Cathie Wood. She runs ARK Invest, an investment management company that manages several exchange traded funds.

Its flagship fund, the ARK Innovation ETF, bought almost 5 million shares of Coinbase…

Was heavily invested in several of the stocks mentioned before…

And even bought several million shares of Bitcoin through a Bitcoin trust.

This time, when the wealth pattern appeared…

Bitcoin shot up another 1,000% within 18 months.

chart: Bitcoin up 1,000% within 18 months

But to put this in perspective…

Cathie Wood’s entire portfolio is worth about $10 billion.

That’s all of the money she has under management.

BlackRock has over $10 trillion worth.

And they’re not alone.

The SEC approved 10 other money managers – including, Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, and VanEck asset management – to launch their own Bitcoin ETFs as well.

With so many big asset managers moving in, the sky is truly the limit.

A Bitcoin ETF means that for the first time, ordinary Americans can get access to Bitcoin’s enormous price increases right in their IRA, 401k and retirement accounts. Mutual funds will be able to buy. Pensions will be able to buy. Every big investor in the world will finally be able to buy.

Just how high could it go? Well…

We’ve seen this blueprint before.

Think back to gold’s huge bull run in the 2000s.

Prior to that, the yellow metal was worth a couple hundred dollars an ounce.

But once the first gold ETF arrived on the scene in 2004…

The price skyrocketed.

Suddenly, people could easily get access to gold inside their brokerage account or 401k.

By 2011, gold was up nearly 350% after the ETF’s approval.

chart: gold up nearly 350% after ETF approval

Today, the same thing is happening with digital gold – with Bitcoin.

In fact, one estimate suggests that if money managers in the U.S. put just 1% of their assets under management inside BlackRock’s new Bitcoin ETF…

A mere $14.4 billion…

Bitcoin WILL surge to $144,000 by the end of 2025.

By that same math, a 2% allocation would equal a price of over $250,000.

And a 5% allocation would equal $572,000 per Bitcoin.

With this wealth pattern set to repeat just as BlackRock has launched its new ETF…

The sky is truly the limit.

That’s why I’m very confident Bitcoin will hit $150,000 over the next year at least…

Causing other, smaller cryptos to skyrocket.

I know it sounds crazy to think that Bitcoin could STILL go this high.

In the last decade, it beat the next greatest investment by more than 10-fold…

Rising 18,912%.

chart: Bitcoin rising 18,912%

But it can still go a lot higher.

Let me show you why.

Why Bitcoin Will Keep Going Higher and Higher

This is a chart of the U.S. money supply.

Since the U.S. financial crisis in 2008…

The government has been on endless spending spree…

Printing more and more dollars in order to squeak by.

And once Covid hit…

Everything broke.

The government was forced to print like never before.

More than 40% of all the dollars in existence have been printed in the last four years alone.

And since the financial crisis, the number of dollars have tripled.

chart: 40% of dollars have been printed in last four years alone

That’s why your dollar doesn’t buy you anywhere near as much as it used it.

This money is completely made up.

It’s not backed by anything.

And that’s why more and more people are turning to Bitcoin as the ultimate dollar hedge.

They call Bitcoin “digital gold” because there’s a finite amount.

We can’t “print” anymore of it.

And once the supply runs out…

That’s it.

That’s why Bitcoin keeps going higher and higher.

The government wants you to think inflation is under control…

But it’s not.

Inflation is higher than ever before.

This is the government’s own statistics.

chart: inflation is higher than ever before

When you factor in the cost of food and energy, it’s even worse.

The European Central Bank ran a study on over 200 countries…

And discovered “the energy sub-index saw the highest average rate of inflation, followed by food.”

And yet the government doesn’t include this in their inflation stats.

They’re lying to you.

The dollar is NOT sound.

Even at 3% inflation, your dollars are losing 3% of their value each year.

But over the last 10 years, Bitcoin has gone up by an average of 64% per year.

Last year, it jumped 159%.

That means Bitcoin is growing 20 times faster than the U.S. dollar is losing value.

This is why BlackRock’s ETF is growing faster than any wealth fund in history.

You simply cannot afford NOT to have some exposure.

At this rate, it’s possible we could see Bitcoin hit $1 million by the end of the decade.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so.

Crypto billionaire Arthur Hayes predicts Bitcoin could soar as high as $1 million by 2026.

Bobby Lee, founder of the world’s longest running crypto exchange, thinks it’ll happen within five to 10 years.

And Cathie Wood, the CEO of ARK Invest, predicts Bitcoin will be “well above” $1 million by 2030.

But remember…

Every time this wealth pattern appears…

And Bitcoin goes up 1,000%...

Smaller, alternative cryptocurrencies can go up 5,000% … 10,000% or more.

In the last bull market, at least 10 different cryptos did 10 times better than Bitcoin.

Which is why it is imperative I get you a list of my top 10 cryptos immediately.

At the bare minimum, I expect every single one of these cryptos will at least double Bitcoin’s price gains over the next year.

Some could 5 times faster … even 10 times faster or more. Now that you understand what’s at stake…

Let me quickly explain why 2024 will be SO big.

The REAL Fun Is Just Getting Started

It all comes back to this unusual pattern that occurs every four years…

And each time, it’s led to a massive run up in Bitcoin.

For instance, when this pattern appeared on November 28, 2012…

Bitcoin went from about $13…

To over $1,000 by next December.

It went up 8,391% in a year.

chart: Bitcoin goes from $13 to over $1,000

For the next three years, it didn’t make any new ground.By January 2016, Bitcoin was trading for less than $500.

But then, something happened.

The pattern repeated on July 9, 2016.

And then the real party got started.

Bitcoin quickly reclaimed its all-time high of $1,000.

And in 2017, it went absolutely berserk…

Soaring to one new all-time high after the next.


Then $10,000…

Then an astonishing $20,000.

Soaring another 2,000%.

chart: Bitcoin soars another 2,000%

You probably remember what happened next.

In 2018, Bitcoin crashed 85%.

That year, 93 different newspapers declared it was dead.

The UK Daily Express said it was “WORTHLESS” and would have zero value by 2019.

headline: Bitcoin WARNING: BTC will be 'WORTHLESS and have ZERO VALUE' in 2019

MarketWatch published the opinion of some “teenage crypto phenom” saying “Bitcoin is pretty much dead.”

headline: Bitcoin is pretty much dead, says teenage crypto phenom

And Bloomberg wrote that JP Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway’s “Jamie Dimon and Warren Buffett have the last laugh on Bitcoin.”

headline: Jamie Dimon and Warren Buffet have the last laugh on Bitcoin

Of course, we know what happened next.

Bitcoin quickly recovered, soaring past the $10,000 mark.

Then on May 11, 2020, it happened again.

The pattern re-appeared…

And by the end of the year, it was trading over $20,000 again.

Then in 2021, it hit $30,000 … then forty … then fifty…

And by November 2021, it hit an all-time high of $69,000.

chart: Bitcoin hits all-time high of $69,000 by November 2021

Are you starting to get it now?

Every time this pattern appears, Bitcoin returns to its all-time highs by the end of the year…

Then the next year, it soars higher and higher and higher.

It is set to happen again.

On April 22 of this year, this pattern repeated itself. And it means a massive bull run is most likely dead ahead.

Mysterious “Wealth Pattern” Revealed…

Take a look at this chart.

chart: Bitcoin pattern

Every time this happens, Bitcoin goes up 1,000% or more over the next 12 to 18 months.

It’s a reliable wealth pattern. To date, Bitcoin has minted at least 100,000 new millionaires because of this pattern.

And now that it’s back…

I predict Bitcoin is about to go higher than ever before.

By next year, I have a minimum price target of $150,000.

Frankly, that might be conservative.

$250,000 or higher is still on the table.

It’s just basic mathematics … which is all Bitcoin is based on.

You see, unlike a publicly traded company…

Bitcoin doesn’t have a board of directors…

It doesn’t have “market makers” manipulating the price…

It moves solely based on supply and demand…

And that’s exactly what causes this “wealth pattern” to repeat every four years.

This wealth pattern goes by another name.

It’s called “The Halving.” You might have heard it.

You see, Bitcoin exists on a digital ledger known as “blockchain.”

It’s a network of thousands of different computers that work together to “mine” Bitcoin on individual “blocks.”

bitcoin map

Each block contains a certain number of Bitcoin.

But every four years…

That number gets cut in half.

This creates a recurring “wealth pattern” that causes Bitcoin to skyrocket.

chart: Bitcoin pattern

It’s simple supply and demand.

When there’s less new supply getting made every day…

And the demand goes up…

The price goes exponentially higher.

Again, this plays out every four years like clockwork.

That’s why I say this Halving event creates a recurring and reliable “wealth pattern” that regular investors can take advantage of.

Every time this happens, Bitcoin soars.

From $1,000 in 2013…

To $20,000 four years later…

Then $69,000…

And next year, I predict it will hit $150,000 at least.

That’s because there are two other massive developments set to make this the biggest crypto bull market we’ve seen yet.

Just think about what we saw during the last two cycles BEFORE big players like BlackRock started piling in.

During the last two year cycle, we saw tiny investments go up




And even higher.

gains of smaller coins

And before that? The gains on the top 10 cryptos were just as big.



Even 5 MILLION percent.

top 10 returns during 2016 and 2017 bull market

But this time is different.

This time is BIGGER.

Because now, the demand for Bitcoin is greater than ever.

We have never seen a Halving event with THIS much demand for Bitcoin.

That’s why I’m certain Bitcoin is going to $150,000.

This will be a massive breakthrough for the top 10 cryptos that I want to send you.

I believe creating a small portfolio of these 10 cryptos could make the next two years the most exciting moneymaking journey of your life.


If you want your chance at those rare 1,000% gains over the next two years…

This is your LAST chance.

The BIG money has been waiting years for this moment.

Due to the sheer demand that BlackRock will have for its ETF…

They’ll have to buy a TON of Bitcoin.

Enough to carry it to $144,000 at least…

Plus, with the launch of FedNow…

And this “wealth pattern” ushering in an explosive new bull market in crypto…

I believe this is your LAST CHANCE to make truly life-changing gains in this space.

Don’t Buy Bitcoin… Buy These Coins Instead

But if you want a shot at the BEST returns…

Bitcoin is probably the LAST cryptocurrency you should buy.

In fact, the only thing I can confidently guarantee is that Bitcoin won’t get you the best gains in this next bull market.

That’s why I personally don’t own any Bitcoin today.

Instead, my crypto money is spread across an array of alternative digital currencies. Including one coin that I personally have over $100,000 invested that I call “The #1 Coin of the Decade.” One day soon, it could even SURPASS Bitcoin in value.

And it’s just one of the 10 coins that I want to send you.

“Alt coins” like these have surpassed Bitcoin’s returns in the last few bull markets by many orders of magnitude.

While Bitcoin went up 1,000% during the last two-year bull market…

Coins like Flux, at its peak, went up 14,930%. That’s 15-times better than Bitcoin.

chart: Flux up 14,930%

The Sandbox soared 24,333%. That’s almost 25-times better than Bitcoin.

chart: The Sandbox up 24,333%

And Solana soared 50,305%. That’s 50-times better than Bitcoin.

chart: Solana up 50,305%

I want to share my top 10 cryptos with you today.

These aren’t no-name projects.

Again, of the thousands … literally thousands of cryptos in existence, most of them are complete trash.

I’ll be the first to admit it.

These top 10 are not.

In fact, they’re all within the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap.

Each one is worth $1 billion or more.

There is very big … very serious money going into crypto right now. And these currencies are at the front of the charge.

Are they still speculative? Sure. That’s the nature of a volatile market like crypto. It’s why you need to remember that no investment is guaranteed and there is always risk involved. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

However, I’m confident that on a percentage basis, each one is going to outperform Bitcoin over the next two years by two-fold … five-fold … maybe even 10-fold or more.

I’m talking about a chance at targeting those rare gains of 1,000% or more.

You’re probably wondering what is the point of all these other cryptocurrencies?

You see, Bitcoin itself isn’t actually a very good currency.

It can only process about three to six transactions per second.

Compare that to VISA, which can process something like 65,000 different transactions per second.

That might sound fast…

But other cryptocurrencies are much, much faster. They also have better security and lower fees.

For example, one of the cryptos in my top 10 list has already proven it can match Visa’s speed with about 65,000 transactions per second.

However, it is theoretically capable of handling transactions up to 700,000 per second – that’s 10 times better than VISA.

So while Bitcoin was the first crypto…

And will likely always remain the #1 store of value…

The growth potential for other cryptocurrencies is WAY higher.

There are nine other cryptocurrencies I want to tell you about in my top 10 list.


These are just a few of the opportunities you’ll discover in my Top 10 report.

You’ll also discover a newer project founded by one of Ethereum’s co-founders … the #1 link between blockchains and “off-chain” technology … the largest decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (and one of Coinbase’s only true remaining competitors) … and more.

Better Than Bitcoin

It’s all inside my special report…

Better Than Bitcoin: The Top 10 Cryptos to Buy for Explosive Gains.

I want to get a copy of this report into your hands IMMEDIATELY.

Imagine if you had gotten in on this market in 2016…

Before Bitcoin soared to $20,000…

And smaller cryptos like Ethereum jumped 87,000%.

Even if you missed out then…

You could’ve gotten into this market in 2020…

Before Solana jumped 50,000%.

My point is…

If you think you missed out…

You haven’t.

You have another chance.

But if you miss out this time, that’s it.

The last two times…

Bitcoin dropped 70% … even 80% … and gave investors a chance to buy in for cheap.


Now that the big money is moving in…

There’s a chance we may never see this opportunity again.

Bitcoin is already back to new all-time highs.

But most of these alt-coins are still cheap.

One of them is emerging as the #1 AI coin and has recently traded for as little as 50 cents.

This is a tiny crypto that is using artificial intelligence to do what Google did for the Internet for the entire cryptocurrency universe.

Some of these other projects are developing a whole new generation of Internet technology…

That will make the Internet more secure…

More powerful…

And faster than ever.

And others are taking on the most important challenge of all – revolutionizing the entire global financial landscape.

It’s been estimated that providing banking services to the world’s poor could unleash $100 trillion in wealth over the next decade.

This is why so many countries have already adopted bitcoin as legal tender…

Including El Salvador, the Central African Republic, the European Union, Canada, Israel, Australia … even the United States.

Several more, including India, Japan, Mexico, Singapore and Saudi Arabia, are also well on their way.

Even many corporations, including Microsoft, Overstock, PayPal, Tesla, and MicroStrategy have either incorporated Bitcoin into their payment systems, or invested in it directly.

If this sounds like a digital revolution in the making…

That’s because it is.

And this is the biggest moment we’ve seen yet.

Now that the world’s governments … large corporations … and biggest money managers have finally made Bitcoin official…

It’s going to make this year crypto’s biggest year yet.

If you missed out before…

This is your final chance.

We will not see a moment like this again.

That’s why I want to get you a copy of Better Than Bitcoin right now so you can get ahold of my top 10 picks right away.

But that’s not all.

If you’ve never invested money like this before…

Then I want to give you unprecedented access to me…

Through my personal research advisory, Altucher’s Investment Network.

Altucher's Investment Network

It’s where I share my best investing ideas every month. We do this for people like you who want access to high-caliber, institutional-level research – without the Wall Street-level fees.

It all started in 2002 when I pitched Jim Cramer 10 ideas he should write for

He liked them so much he told me to write them instead.

So I did.

Then I got invited to write for prestigious publications like The Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Then I wrote several books on investing including Trade Like a Hedge Fund, Trade Like Warren Buffett, and The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth.

James Altucher books

The more I wrote, the more I learned…

And the more I learned, the more I realized that when it comes to finance and investing – most of the “experts” have no idea what they’re talking about.

You see, unlike most of the “pros” out there, I’ve made serious money … lost serious money … and made it all back. I’ve done that a couple of times.

I’ve experienced the highs and the lows.

These other guys are all talk.

They’ve never managed serious money. Never ran a business. Certainly never sold a business for $10 million like I have.

Me? I’ve actually run a $50 million hedge fund. And I’ve personally sold two businesses that I created for 8-figure exits.

And I’ve made millions of dollars in crypto.

So, that’s why I decided to create Altucher’s Investment Network. To give people like you who want investment ideas, with huge upside, from people who actually know what they’re talking about.

Besides me, my team consists of guys who have traded billions of dollars in capital, and consulted for top agencies like Deloitte and PwC.

And we’re all united under a single goal – to provide quality ideas and research at a price anyone can afford.

If I could charge nothing, I would.

We don’t make any profit on Altucher’s Investment Network. And we do that by choice.

One of the principles I’ve learned in life is that if you want something, you have to be willing to give something away for FREE.

That’s why I’m going to tell you how to join risk-free in a moment.

Better Than Bitcoin

When you do, you’ll get a copy of my new Better Than Bitcoin report sent to your email for free.

Just download a Coinbase account … get my report … and if you want, you can be in these investments within the next five to 10 minutes. It’s so easy. If you’ve ever bought a stock through an online brokerage account, it’s just as easy as that.

However, your experience with Altucher’s Investment Network is so much bigger than this one single report.

For starters, you get my Monthly Newsletter. This is the heart of your subscription and membership to Altucher’s Investment Network.

Monthly Newsletter

My team and I cover a range of topics each month, from Bitcoin, to artificial intelligence, to powerful, little-known income-generating investments, even business strategies you can use outside of the stock market.

You’ll also get access to my Model Portfolio of both stock and crypto recommendations. These are the same investments that I would be buying if I was still running a hedge fund, a life I happily gave up years ago to focus on what I love.

Model Portfolio

The great news is, since you can buy these trades on your own, you keep 100% of any profits you make.

Of course, we don’t just hand you these picks and send you on your way. We also send out Weekly Updates to alert you of any big moves inside the portfolio, as well as any news affecting our open positions. We keep track of everything the way a real money manager would.

And whenever an urgent action is needed, we’ll send you Trade Alerts with precise buy and sell instructions. We’ll publish these alerts on our Altucher’s Investment Network’s website, alert you via email, and even send you a text if you’d like.

We do our best to arm you with as much elite intel as possible. That’s why you’ll also get access to Altucher’s Investment Network’s Library of Special Reports. We recently STACKED the archives with several approaches you can take to capitalize on the ongoing boom in AI.

Included reports

This is a huge opportunity with enormous upside in my view.

I’ve been working on AI-related projects since 1987. I was recruited by IBM to work on their “Deep Blue” project before it beat global chess master Garry Kasparov in 1997. When I managed money, I created AI-based algorithms to spot emerging stock market patterns in real time and exploit them before the rest of the market.

And right now, we’re witnessing just the early stages of seeing what AI can really do.

It is going to transform society as much as the discovery of fire or the creation of the wheel.

It will launch a new era of human productivity.

And it will generate fortunes for the right companies who know how to use it.

I’ve put several reports together – yours free – to help you capitalize on this revolution when you accept your risk-free trial subscription to Altucher’s Investment Network today.

They include:

three report covers

As you can see, I’m doing everything I can to stack the deck in your favor, so you can hopefully profit from the biggest investment opportunities appearing on the horizon.

And your timing couldn’t be better.

We have a very brief window of time before I believe this “wealth pattern” sends many, smaller cryptocurrencies to dramatic new heights…

And I believe every opportunity outlined in my Better Than Bitcoin report will perform MUCH better than Bitcoin during this cycle.

I say this as someone who has personally made gains of several thousand percent on my own cryptocurrency investments.

And I’ve showed individual investors like you how to make thousands of percent on theirs.

So, you can ignore this prediction if you’d like.

Just know, I have a long history of making bold predictions like this that have come true.

For example, in 2007, I got laughed off set on CNBC for saying Facebook would be worth north of $100 billion one day. Around that same time, I invested in a company called Buddy Media that helped companies grow their brand awareness on Facebook.

It turned out to be a huge success. In 2012, Salesforce bought Buddy Media for $689 million dollars – and that same year, Facebook went public. Its value? $104 billion. It was the largest tech IPO ever.

That same year, I predicted Apple would become the first $1 trillion company in history. CNBC took my prediction seriously this time and ran an article on it.

headline: After Nailing Facebook, Top Strategist Makes Next Big Prediction

At the time, Apple was worth about $300 billion, and the idea of a $1 trillion business was crazy.

But a few years later, it became the first company in history to achieve that feat.

And today, it’s worth almost $3 trillion.

It’s up almost 1,000% since I first told people to buy it.

Then in 2011, I predicted the Dow would eclipse 20,000 and that the S&P 500 would hit new all-times highs before the bull market was over.

At the time, the Dow was still trading more than 1,000 points off its highs from 2007 and most investors weren’t feeling that bullish.

Of course, the Dow soared past 20,000, then 30,000, and the S&P more than TRIPLED it old highs.

My point is, I know it can be easy to “ignore” sensational claims that you hear online.

But I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a bigger, more obvious investment opportunity in my life.

Bitcoin has ALWAYS seen a massive bull market, every four years whenever this “wealth pattern” appears.

From its 8,361% gain in 2013…

Or its 1,000%+ returns in the last two bull markets.

chart: Bitcoin pattern

And now, the biggest money movers in the world are FINALLY getting on board.

That means this is your LAST chance to get in before the big money.

Once they do, your chance at the best gains will be gone.

I doubt you will ever have another chance to get into Bitcoin as cheap as it is today.

As the world’s biggest investors pile in, Bitcoin will become a mainstream asset for the first time in its history.

And as you’ve seen, it won’t take much to send Bitcoin to $150,000 or more.

And while most investors will be perfectly fine buying Bitcoin for the first time…

You won’t.

Because now, you’ve seen the truth.

Whenever this “wealth pattern” appears…

Other, smaller cryptocurrencies can rise 5x, 10x even 100x faster than Bitcoin alone.

If you want a shot at these kind of returns…

In what I believe will be the last major bull market in crypto…

Then let me help.

Subscribe to a risk-free trial of the Altucher Investment Network today and I’ll send you a copy of Better Than Bitcoin: The Top 10 Cryptos to Buy for Explosive Gains the moment you join.

So, what does all of this cost?

Not nearly as much as you might think.

According to Bloomberg, some investment banks charge up to $1 million for their research per client.

The wealthiest investors are more than happy to pay that in order to stay ahead.

But, I never really liked working for rich people.

I know what it’s like to have an eight-figure net worth.

I also know what it’s like to have $143 in my bank account.

I’ve known what it’s like to live in a multimillion-dollar house…

And own nothing and live out of an Airbnb.

I’ve experienced the highs and lows of investing.

And I know how difficult it is for the average person to get ahead.

That’s the beauty of Altucher’s Investment Network.

With tens of thousands of subscribers all over the globe, I don’t have to charge an arm and a leg.

The published price for a one-year subscription is just $299.

That’s less than $5 per week. But I don’t want you to have to pay anywhere near that price today.

everything included in your subscription

When you join, you’ll get all the benefits I’ve laid out for you today.

Your special report, Better Than Bitcoin: The Top 10 Cryptos to Buy for Explosive Gains

Your monthly newsletter containing my team and I’s best ideas every month…

Weekly updates and trade alerts…

A model portfolio of actionable stock AND crypto recommendations…

Your library of special reports…

And more.

The best part?

It’s written in plain English.

I’d love to share a note I received from one of the renowned investors in the world.

John Mauldin is a NYT bestselling author and the founder of Mauldin Economics.

About my work, John said…

“Altucher describes in easy-to-understand terms the strategies used by the smartest managers in the world –
                      those who
                      are running the hottest hedge funds – to show how they are making money today. And it helps that he writes
                      in a
                      clear and fun style.” - John Mauldin

Stephen Dubner, one of the authors of Freakonomics, another financial bestseller, says…

“James Altucher is scary smart, and also a font of great and original ideas. [His work] is so much fun to
                      read and so
                      devilishly informative. A true keeper.” - Stephen Dubner

But perhaps some of the kindest praise I ever received was from one of my dearest friends and colleagues, Jim Cramer:

“I listen to James, because I know he has the public’s interest at heart.” - Jim Cramer

I try to live up to those words every day.

I can’t promise I’ll always be right.

But I can promise I’ll always give you my best ideas.

I’m one of those people who has gone from having no money … to lots of money … a couple different times in my life.

I’ve sold multiple businesses for millions of dollars.

And I’ve made a ton of money in crypto.

And I believe this is your last chance to do so as well before it becomes mainstream.

A phenomenal opportunity awaits you.

To join Altucher’s Investment Network, click on the button below.

To make this an absolute no brainer for you, I’m doing something a bit radical.

Rather than ask you to pay the full price…

I’m going to send you my BEST price as soon as you click the button.

Rather than pay $299 for a one-year subscription…

You’ll pay just $49.

That’s less than $1 per week.

everything included in your subscription

And it includes everything.

And because I’m so certain that joining Altucher’s Investment Network will be the best decision you ever made…

I’m also making your purchase 100% risk free for the next 60 days.

Take the next two months to look over everything…

Your Better Than Bitcoin special report…

All the AI and monthly reports…

And if you decide that it just isn’t worth it, for whatever reason, I’ll issue a full refund.

You can even keep everything I sent you.

That’s how confident I am that you’ll love Altucher’s Investment Network.

I don’t know of anyone else that would make this bold of a guarantee.

But I’m doing it now – because I want to remove any doubt from your mind that this is the best financial decision you can make right now.

You’ll love it here. It’s one of the best communities on earth.

You’ll have fun. You’ll learn a lot. And hopefully – you’ll make lots of money.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never bought Bitcoin before in your life.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never invested in anything before personally.

Anyone can take advantage of this incredible wealth-building moment.

But if you’re still confused by some of these terms…

Like “DeFi” and “Web3” and all this other jargon…

Or if you’re still not really sure what a “Blockchain” is…

Then there’s one final bonus that I want to send you, completely free.

It’s called…

The Big Book of Crypto.

The Big Book of Crypto

It spells all of this stuff out in plain English, and most of the chapters are just a few pages longer. It’s easy to read and also provides plenty of useful tips including:

Just remember…

This is most likely the FINAL major bull market we’ll ever see in Bitcoin. Now that Bitcoin is officially a mainstream asset, with the world’s largest investors FINALLY able to buy in, we will likely never see an opportunity like this again.

Click the “SUBSCRIBE NOW” button to get started.


My hope is that, in one or two years, you’ll write me saying that this message today marked a huge turning point in your life.

And once you’re on the inside, you’ll get everything we’ve talked about here today…


Just remember – time is ticking, and your chance to get in on this epic bull market is coming to an end.

Make the smart choice and join me and my community of readers right now.

I’m James Altucher. Thank you for spending time with me today, and I look forward to welcoming you as the newest member of Altucher’s Investment Network.

See you inside…

James Altucher's signature

James Altucher
March 2024